Especially this one:
Supposed to subconsciously lead you to worship the devil |
Which one is more powerful in it's deception? Are more people on this planet worshiping the all seeing eye above? or Michael Angelo's work of art below? Google "God" and see what pops up?
Subconsciously leads you to worship "white" people |
This Illuminati stuff is nothing more than truth mixed with falsehood, because it is designed to turn your eyes away from what is really going on here. The New World Order is actually an Old World Order that is called The Global System of White Supremacy. The Historical and Geographical evidence shows that there has been a one world government around for at least 100 years. It is the incorrect government of White Supremacy. Many Racist Suspects are attempting to sell you on this stuff, so that you will not be trying to Counter-Racism in my opinion. It is the Ruling Class Racists (White Supremacists) fault that Tupac, Biggie, Micheal Jackson, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, and millions of others have been killed. Why? because they are the shot-callers. They have had the planet on lock down for a very long time. Looks like centuries to me, but I could be incorrect.
The most powerful Religion on the planet is the Religion of White Supremacy
Stay Strong In Your Struggle To Replace White Supremacy With Justice.