Counter Racism Now! Campaigns

Friday, July 19, 2013

Some Things To Show You

Trayvon Martin Homicide Photo is within the below Video.

It just occurred to me the other day that Obama can never be selected again, because the law allows him to be president no more than twice and he is now in his second term, so he doesn't have to worry about what the "White" folks think anymore. We ( my "mom" and "wife") were just saying that Obama could come out and talk about the Trayvon Martin Case. He could now speak freely about Racism (White Supremacy) how it has victimize us. Did you know that he can't be impeached for using his mouth to tell the truth about our being victims of racism?

Impeachment - The Law

The removal of the President from office was provided for by the founders of the United States in the Constitution. Article II of the Constitution focuses specifically on the executive branch of the government, how the President is selected, the duties of the President, and the term of office. The last section of Article II, Section 4, deals specifically with the grounds for impeachment:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
That's it - nothing more. The process is spelled out in Article 1, Sections 2 and 3 of the Constitution, but there is no further elaboration on reasons for the impeachment of a President.

Imagine if he came out tomorrow with Jeremiah Wright on his right side!!! Imagine if with Jeremiah by his side he said "I only said what I said about Rev. Wright, to get to this point in my presidency! Wouldn't that be tight! Hell (at the risk of facing possible assassination attempts) he could have a lot of influence on the world, just be using his words carefully in the below video. Obama just became my president today. Check it!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Why No Justice For Trayvon Martin?

Trayvon Martin August 2011
Travon Martin was a Victim of Racism. He was not allowed to freely go to the store and return from the store in peace. A Suspected "White" person named George Zimmerman wanted to know what it was like to kill someone. Like the coward that he is, he chose to kill a teenaged boy, who wasn't a threat to him.

The first thing to recognize is that this case was about "Race". As long as the system of Racism (White Supremacy) exists everything is either directly or indirectly tied to the so-called Race issue.

The second thing is to acknowledge that we are Victims Of Racism and we are NOT FREE, in this system of injustice. As long as this system exists, if you are a "Non-white" person YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY  SUSPICIOUS no matter what. And, if you are a "Black" person, you are MORE SUSPICIOUS THAN ANY OTHER "Non-white" person.

Example- Let's say that there are five people in a room. One "White" person, one "Yellow" person, one "Red" person,  one "Brown" person, and one "Black" person. If something comes up missing everyone, who didn't take it, will suspect that the "Black" person took it. (Even "Black" people suspect other "Black" people whenever a crime is committed.) Those same people wouldn't think that the "White" person did it. If the "White" person was the only person in the room at the time of the theft, they'd come up with excuses that justified the "White" person doing it.

Because the Racists have trained the majority of this planet to suspect that the "Black" person is always guilty. All eyes are on us.

This is were Counter Racist logic earns its keep, because it helps to bring balance by putting "White" people under suspicion too. That is the only way to resolve the "Race" issue.

Counter Racist Logic is about behaving in a manner that gets everyone in the room to say, "Nope. it wasn't the "Black" person this time."

I agree with Mr. Fuller when he said that "Black" people should develop a culture of not committing any crimes, except the one, which the Racists call "panhandling"( more on that later).

Imagine if we developed a culture of not committing crimes as though it was the new style. You know how we love to be in style. If we made it the new style and kept it that way for a long period of time, maybe the day would come when no one would believe that "Black" folks could commit any crimes. I could be incorrect.

Stay Strong In The Struggle To Replace White Supremacy With Justice

    Wednesday, July 10, 2013

    "Political Education Neglected" by Carter G Woodson

    I am posting this in response to the recent Supreme Court Decision to End the Voters Rights Act.
    Chapter 9
    pp.83 to 95
    The Mis-Education of the Negro 
    by Carter G Woodson
    First Published in 1933 

     "If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one."

    SOME time ago when Congressman Oscar De Priest was distributing by thousands copies of the Constitution of the United States certain wiseacres were disposed to make fun of it. What purpose would such an act serve? These critics, however, probably did not know that thousands and thousands of Negro children in this country are not permitted to use school books in which are printed the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are mentioned in their history as figures in politics rather than as expounders of liberty and freedom. These youths are not permitted to learn that Jefferson believed that government should derive its power from the consent of the governed.

    Not long ago a measure was introduced in a certain State Legislature to have the Constitution of the United States thus printed in school histories, but when the bill was about to pass it was killed by some one who made the point that it would never do to have Negroes study the Constitution of the United States. If the Negroes were granted the opportunity to peruse this document, they might learn to contend for the rights therein guaranteed; and no Negro teacher who gives attention to such matters of the government is tolerated in those backward districts. The teaching of government or the lack of such instruction, then, must be made to conform to the policy of "keeping the Negro in his place."

