Though the term, counter racist, (as far as, I know) had not been created yet, Dr.King was a counter racist. Fighting racism was what he was all about. It appears that he made it his everyday mission, to eliminate racism. Every thought, speech and / or action of his, appears to have been dedicated to that purpose.
It is important that you understand that he was assassinated, before his work was completed. It is VERY IMPORTANT for you to understand that the REASON for his murder, was to silence his thoughts, speech, and actions toward eliminating the system of white supremacy. It is down right NECESSARY for you to understand that his enemies, won the battle that he fought against them, BECAUSE THEY KILLED HIM. It is his enemy that continues to push his "I have a dream" speech. Dr.King made very many speeches and yet the only one, in fact, the only words, of THAT speech, that most people know is "I have a dream". You know why? because it doesn't make you take action. It makes you dream. And they talk about it so much that, people think that everything is fine now. King made many powerful speeches. Here is the one that I believe got him killed. Pushing that one speech as though it was his only and /or best speech, has done a great discredit to Dr.King and what he stood for. check his other speeches out at the King center.
It is important that you understand that he was assassinated, before his work was completed. It is VERY IMPORTANT for you to understand that the REASON for his murder, was to silence his thoughts, speech, and actions toward eliminating the system of white supremacy. It is down right NECESSARY for you to understand that his enemies, won the battle that he fought against them, BECAUSE THEY KILLED HIM. It is his enemy that continues to push his "I have a dream" speech. Dr.King made very many speeches and yet the only one, in fact, the only words, of THAT speech, that most people know is "I have a dream". You know why? because it doesn't make you take action. It makes you dream. And they talk about it so much that, people think that everything is fine now. King made many powerful speeches. Here is the one that I believe got him killed. Pushing that one speech as though it was his only and /or best speech, has done a great discredit to Dr.King and what he stood for. check his other speeches out at the King center.
I remember having my 15th birthday at the King center in Atlanta. Around the corner from there was his house. It was the same house he was born in. I remember thinking what it must have felt like to stay in the same house from birth until death, like he did. The main thing that stuck in my mind was his office. I remember seeing his desk and books, it reminded me of the books we had at my house (at that time). Each room was roped off. I thought that maybe one day people would visit my home after I had died. As though it were a museum.
Anyway, at the King Center's website they have information on his assassination. Did you know that in 1999 his family won a wrongful death lawsuit against a man that admitted to being apart of a conspiracy to kill Dr.King? check it out and then go to the FBI's website and checkout their investigation of his murder. It's interesting stuff. Reading the trial transcripts and the FBI papers on Dr.King can help you get an accurate picture of what happend.
Please go to the KING CENTER and learn more about Dr.King.