The 9/1/11 episode of "The Ultimate Merger" that aired on TVONE, had a brief revelation of truth the other night. I usually don't watch these "reality" shows which are everything but reality, but, my attempted wife (see UICCSC Word Guide pages 426-427) who watches them daily, was watching this one particular show, when I happened to hear something about the "White" men on the show communicating in a silent code. You know that caught my attention.
The show is about 14 males (11 "non-white" and 3 "white") competing against each other for the affection of a "black" female named Toccara. The female version of "Flava flave"( only she looks way better).
Apparently, the "white" men on the show "developed" a "white" alliance in where they agreed not to compete against each other, until all of the "non-white" males were eliminated. Whenever it came time for one of them to spend "some alone time" with Toccara, they'd show three fingers up (W) and two fingers down (A) to each other as a reminder of their alliance to not "throw each other under the bus". I could be incorrect, but, it would not be Racist to have such an alliance, unless they are allied on throwing all of the "non-white" people under the bus. Racism / White Supremacy is mistreatment on the basis of skin color.
Anyway, one, or some of, the "black" males noticed the hand gestures and asked about them. The "white" men did not say anything. The show goes to break. After the commercial, some how the "black" males find out what it meant. Instead of approaching the matter logically, they get angry with the "white" men and get absolutely no where. No one learns anything. Everyone in the room is shouting and no one is listening.
Unfortunately for us, there appeared to be so much emotion (and not enough logic) and confusion in the room, that everyone involved missed out on the perfect opportunity to discuss out in the open, what huge numbers of people discuss behind closed doors. Racism (White Supremacy) is the elephant in the room that everyone (when I say everyone I mean "white" and "non-white" people) in the room, spend a great deal of time and energy, pretending is not there.
If it were a show that demonstrated an actual reality (like a major reality called Racism) going on, it would not have been a complete waste of time and energy. However, it was one, because they got no where constructive with it. We ("white" and "non-white" people) need to have a courteous open dialog, about White Supremacy, without being so-called politically correct and without emotion.
As it stands right now, on most occasions, when Racism is discussed in the same room, "white" people get angry and "non-white" people get embarrassed.
In my opinion the actual purpose for this episode of "The Ultimate Merger"as a "reality" show was to program its "non-white" viewers to react in the same manner as the "non-white" actors did in this episode, when they were confronted with Racist Action.
Okay, right now, the "race" issue has been indirectly touched upon, everyday, since the selection of Obama for president. This has been more so, than any other time in the history of the so-called USA. His selection has made the evidence of Racism White Supremacy more visible to its victims, and at the same time made many people take more actions toward ignoring that existence.
This includes influencing others to not have a constructive dialog about it. Because as long as no one discusses it logically, it continues to be that huge elephant.
What influences others to not have dialog? Emotions like anger, embarrassment, guilt, disappointment, can lead to conflict. In this case the "non-white" people appeared to get angry, and were discourteous, which in turn made the "white" people appear to feel embarrassed and shut their mouths about how they were practicing Racism White Supremacy.
Dialog is what was needed. An all out no holds barred courteous discussion on White Supremacy and how it affects people.
It's not shown in the below clip, because it was edited out, but in the full episode (which is always edited), one of the "white" males started his sentence "with it all started with a war that has been going on since 1870."
He was immediately interrupted by a "non-white" male , who said something like "Oh, no you're not about to give us a [implied "black"] history lesson!" I am paraphrasing him.
Anyone that wasn't paying close attention could have thought that the "white" person was speaking about slavery or the so-called "civil war" (what is civil, about war?). The minute someone mentions the 1800's, those are the first things that come to mind. Both ended in 1865. I suspect that the "white" male was talking about the period known as Reconstruction, because it is at that time that groups like the Ku Klux Klan came about. These groups used the tools (deception and violence) of White Supremacy to the fullest, and thus terrorized "non-white" people out of resources and political positions that would have evened the playing field. Such groups are often admired by the unsophisticated Racist suspects who what to bring back the "good ol' days".
I suspect that "Reality shows" are scripted, just like movies and other t.v. programs are. The producers do not allow us to see anything that they don't want us to see. The two "white" men are even dressed similar during the confrontation in front of Toccara. They are both wearing the stereotypical clothing (pendalton shirts and holey blue jeans) that would be seen on the kind of "white" people that the smart and powerful White Supremacists want us to think are the only kind of "white" people that can be Racists. You know the kind that drive pick-up trucks and chew tobacco? See below.
Bottom line is that the true Racist Action was not the "white alliance" that the "non-white" males "discovered" in this show. The true Racist Action was the indirect promotion (subliminally) of the idea that White Supremacy does not need to be discussed between "white" and "non-white" people, because if you do, you're going to get no where with it.
Another more subtle idea was one related to the Racist Propaganda term known as "reverse racism", which implies that "white" people are being victimized by "Black" people on the basis of skin color. This is a term that has been picked up and used often amongst the less sophisticated Racist suspects. The kind who dress in an appearance similar to how the two "white" men were dressed in the above video. I suspect that they were instructed to dress this way in order to relate The message sent to them was "black people won't let white people have a white alliance, but it's okay that they have a show with mostly black people on it?, they have black unity, black nationalism, they have BET, they have TVONE, Obama is president, it's not fair! so keep your white alliances a secret because revealing the truth about it will get you know where."
Stay strong in the struggle to Replace White Supremacy With Justice
I, Khalif Muhammad,Ph.d , aka Syn-Q", the writer of this blog, am, like billions of others, a Victim of, and a servant to Racism (White Supremacy) in all areas of people activity. My Ultimate Objective is to use my experiences, and observations, about what Racism (White Supremacy) is and How it works, to promote the use of The United Independent Compensatory Code by Neely Fuller as motivation for other Victims towards the elimination of Racism.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
White Supremacy Revealed?
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I am a 26year old black male (moore)who is well aware of Rasiam and i have came up with afew ways to take the first steps to "MASS" Awareness of The system of (Racsiam-White Supremacy) Pliz Contact me if u like to here my plain..Thank u (