I, Khalif Muhammad,Ph.d , aka Syn-Q", the writer of this blog, am, like billions of others, a Victim of, and a servant to Racism (White Supremacy) in all areas of people activity. My Ultimate Objective is to use my experiences, and observations, about what Racism (White Supremacy) is and How it works, to promote the use of The United Independent Compensatory Code by Neely Fuller as motivation for other Victims towards the elimination of Racism.
Saturday, July 06, 2019
The Tragedy Of The "Black" Male (written sometime back in 2015)
Many of you aren't going to like what I am saying here, because the White Supremacists have used centuries of propaganda to discredit the "Black" male and conditioned your minds to believe that anytime someone points out any incorrect behavior coming from the "Black" female towards him, that she's always justified in doing so, because he had to have done something to her to deserve it.
This is not to bring any disrespect to the "Black" female. The "Black" female is just as much a Victim Of Racism as the "Black" male, yet she has the advantage in that she is a female. The system teaches most females to be smarter than the "Black" male. The "Black" queen is the second most powerful piece on the chess board, behind the most powerful "White" queen. What makes the "White" woman and the "Black" female more powerful? Their use of words. The "White" woman is a master at using words.
Not to take away any focus on the "Black" female being mistreated on the basis of color, we must see the reality that we spend too much time trying to cater to the "Black" female and don't give any attention to the "Black" male, when it comes to how we ("Black" folks) treat each other.
I suspect that the Racists (White Supremacists) started mis-educating the "Black" male earlier, than they do the "Black" female.
I am a "Black" male and I need attention too. I'm tired of putting her first, when she does not put me first. We are supposed to put each other first. People are always talking about sexism, when it comes to the mistreatment of the "Black" female, but, never about the male. Many of you are going to say that I am whining and that I need "to be a man" and "step up to the plate" and stop complaining. Why does the "Black" female get to complain about what the "Black" male isn't doing, but, I can't? Is that Justice? I am surrounded by "Black" females. I've attempted marriage two times with "Black" females and I am still in the second one (at the time of this writing, I have since separated/divorced her). I have two female offspring that I've attempted to be a father to. I have my "mother" whom I believe has done the best that she could do to be a mother to me in all areas, except one. She has never crossed over the line of "sisterhood" that I've seen "Black" females have with each other when it comes to teaching a "Black" male how to deal with them, until today.
Racist Propaganda tells the "Black" male that in order to consider himself a "Man", he must do work with his hands (roughneck / thug), instead of working with his mind ( nerd/ bougie/ uppity).
After, years of watching me get mistreated by the two "Black" females mentioned above, my "mom" finally admitted to the fact that she used her mouth against my "father" the majority of their attempted marriage. They argued so much that at age 7, I swore that I'd never get married. Yeah right, I really kept that promise.
The White Supremacists have taught huge numbers of "Black" males to use violence against other "Black" people, when they can no longer use words to defend themselves.
The White Supremacists have taught huge numbers of "Black" females to use words, instead. But more and more I am seeing "Black" females get physical. I was physically abused by this last one whom I was "married" to for 15 years. She would slap me, kick me, rip my clothes, knock things from my hands, all though while I am following the programming that says "Don't hit females." She took advantage of that numerous occasions.
They all do (indirectly most of the time) whatever they can to make my existence here, miserable, all the while I've done whatever they've asked me (within my ability) to do. Whenever she needs help, everyone (including me) comes to her aid. But, most of the time everyone looks at me as though they had to do my job with helping her because I fell short. When the "Black" male needs help, most people say "He's a man, he can help himself."
Because I am seen as a so-called "Man", I am supposed to automatically know how to do everything that the "White" man has the ability to do, but not get the respect that comes with it, because I lack the Racial Classification of "White". No one trusts what I say. I am required to go through extremes to prove what I've experienced. Most situations are like I am a criminal in a court of appeal, seen as guilty, while trying to prove my innocence.
No one sees that I possess both emotion and reason. When I state to her that she's mistreating me, I am too sensitive. If I'm feeling stressed because of it, but don't want to reveal the truth to her, for fear of being accused of being too sensitive, I am accused of not revealing my feelings, which is not sensitive enough. I am viewed as someone who is violent (especially towards females), angry (especially towards females), lies, cheats, and steals to get ahead, only because other "Black" males have done this, and so any kind of business that I conduct is viewed as though it will lead to one of those things.
