Counter Racism Now! Campaigns

Sunday, September 04, 2011

How to deal with "White" people. PART 1

The first thing that you want to do is admit the truth to yourself (if you are a "non-white" person), which is, that you are a Victim of Racism in system of Racism / White Supremacy and because of that fact, you are less than one percent as smart as you thought you were.

I know that this position is going to take some getting used to.

Many of you are saying "Oh hell naw, SynQ, if I say that, I'm saying that I am stupid, and I aint stupid."

"I'm too proud of who I am, and who we are, to say that we are victims, SynQ."

"Man, our people built the pyramids. SynQ, we come from kings and queens."

I estimate that for the last 50 or so years, we've been blasted with what has been called "positive thinking". I prefer to use the lesser used term, called the "see and be" technique, because it eliminates confusion.

See the catchy part in this term is the word positive. Because of that word this phrase took off like a wildfire. Especially, amongst "non-white" people. Within this period, a lot of "White" people were openly truthful about the existence of this system, and the ones (they called themselves "White liberals") who appeared to be helping us deal with it, were saying that this system, made us as individuals, have a "low self-esteem".

According to them, having a "low self-esteem", meant that we were too afraid and / or mentally weak to set any goals or pursue any goals if we had any.

I suspect that some of these "White liberals" ran with the idea that we needed to FEEL GOOD about ourselves, because of the accomplishments of others who had the same skin color.

They came up with these "firsts". You know the kind of thing, I'm talking about?

"Hank Aaron was the first black this........Joe Lewis was the first black that."

Their idea in my opinion was to make us more comfortable with the affects of the system. You and I are supposed to FEEL PROUD of ourselves, because of the works of another "black" person. Well, that's a slap in the face, as far as I am concerned.

The same can be said for our history. True, that knowing the history is important. Those who don't know the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. That is all that you need to know history for.

Okay, I digressed BIG TIME. Well sort of.

The next thing that you want to do is see the "white" person as a Racist Suspect. This is because under the system of Racism (White Supremacy), we've been conditioned through White Supremacist Propaganda to see most "white" people as "innocent" and "trustworthy", merely because they are "White".  No? How many "White" people are there around you, whom you believe will steal from you?  It probably doesn't cross your mind because the propaganda has you thinking that most "white" people have too much money to steal from a "non-white" person. The same can be said for selling or using dope, pimping, killing, lying, etc. Sure there are "white" people doing these things, but is it the first image that comes to your mind when you imagine some one doing them? By no means am I saying that you should see all "white" people as Racists, because not all "white" people are Racists. The only way that you should see one as a Racist is if they admit that they are one, or if another "white" person says that another "white" person is one. Even then you should never call one a Racist (unless they give you permission to), because that would be name calling. It is counter productive to be discourteous to anyone. It is better to just avoid contact. The main point here is that many "white" people who are Racists will not tell you.

The third thing that you want to do is be prepared. That means that you should read up on and / or research whatever subject you intend to deal with them on.
CAUTION: This is not to show them how much you've learned or how much you know on the subject. This is so that your questions can be more precise in order to not give the "white" person any "wiggle room", with their answers. For example- if you are relying on a "white" person to sell you a car, you should learn as much as you can about the process of buying a car, before you go to the dealership. When I used to sell cars it was widely known amongst the employees of the dealership, that "black" people lacked knowledge in negotiation, finance, and about the cars that they were buying (especially if it is a used car). There were "white" car sales people who were known to not deal with anyone except "black" people, because they knew that they'd make a lot of money off of their lack of knowledge. The real deception was that their victims, thought that these sales people were dealing with them, because they cared about "black" people.

The fourth thing that you do, is ask the "white" person to speak slowly and use simple words as though they are speaking to (you like) a third grader. Some of you may find this insulting, however, in most cases we get victimized by White Supremacy, because we are lead to THINK that we are smart when we really aren't. The reason for talking like you are a third grader, is because listening to the ENGLISH language can get very complicated and confusing real quick. If you misunderstand the meaning of just one word in a sentence, you could be thrown off from the point that they were making. Once that happens confusion can set in at a time when you think you understand what is being said, and you wont even know that you are confused.

The fifth thing is to pay close attention to what is being said. In fact, it would be better if you had some kind of recording device. Many people talk extremely fast, even after you've asked them to speak slowly.

The sixth thing is to make no assumptions (during the conversation) about what is being said or done. Ask questions. Ask a whole lot of questions. This actually puts you in control of the situation, because you are learning about the thinking process of the person that you are asking the questions of. If you are paying close attention to what is being said then you can tell whether that person is telling you the truth or using deception. It is not a full proof way, because if a person knows in advance what kind of questions you're going to ask, they may be prepared to give you the answers that will make them sound like they're telling the truth. However, asking questions in most cases puts you in the "drivers seat". It's like your the prosecutor and they're on the stand or your the interviewer and they're the interviewee.

I hope that this is constructive.


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