Counter Racism Now! Campaigns

Sunday, December 13, 2009


CONSTRUCTIVE INFORMATION: RACIST PROPAGANDA is based on excerpts from the out of print book, entitled "The Fine Art of Propaganda; A Study of Father Coughlin's Speeches" by The Institute for Propaganda Analysis.

ATTENTION: This article is a supplement to THE UNITED INDEPENDENT COMPENSATORY CODE / SYSTEM / CONCEPT a textbook / workbook for thought, speech, and / or action for Victims of Racism (White Supremacy) written by Neely Fuller Jr. I recommend that you read it, in order to get a better understanding of this concept. From here on out I will refer to it as the U.I.C.C.S.C.

“The seeds of the destruction of Racism (White Supremacy) are implanted in the very existence of Racism itself.” – Neely Fuller Jr.

Webster’s New World Dictionary (1968 Edition) defines Propaganda as any organization or movement working for the propagation of particular ideas, doctrines, practices etc. It further defines it as any systematic, widespread, deliberate indoctrination or plan for such indoctrination.

"The Fine Art of Propaganda” states that “As generally understood, propaganda is opinion expressed for the purpose of influencing actions of individuals or groups. More formally, the Institute for Propaganda Analysis has defined propaganda as ‘expression of opinion or action by individuals or groups deliberately designed to influence opinions or actions of other individuals or groups with reference to predetermined ends.’”

I suspect the main reason for the continued existence of the system of Racism (White Supremacy) is because of a constant “confusion of conflicting propaganda, Babel of voices in many tongues shouting charges, counter-charges, assertions, and contradictions that assail us continually.” And the Racists (White Supremacists) are deliberately promoting “conflicting propaganda”, through their use of deception. So Deception is the cause, and our confusion is the affect.

Keeping in line with the idea that the two basic methods of practicing Racism (White Supremacy) are 1) Deception and 2) Violence and the fact that all of the Victims of Racism on the planet are not dead, and using the 80 / 20 Rule, I suspect that out of these two methods, Deception is used 80% of the time, and Violence takes the remaining 20%.

If we can learn to eliminate the confusion, we could then see the Deception and counter it. We have to follow the logic and make carefully calculated moves like on a chess board.

WHITE = Offense / Defense

BLACK (non-white) = Defense / Offense

The Racists attack with Deception, we defend and counter with Truth.
Learning the methods of Propaganda will help us “see” their moves.

(To be continued)

Monday, December 07, 2009

On Logic

The truth about logic is that it is nothing more than "practical reasoning" and "clear thinking" (which can change, depending on who you are talking to, if you are not paying close attention to their words). The Racists (White Supremacists) would rather have us believe that logic is something that they created or something that only they can do or teach, which is highly ILLOGICAL, when you use LOGIC to think about it. Thoughts, speech, and / or actions that are applied without emotion is essentially what logic is. Many "white" people attempt to make it appear to be more complicated, than it is, because their objective is deception. Logic truly did "come with the universe", as Fuller put it. You just have to trust yourself, with the observations that you make and the theories that you have drawn from those observations and be honest enough to admit to yourself and others that some of your theories are incorrect, once it has been [u]logically proven[/u] that your theories are incorrect. Logic does not mean that you are perfect. It means that you are striving to be perfect. It means that you are attempting to solve your problems in the most efficient manner. You observe the problem. Draw a conclusion about that problem. Attempt to solve that problem. Record the results of the attempt to solve that problem. These are all things that our brains can automatically do. What makes it really work is when you have more than one brain attempting to solve the problem. That is where the logic in Fullers work comes in. It's sole purpose is to get people to start focusing on solving the greatest problem that ever existed. The so-called "Race" problem. Where most "non-white" people get it incorrect is when we attach emotions to our thoughts, speech, and actions. And that is because we have been trained to get emotional when certain words and images are used, in our relationships with each other. It is my theory that we all have been conditioned to think, speak, and act emotionally with everything that we do. In other words it appears that there are more "white" people who think, logically (because it comes naturally) today, than "non-white" people because the smart and powerful Racists (White Supremacists) who existed centuries ago, trained our ancestors to behave emotionally first and then to either think reasonably second, or not at all. They niggerized our ancestors and the behavior of our ancestors was passed down to us, and so presently, we think that logic can only be obtained from "white" people. AND many "non-white" people don't want to attempt the theories presented by other "non-white" people, because they have not attempted to test them before they deny if they are true. This is where having REASONABLE arguments come in at. When the theories of niggers get challenged by other niggers, niggers want to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill to force other niggers to believe their theories. If a nigger finds that one of the theories of another nigger is incorrect then they will disagree with all of the other theories supposed by the nigger whose theory they disagreed with.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