If I own a weapon (knife or gun), many "Black" females hint that my owning a weapon is going to lead to violence against them, even though I've never used any violence against them. My first so-called wife, actually told people that I was going to kill her, after she watched O.J. get arrested on T.V. That was crazy. I gave her no indication that I would do such a thing. She lied to people that I had been to jail, and that she had to put up her house to bail me out. She told people that I would beat her constantly. She told people that I had cheated on her. She told people that she had to support me and our offspring. They believed her, without ever knowing me. Why? Because these are things that "Black" males are perceived to be doing.
Especially in the minds of huge numbers of "Black" females, who think that a "Black" male has to be "trained" by them, in order for him to behave in a correct manner.
When I discovered that she was having sexual intercourse with other "Black" males, during our "marriage" and I told some other people about it, I was to blame for it no matter what.
Many "Black" males told me that I wasn't "hitting it right", meaning that I was not fulfilling her sexual needs.
Many "Black" females told me that I wasn't "treating her right" meaning that I was not fulfilling her emotional needs.
Some "Black" males and females that knew her, tried to help me deal with her mistreatment, without letting her know that they were.
One "Black" female actually talked to her about her incorrect behavior towards me. One! It should have been all of the "Black" females that knew what she was doing, but they remained silent.
When I was active in the Nation of Islam, we (F.O.I.) aka "Black" males wouldn't hesitate to put pressure on other brothers (to the point of whooping their ass, when necessary) if they mistreated the (M.G.T.) aka "Black" female. Some of the M.G.T. did pressure a sister to "act right", sometimes, but, it wasn't enough, they didn't beat no ass.
Too many times I've allowed myself to be a garbage pale for the verbal and physical abuse that I've suffered from the "Black" female, and never laid one hand on her. The "Black" male holds in all of that stress with no way to release it, and it turns into disease. STRESS KILLS. And it kills "Black" males far more rapidly than it does the "Black" female. Why? she gets more help with dealing with her stress than the "Black" male does.
If the "Black" male and female get into a conflict with words? Who will win? If you said the "Black" male. Then stop reading here.
I have since been divorced from the second "marriage" which was worse than the first one. She was verbally and physically abusive waaay more than the first. Huge numbers of "Black" males go through this kind of abuse and yet remain silent because of the embarrassment factor of revealing how "they let a female dominate them". But the main problem with that is that most of us are suffering through it and the more we remain silent about it the worse it will get.
For my lack of knowing what to do, when verbally and physically abused, my only alternative was to walk away but she would follow me or block the door to where I'd be forced to listen to her abusive words and my only defense was to respond with verbal abuse as well. Throwing my hands up in frustration and feeling like I am about to explode is where it could take me so I got to the point to where I would just tune her out with the hopes that one day she'd see that we are in this war together and that its US against the system of white supremacy.
But she never did accept that idea. While in a custody dispute over my son, she attempted to get full custody by telling the court that I was crazy because I made videos on YouTube about White Supremacy. You could hear the laughter and snickering in the minds of almost everyone in the courthouse only noticeable by a smile and head shaking from the judges bench to the edges of the courtroom. Oops I digressed.
While still in the "marriage", I attempted to handle the abusive situations with compensatory conversation control, which is to not respond to statements and only ask questions. That worked briefly but the emotions were too overwhelming for me. I couldn't help but respond back with verbal abuse in my defense. I see where I made my mistakes. I have absolutely nothing against the "Black" female and everything against her behavior that is characteristically pointed out in The Black Man's Guide To Understanding The Black Woman by Shahrazad Ali.
"Sometimes the Black man grows to respond to everything she says in a harsh rebuttal tone. He becomes accustomed to the rough talk and uses it as frequently as she. This is wrong. It only convinces the Black woman that he can't handle her so he has joined her. She will drag him under the earth if he allows it. When a Black man falls for a Black woman and begins to demonstrate that he loves her more than he loves himself, she recognizes this as a ripe stage for her to really let it rip. The more he professes his love the worse she will treat him. The more he tries to give her the more she will demand." The more he tries to please her the more critical she is of his efforts."
Those words described both of my "marriages" to "Black" females and the relationships that I had with others whom I didn't get the "White" man's permission ("marriage" license) to "marry".
