Counter Racism Now! Campaigns

Sunday, February 04, 2018

I Suspect That Mercedes Shaday Smith Is The Victim in The Lynching Video

"If this had been done to an African-American by four whites, every liberal in the country would be outraged, and there'd be no question but that it's a hate crime."  -Newt Gingrich, a Racist suspect and former speaker of the United States House of Representatives
The above words were said in regards to what has become known as the 2017 Chicago Torture Incident. Well now what we have now in fact is a video of at least three (two on camera and one holding it) ku klukers lynching a "Black" female and not one "liberal" has said a got damn thing. Not one! We don't have any "conservatives" saying anything either.
Mercedes Shaday Smith

Well here it is now a year since the torture incident and the lynching video came out in April 2017.  We know that she is not Traczy Kush. We know it's porn.We know its not fake. So who is she?

I suspect that she is Mercedes Shaday Smith. Google her and you will find her story as a "suicide" but they will not tell you how she committed it anywhere on the net. First reports say that she was found unresponsive and second reports (including her boyfriend) say that she killed herself.

I do not know what her hair color was at the time of death but she appears to like coloring her hair red and she has slim body build the same as the lynch victim. If it was red it could be her. They look like the same person to me.

Mercedes was found dead on 4/20/17 which is also Adolf Hitler's birthday. Some Race Soldiers have been known to commit violent acts on his birthday.  She was found dead in Kentucky. According to reports this state has several active openly Racist (White Supremacist) groups. Kentucky has a long history of mistreating "Black" people. The state was apart of the Confederacy.

I obtained her death certificate and it shows that she died by hanging. She allegedly hanged herself from her bunk bed with a scarf. What if the same people who went to extreme lengths to cover the lynching video as "fake", also made her death look like a "suicide"?   



  1. I really appreciate your work, but I believe the suicide happened much later. Please keep digging and keep us posted.

    1. I have her death certificate. It happened on the date that I said it did 4/20/17

    2. Thanks too by the way.If you spread the news of this article and video maybe we can get someones attention enough to use their power to give us more details. I am all open for suggestions.

  2. I missed this but thanks for sharing her story. 😢

  3. Lies she died of an overdose

  4. Why put out fake news about this young lady? It's absolutely appalling that you would use the tragedy Mercedes family endured,just to bring light to your cause.Im a family friend,and I'm aware of every detail of her story. She overdosed on medication she took for depression. It was suicide, not a lynching!

    1. I obtained her death certificate and it says she died by asphyxiation- as·phyx·i·a·tion/əsˌfiksēˈāSH(ə)n/
      "the state or process of being deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death; suffocation." It does not mention anything about a drug overdose. The CDC states that a medical examiner must put the following on a death certificate when they person dies of a drug overdose

      "When completing Part I for drug toxicity deaths:
      ■ Include the name(s) of the specific drug(s) that have been
      determined to have caused the drug toxicity death, if the
      specific drug(s) are known.
      ■ Report the drug on the same line (i.e., line a., b., c., or d.) as
      the term used to describe the cause of death (e.g., toxicity,

    2. I AM NOT SAYING THAT IT IS HER. I said it could be her. There is a big difference.


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