I am a Victim Of Racism: First Recollection

My recollections will not necessarily be in order, but they will be posted as they come to my mind. I am a Victim of Racism, because when I was seven years old the "white" man that stayed across the street from me grabbed me by the neck of my shirt, slightly choking me, and kicked me in my behind. His name was Douglas Green, and he had two sons, Joshua and Aaron. They were the boys in my habitat (place where I spent most of my time and energy) at that time. I was over at their house one day and we were playing. Their mother gave me a scoop of Rocky Road ice cream on a cone, I told her that I would not like it, because it had marshmallows in it, but she had already made it and told me to just eat it anyway, saying to take them out. So I tried to eat it. Joshua, Aaron, Douglas, and myself were in their backyard. It was too many marshmallows. I ended up throwing the ice cream on the side of their garage. Douglas saw me. "What did you just throw back there?". I said "Just some rocks" and then I started picking up rocks and throwing them on the side of the garage. He got really mad at me and said that I was lying. He grabbed me by my shirt collar, saying that it was time for me to go home, and kicked me. I felt so humiliated and embarrassed, I ran over to another side of their house (still in the backyard), stood their for a few seconds trying to understand what had just happened to me. I claimed over their fence, instead of going out through their gate, so that I could avoid asking Douglas to open it for me. I walked slowly across the street to the house that my folks rented. My mother, who was on the phone, when I came in and sat down. "What's wrong, son?" "Nothing." "You don't look like nothing isn't wrong. what's wrong?" "Douglas, kicked me." "What! Douglas kicked you! Go in the backyard and tell your Daddy!" When I got back there my dad was raking leaves. I told him about my assault. Before I could explain everything else, he had already left me back there. I swear that he left so fast that the rake was left standing in the air. He went over there and beat the crap out of Douglas. Anyway, I had never seen Douglas hit his own children and from their own admission he'd never hit them. I used to here them cursing at their mom all of the time. "C'mon shit, Mom. why can't I do it?" They used to get away with a lot. Anyway, I suspect that Douglas did what he did to me because I was a "non-white" person and he thought that he could have got away with mistreating me. Actually he did.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

C'mon. Would this have happened if he were a "white" person?

By now you should have heard about the "White House state dinner party crashers." I suspect that the thought would not have even crossed her mind to enter the White House, when Clinton and Bush were presidents. But, many of you are going to say "SynQ, you're really reaching on this one." And as far as security goes? Whom ever was in charge of security that night and the agents who let them in , would have been fired by now, under dubya and his daddy. Look how close she got to him. Could you image a much darker skinned person ( whose not on the guest list) getting this close to Bush or Clinton? Think about it. She is shaking his hand!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jack Johnson: "Obscuring what happened along the way does him no justice."

"Jack Johnson's life was a constant fight against the attitudes of the day, and he won most of them by knockout. Obscuring what happened along the way does him no justice." - Glenn Hauman, Assistant Editor For The Original Johnson Comic Book Series. I can only imagine the chuckles that came from Mr. Hauman as he wrote those words, addressed to me about my critical view of his ghost written work. His last ten words, reveal a truth, that demonstrates that his team emphatically did Jack Johnson "no justice". Mr. Hauman either purposely obscured the truth or is totally unaware of what the truth is. I suspect the former because I can't see how someone with his writing skill could not have read the truth of what Jack Johnson wrote about his own experiences. Mr. Johnson's autobiography is a true inspiration and nothing close to the toilet paper that is referred to as the "Original Johnson Comic Book Series". My hunch was correct about the comic book being a deceptive work that "obscures" the truth. I read his autobiography from cover to cover looking for many of the situations that appear in the comic book series and I have to say that this comic book can serve no other constructive purpose than to serve as flooring for the bottom of a hamster's cage or I maybe I could crumple it up to make it real soft for wiping my ass with. I just don't know. It might not even be worth wiping my ass with. And here I will prove it. I will show you in the order that it was revealed to me. First, the truth mixed with falsehood: These are the pages in the toilet paper.....I mean.....the "Comic Book", that details Johnson's experience, as a "hobo", riding as a stowaway on the railroad to New York to find Steve Broadie. According to the comic book a "white" man attempted to sodomize Johnson on the train, but he was saved by a "black" male who kicks the "white" man off of the train just in the nick of time. Once again, as I pointed out in earlier posts on this crap, Johnson is pictured being sodomized by a "white" man. Whats interesting though is that these pages tell three lies about Johnson. One is that Johnson never road the rails to New York. Two is that he never was sodomized on the train and there is no evidence that he was ever sodomized for that matter. Three, the few times that he rode the rails, he does not mention meeting or riding with anyone, other than the railroad employees who kicked him off of the train. In Chapter Two pages 20 to 21, of Johnson's Autobiography, entitled "The Stowaway". Mr. Johnson reveals the truth: I have uploaded here what I call part one of the only page (page 21) that describes "travels" on the "rails" and it was brief. I made the page large enough for you to read with your own eyes, the very truth that smacks the falsehood outta toilet paper. And it appears that all of his "rail riding" never got him outside of Galveston, Texas. Read it. Notice how he mentions his "father"? If you read The Original Johnson #2, you will remember that it portrayed him as having an abusive "mother" and implied that he was an only child growing up in a single "parent" household. LIES! It was actually his sister who urged him on (with words and not violence) to go and fight, not a gang of "white" boys calling him a nigger, as implied in this snot rag called a "comic book", but one "non-white" male who was bigger than him. I am suspecting that this individual was a "non-white" male because, throughout the book, Johnson states when a person is a "white" person and because it was in the Jim Crow era, when it was not very common for "white" teenagers and "non-white" teenagers to interact with each other. Here's the other part of page 21. Notice how Johnson says that he stowed away on a boat that he believed was bound for New York? After a very interesting adventure as a sponge fisherman and battling a 23 foot long shark, he stowed away on another ship that was actually bound for New York. I suspect that Jack Johnson's "story" was purposely put in comic book form to deceive people, especially, Victims of Racism away from learning about the true Jack Johnson. I was amazed to know that he wrote his own biography. The system had me convinced that he was a big black dumb ass nigger who chased "white" women (his first "wife" was a "non-white" female), that did absolutely nothing constructive. That is far from the truth. He was a business owner (he owned numerous businesses), a traveler, an actor, a bullfighter, a race car driver, a writer, and there are other interesting things to learn about him. I had always thought that he died young, but he was 68 years old when he was killed in a car crash in Raleigh, N.C. If you have read the full comic book series, but have not read "Jack Johnson is a Dandy"(Jack Johnson in his own words), and then you go around speaking about Mr. Johnson as though what you read about him in these comic books were true, you will be in support of "Obscuring what happened along the way" Which is exactly what these comic books are doing.