Growing up in the bay area (born 1968 in Oakland, raised in Richmond) during the Black Power movement and having been surrounded by people who taught me from day one to respect and protect the Black woman. Having been taught to love her and cherish her. Be nice and courteous to her with the belief that we had a war to fight with the system and not each other was a huge surprise when I met these two females who deceived me into believing that they too had grown up apart of this same movement. I no longer believe that "marriage" is possible while under the system of white supremacy. I no longer believe that there is such a thing as "Romantic love" while under the system of white supremacy. The root word to "Romance" is "Roman" which shows you were this type of belief comes from. More on that another time.
I have heard huge numbers of females say "I want a man who can handle me." What since does that make?
Are you some out of control beast? That needs to be whooped into submission? How about an independent free spirited person that needs to be abused until you submit?
Sounds like a master/ slave relationship to me.
What person in their correct mind would want to spend time trying to "handle" someone else?
What person who wants themselves and their people to be FREE wants to dominate their female companion into being "handled"?
If you THINK you need to be "handled" what does that say about your mental state?
I understand now that "handling" means to not tolerate your mistreatment but its backwards because now if you mistreat me from the start you lose because you only get that one chance. I heard Mr. Fuller say that if anyone hits you, you need to get away from them, and stay away from them. I now agree with that. And so more power to those of you who have had the self respect to do the same.
I have now learned to let go of the subservient abusive sponge I allowed myself to be because I felt sympathy for the "Black" female. It's time that I feel sympathy for my self and empathize with my own consciousness and protect it at all cost from outsiders until the system of white supremacy is replaced with justice.
As much as I want to trust her, I see that I cannot.
Call me bitter because I have given far too much sweet and got bitterness in return.
LOL!! I am not bitter, I have only found self respect. But far too many who don't know the difference will call me bitter.
My self-respect has caused me to believe I must have a set of rules, regulations, limitations, and boundary lines.
A code that I must have whenever dealing with "Non-white" females in a system of white supremacy.
I think I will start by following the suggestions in the United Independent Compensatory Code in the area of sex just to see what happens.
My reaction to N’COBRA to #ADOS and to Those Responding to #ADOS
I had to set the link up like this because YouTube doesn't recognize NCOBRA as an "associated site", whatever the hell that means.... anyway click on the link below and it will take you to them. But since you're he why not take a look at some of my past posts? Don't be too afraid the incorrect government won't be sending anyone to your door.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
An Interview with Stanley Tookie Williams (Reposted from counterpunch.org)
NOVEMBER 29, 2005
An Interview with Stanley Tookie Williams
Stanley Tookie Williams, co-founder of the Crips street gang in Los Angeles over 30 years ago, is facing execution on December 13. Over the past 12 years, Williams has publicly apologized for his past, written a series of award-winning children’s books to keep kids out of gangs, initiated a Peace Protocol that has led to gang truces in cities such as Newark, New Jersey, and been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. (For more details see “Saving Tookie Williams“.)
On November 25, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that he will hold a hearing on December 8 to consider clemency for Williams. Earlier that day I spoke to Williams by telephone.
SOME PROSECUTORS, police and prison officials have been trying to discredit you by saying that you are still an active gang member. What’s your response?
IT’S QUITE a spurious allegation that these people are putting out. The fact of the matter is that I have a report from the San Quentin Institutional Classification Committee from 2004, which quotes a lieutenant saying that he hadn’t observed anything that was gang-related about me for the past 10 years. It also commended me for 10 years of a positive program.
So it’s quite contradictory for a San Quentin spokesperson-or anyone else, for that matter-to state that I’m still involved in gang activity, when that same person’s superiors say I’ve been programming positively for over 10 years.
SOME OF the same people say that if you were serious about opposing gang violence, you would allow the authorities to “debrief” you on what you know about the Crips. Do you have any inside information that could be used to weaken the Crips or other gangs, and why have you refused to be debriefed?
THE FACT of the matter is that “debriefing” is a euphemism for snitching-telling on people. In my redemptive transition, I vowed to myself not to participate in any kind of violence, or anything that would harm other people, and for me to tell on another person is, in my opinion, harming another individual.
But first and foremost, I have no information.
Secondly, there’s another contradiction with these individuals who continuously promote this claim about me. As it stands, the Departmental Operations Manual clearly states that the only gangs or individuals who will be debriefed are prison gangs. The Crips and the Bloods are not considered prison gangs. Prison gangs are those that were formed and created in the prison.
If I were a gang member, and if there was any iota of data that showed this, I would never have left the hole. I was in there in solitary confinement for close to seven years. And if debriefing was necessary-if it was legal for a street gang-then they would have done that to me then.
