Counter Racism Now! Campaigns

Monday, June 10, 2013

A "Black" Intelligence Agency

Not long ago, while participating in a compensatory discussion about Racism (White Supremacy) with Gus T Renegade and "Trojan" Pam, I suggested that a Racist Suspect working as an elected official records keeper, who has become nationally known for her use of the words "arrogant nigger", should be watched by other Victims of Racism who work with her. Those Victims could keep us constantly updated with reports on this suspect to the rest of us.

This reminded me of an attempt at making an online data base of Racist Suspects, that I had difficulty establishing because of the technical set up of the website I was using. Anyway it would be an online questionnaire for someone who wanted to report the observations of a Racist Suspect that deals with Victims Of Racism on a regular basis. A Victim of Racism could then go and do a search in the data base for Racist Suspect whose profile would come up. They could then read what other Victims have said about that person.

It also reminded of back in the day, when my dad had secretly joined that Klan, by mail. They would send him a membership list of all of their members in California, complete with all of their contact information! It also listed Klan owned businesses and the local chapters throughout the state. This was back in the 1970's. Anyway, we'd stake them out and see what kind of cars they drove, write done license numbers, etc. Nowadays they'd call it stalking and it's illegal today. But, back then it wasn't. My dad was ready for them if they wanted to start something.

My dad was in Naval Intelligence for a period of time. He was also a Marine and a Vietnam vet. Because he had heard from the Klan (in a news interview) that they were training for a "race" war, he taught me and a few others close to everything that he learned as an Intelligence Agent and a Marine.

Okay okay, I'm trying to drift back to my point.

My point-Pages 200 to 204 of Amos Wilson's  Blueprint For Black Power talks about the need for a Black Intelligence Agency. I'm going to read a paragraph from this section and comment in the below video:

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