THE MEDIA has made much of the fact that you have never apologized to the murder victims’ families in your case-you’ve said that you would rather die than lie about something you didn’t do. Do you have anything you would like to say to the victims’ families?
IF I had the opportunity to talk to talk to any victims’ family members, I would say that I can empathize and I sympathize with their loss of a loved one. I would say the same thing to anyone who has lost a loved one.
However, in regards to me apologizing, it would be wrong of me to apologize for something I didn’t do. I didn’t commit those crimes. I’ve been averring my innocence since day one, and it is the truth. So I cannot apologize for something I didn’t do.
It would be wrong of me. It would be a coward’s act. I would be craven to proclaim guilt for something I didn’t do. And that’s why I say that I’d rather just go on and die than to lie about something that is so untrue.
WHAT MADE you decide to redirect your life and dedicate yourself to helping kids?
I’VE LIVED a pathetic life, and I believe it was education that helped me to change. It was through education that I was able to create common sense and use reasoning. And it was through this that I developed a conscience that led to my redemption.
This is something I feel I was obligated to do as a man, period-to do something that would help youth out there. I feel obligated to try to convince them that the life that they wanted to live or are thinking about living-the so-called thug life, or the gang life, or the criminal life, or the drug life-will ruin their lives forever. I was motivated to do something in my small way-to make a contribution.
SOME PEOPLE out there want to blame you as an individual for pretty much all the gang violence that exists. What do you think are the underlying causes that result in gangs and street crime and violence?
FIRST AND foremost, it’s an impossibility to blame one person for the ills of society. That’s just like Black people trying to blame one white person for slavery and what followed. That would be ridiculous.
But I believe the center of the problem is self-hate, which is a very destructive mechanism that people pick up, because of the conditions not only of society but the morbid mindset of how they look at things.
I believe that this is the motivating factor of gangs. It was to me. That’s why I had no qualms about initiating aggression toward people who looked like me-in other words, toward Black folks. It was a sense of trying to erase or obliterate that which reminded me of myself, in the negative.
WHERE DO you think that self-hate comes from?
IT COMES from conditioning. And when I say conditioning, we’re talking about conditioning that’s propagated not only on television and on the radio, but through encounters with the police department, with people in economic positions and in almost any institution-the prisons, the juvenile halls, the police stations, the youth authorities, etc.
There’s an inveterate form of racialism that exists, and it perpetuates a negative stereotype. These things are out there.
As a youngster growing up, I had the unenviable experience of digesting the most negative stereotypes about Black folks being illiterate, being criminals, being violent, being promiscuous, being indolent, etc. When you’re spoon-fed these things on an incessant basis, you eventually morph into those negative stereotypes, unwittingly. That’s what happened to me. I became the stereotypes that I was spoon-fed.
As far as amending the problems, I believe that education is the key. I know I consistently talk about this, but I believe it, because it’s what woke me up. It was my form of an awakening-though over a period of time, because I’ve never had an epiphany or anything like that. I had to undergo years of battling my demons.
What I did was I picked up parts of the most negative aspects of society, and I built my character, I built my persona. And I became what I built-a monster. That became my identity.
WHAT ACHIEVEMENT in your life are you most proud of?
MY REDEMPTIVE transition-being able to alter myself from one extreme to the other.
If you would have told me 15 years ago that I was going to change my life, that I would write children’s books, that I would be helping thousands upon thousands of children, that I would eventually be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and that they would eventually make a movie about me, I would have looked at you as if you had lost your mind.
The reason is because, being a Crip, so-called “cripping” was all that I knew. I felt that would be what I would do for the rest of my life. It was all I knew. I felt that was my reason to exist.
So quite naturally, I thought that was how I would die. I would live until a bullet to the back of the brain, or what have you. I never expected to do anything else, because that was my raison d’etre. There was nothing that could penetrate that armor of the gang life at that time.
That’s what I thought-until, to my amazement, something did. What happened was that I was slowly but surely becoming human.
MANY OF the people who are campaigning around your case are opposed to the death penalty in general and are fighting to end it. I wonder if there’s anything you’d like to say to the anti-death penalty movement in this country?
I’M VERY grateful that they exist, for one thing-because as you and I both know, there wasn’t any type of anti-anything for many years.
I’m very grateful that there are people out there who possess the goodness to be willing to help save the lives of many of us they don’t even know. They know nothing about our backgrounds, but yet they know that killing is wrong, and that the death penalty isn’t a deterrent, and it’s not solving any problems.
Throughout this nation, the death penalty population and the overall population within prisons are getting larger and larger. If there were a deterrent effect, then prisons would be empty. We’re talking about over 600 on death row in California alone. If a person can deduce from this that the death penalty is working, then something is wrong with their reasoning.
But the death penalty has become a pawn that politicians use all the time. You have politicians who didn’t used to be supporters of the death penalty, but once they get into the political arena, they alter their position. They become proponents of the death penalty, because that is the zeitgeist of the moment-the politically correct way to be.
Some people can do it. I couldn’t do it. What they’re doing is what many people expect me to do in regards to apologizing for crimes I didn’t commit-just to save my life. Of course I want to live, but not by having to lie.
A longer version of this interview will appear on Socialist Worker Online. To support clemency for Stan, visit http://www.savetookie.org. Educators can sign the “Educators for Tookie” letter at http://www.nodeathpenalty.org/EducatorsTookie.html.
PHIL GASPER is Professor of Philosophy at Notre Dame de Namur University in California and a member of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty. He has nominated Stanley Williams for the Nobel Peace Prize four times. He can be reached at pgasper@ndnu.edu.
Dr.SYNQ: Lisa Calderon Assaulted By Toranto Old Navy Employee Is Going To Get Paid!!!
click highlight for video
Dr.SYNQ: Lisa Calderon Assaulted By Toranto Old Navy Employee Is Going To Get Paid!!!
Lisa Calderon, of Mississauga, Ontario, correctly uses her cell phone to record her being victimized by white supremacy ( assaulted by an Old Navy staff member) who accused her of stealing a 13 dollar shirt from the store.
Dr.SYNQ: Lisa Calderon Assaulted By Toranto Old Navy Employee Is Going To Get Paid!!!
Lisa Calderon, of Mississauga, Ontario, correctly uses her cell phone to record her being victimized by white supremacy ( assaulted by an Old Navy staff member) who accused her of stealing a 13 dollar shirt from the store.
Calderon voiced her emotions in a Facebook post stating how
“uncomfortable” she was while being at the Toronto store.
“When I was at Brown’s [shoe store] looking for shoes, a
staff by the name of Stephanie said she seen that I did not walk into the store
with my top on, and they saw it on camera, and that I still had the price tag
on it,”
“She then proceeded
to put her hands on me in front of security guard Quesada 10830909.”
Calderon recorded the incident which shows “Stephanie”, the
old navy racist suspect grabbing her by the arm and refusing to let go, despite
Calderon’s repeated demands to let go.
“If she doesn’t let go of me I’m going to press charges!”
she shouts. “Stephanie, I’m going to press charges against you. Let go of my
“Ma’am, why are you shaking? Are you nervous?” “Stephanie”
asks sarcastically.
“Stephanie” told Calderon that store cameras recorded her walking
in wearing a different shirt than the one she walked out with.
Working 30 plus years in the security field I can say
without a doubt that Old Navy has a lawsuit coming or will be making a
settlement because “Stephanie” clearly broke the law. This would be a misdemeanor
assault in California. You cannot grab a person for what YOU THINK THEY DID
unless it was a felony and you must make a citizens arrest to put your hands on
them and in this case it would have made things worst for “Stephanie” whom I
immediately knew would lose her job as soon as I saw the video.
Calderon said on FB “Guys I cried cause I never thought in a
million years this would happen to me,”
“I would’ve been more calm and understanding if she didn’t
accuse me first. I would’ve been happy to show my receipt, especially because I
voiced my racial profile complaint to the employee before I left the store.
This needs to stop, Stephanie had no Right to aggressively lay her hands on me
and accuse me of stealing a $13 dollar top.”
Dr.Francis Cress Welsing Was Killed By Gentrification
Dr Francis Cress Welsing
Washington DC Board Of Zoning Adjustment
Jewish Primary Day School (JPDS) of Washington DC changed name to Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School Of The Nation’s Capital
Washington DC at Welsing’s house and JPDS playground
This process started in 2006 and ended with Dr Welsing's death in 2016
attempted gentrification and killed Dr Francis Cress Welsing through the proliferation of noise
Resulted in Dr Welsing’s death on January 2nd 2016
Dr. Francis Cress Welsing was a “Black” female Medical Doctor.
A psychiatrist. After learning the United Independent Compensatory Code (U.I.C.C.S.C.) from its founder, Neely Fuller Jr. She proclaimed that she and all other people classified as “Non-white” were in fact Victims of Racism (White Supremacy).
Best known for her lectures on Racism (White Supremacy) and her book The Isis Papers. She was born Frances Luella Cress in Chicago, Illinois, on March 18, 1935. She was a third-generation physician, starting with her grandfather, her father, and then herself, after receiving her medical degree (M.D.) in psychiatry at Howard University in 1962.
Her mother was a schoolteacher. During her fellowship at Howard in 1967 she received an inner calling to go to what she referred to as a “Black Power Committee meeting
After having many meetings with Neely Fuller, she decided that as a psychiatrist she needed to know why Racism (White Supremacy) was a system. Her hypothesis to that “why” is the Cress Theory Of Color Confrontation which she published in
The Isis Papers. Essentially her theory says that Racism (White Supremacy) is a survival mechanism put in place to prevent what she referred to as White Genetic Annihilation.
Which means removing “White” people from the planet through sexual intercourse with “non-white” people.
“Her theory can be supported by the mantra of the unsophisticated Racists (White Supremacists) aka The White Nationalists and or others who rally for the survival of the so-called “White” Race.”
Dr. Welsing died on Saturday January 2, 2016.
Gentrification killed Dr. Francis Cress-Welsing and I can prove it based on her own reports plus additional evidence.
I define Gentrification as the unjust removal of one or more “Non-white” people from their habitat in order to make space for one or more “White” people.
BZA case 18400 (regarding Dr Welsing)
Saturday, June 08, 2019
On Dr Francis Cress Welsing
Dr. Francis Cress Welsing was a “Black” female Medical Doctor. A psychiatrist
to be specific. After learning the United Independent Compensatory Code (U.I.C.C.S.C.)
from its founder, Neely Fuller Jr. She proclaimed that she and all other people
classified as “Non-white” were in fact Victims of Racism (White Supremacy).
Dr. Welsing said:
understood that racism contained the seeds to the origin of counter-racism, the
behavior dynamic of liberation for the non-white victims of white supremacy”
“His work led me
to question the necessity of the global white collective to evolve such a
system of unjust behavior. The result was The Cress Theory of Color
Dedicating her existence towards countering racism she said that she
was the only psychiatrist in the world who had done the kind of work she has
done in her fight against Racism/ White Supremacy for over 40 years. She wrote
several papers on the subject stating what its victims should do about it.
In 1991 she compiled her papers into one book called The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors.
Her work has
influenced many and was mentioned in some popular movies. Boomerang and baby boy.
In her last speech given in Sacramento CA she called it her assignment.
She spoke just an hour drive away from me.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find out
that she was there until a day or two after.
I was sorely disappointed because I wanted to meet her and exchange
constructive information about countering racism. No one to date has gained
notoriety in countering racism on the level that she has, not even Mr. Fuller.
And his concept is why she wrote her book, did lectures, and interviews.
Some have referred to her as one of our “leaders”. I saw no evidence
of her calling herself a “leader”.
I know that she was against anyone deeming her as such because she
practiced the U.I.C.C.S.C.
It is in my opinion that she was a signal to those
have resolved to end this great travesty and bring justice, then peace to
planet Earth” (unquote), as stated in her work THE ISIS PAPERS: The Keys to the Colors.
She was a signal
because she pointed out observations that can help us get a better
understanding of what Racism (White Supremacy) is and how it works. That must
be the assignment of the majority of us who are dedicated towards replacing
white supremacy with justice.
Dr. Welsing said “Black
people in the US must dissect and analyze [Racism/White Supremacy] to the core.
With this knowledge (produced in her book), black people can take the necessary
steps to eliminate the problem.”
My assignment is to motivate you to honor her by studying her work and
laboring to implement solutions that will eliminate the injustices of this
You should labor to make more works, based on the united-independent
concept. You will honor her by making your own work produced from dissecting
and analyzing [Racism/White Supremacy] “to the core.”
It is my theory that if we have at least eight million victims of white
supremacy doing this in the so-called United States that we can Ultimately, end Racism (White Supremacy) in
this world by replacing it with
Justice. This in not a joke. We need eight million “Black” people to think,
speak, and/or act in countering racism until it is replaced with justice.
Do yourself a big favor and buy this book to help you learn more about what Racism (White Supremacy) is and how it works by getting Dr Welsing's book! She spent 49 years trying to wake other victims of white supremacy up to the system of white supremacy so that we can learn to Replace White Supremacy With Justice. She dedicated her existence to this and so should you if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired of Racism (White Supremacy).
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