    In like manner, the teaching of history in the Negro area has had its political significance. Starting out after the Civil War, the opponents of freedom and social justice decided to work out a program which would enslave the Negroes' mind inasmuch as the freedom of body had to be conceded. It was well understood that if by the teaching of history the white man could be further assured of his superiority and the Negro could be made to feel that he had always been a failure and that the subjection of his will to some other race is necessary the freedman, then, would still be a slave. If you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action. "When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one.
    This program, so popular immediately after the Civil War, was not new, but after this upheaval, its execution received a new stimulus. Histories written elsewhere for the former slave area were discarded, and new treatments of local and national history in conformity with the recrudescent propaganda were produced to give whites and blacks the biased point of view of the development of the nation and the relations of the races. Special treatments of the Reconstruction period were produced in apparently scientific form by propagandists who went into the first graduate schools of the East to learn modern historiography about half a century ago. Having the stamp of science, the thought of these polemics was accepted in all seats of learning. These rewriters of history fearlessly contended that slavery was a benevolent institution; the masters loved their slaves and treated them humanely; the abolitionists meddled with the institution which the masters eventually would have modified; the Civil War brought about by "fanatics" like William Lloyd Garrison and John Brown was unnecessary; it was a mistake to make the Negro a citizen, for he merely became worse off by incurring the displeasure of the master class that will never tolerate him as an equal; and the Negro must live in this country in a state of recognized inferiority.

    Some of these theories may seem foolish, but historians even in the North have been won to this point of view. They ignore the recent works of Miss Elizabeth Donnan, Mrs. H. T. Catterall, and Dr. Frederic Bancroft, who have spent years investigating slavery and slavetrading. These are scientific productions with the stamp of the best scholarship in America, treatises produced from such genuine documents as the court records of the slaveholding section itself, and these authors have rendered the public a valuable service in removing the whitewash which pseudo-historians have been giving to slavery and slaveholders for more than a century.

    In the preparation of Negroes, many of whom teach in the South, these biased Northern historians even convert them to such a faith. A few years ago the author happened to listen to a conversation of Negro lawyers in one of our Southern cities, in which they unanimously conceded practically every contention set forth in this program of propaganda. They denounced, therefore, all reconstructionists who advocated equality and justice for all. These Negroes had the biased point of view of the rewriters like Claude Bowers and had never been directed to the real history of that drama as set forth by A. A. Taylor, Francis B. Simkins and Robert H. Woodly of the new Southern school of thought. These Negro critics were especially hard on Negroes of our day who engage in agitation for actual democracy. Negroes themselves in certain parts join with the whites, then, in keeping out of the schools teachers who may be hold enough to teach the truth as it is. They usually say the races here are getting along amicably now, and we do not want these peaceful relations disturbed by the teaching of new political thought.

    What they mean to say with respect to the peaceful relation of the races, then, is that the Negroes have been terrorized to the extent that they are afraid even to discuss political matters publicly. There must be no exposition of the principles of government in the schools, and this must not be done in public among Negroes with a view to stimulating political activity. Negroes engaged in other spheres in such communities finally come to the point of accepting silence on these matters as a fixed policy. Knowing that action to the contrary means mob rule which may destroy the peace and property of the community, they constitute themselves a sort of a vigilant committee to direct their fellows accordingly.

    A few years ago a rather youthful looking high school principal in one of the large cities was unceremoniously dismissed because he said jocosely to the president of the board of education, in reply to his remark about his youthful bearing, "I am old enough to vote." "Horrors!" said the infuriated official. "Put him out. We brought him here to teach these Negroes how to work, and here he is thinking about voting," A few prominent Negroes of the place muttered a little, but they did nothing effective to correct this injustice.

    In certain parts, therefore, the Negroes under such terrorism have ceased to think of political matters as their sphere. Where such things come into the teaching in more advanced work they are presented as matters of concern to a particular element rather than as functions in which all citizens may participate. The result is that Negroes grow up without knowledge of political matters which should concern all elements. To prevent the Negroes from learning too much about these things the whites in the schools are sometimes neglected also, but the latter have the opportunity to learn by contact, close observation, and actual participation in the affairs of government.

    Negroes in certain parts, then, have all but abandoned voting even at points where it might be allowed. In some cases not as many as two thousand Negroes vote in a whole state. By special legislation providing for literacy tests and the payment of taxes their number of voters has been reduced to a negligible quantity, and the few who can thus function do not do so because they are often counted out when they have the deciding vote. 

    -----------------------------The Reason For The Voters Rights Act of 1965------------------------------------
    The tests established for the restriction of suffrage were not intended to stimulate political education but to eliminate the Negro vote by subterfuge. Negroes presenting themselves for registration are asked to do the all but impossible thing of expounding parts of the Constitution which have baffled high courts; but whites are asked simple questions which almost any illiterate man can answer. In this way the Negroes, however intelligent, are turned down; and all ignorant whites are permitted to vote. These laws, then, have retarded rather than stimulated the political education of both races. Such knowledge is apparently useless for Negroes and unnecessary for the whites, for the Negroes do not immediately profit by having it and the whites may function as citizens without it.

    The effect of such a one-sided system is decidedly bad. One does not realize it until he talks with men and women of these districts, who because of the denial of these privileges have lost interest in political matters. A book agent working in the plantation area of Mississippi tested the knowledge of Negroes of these matters by asking them questions about the local and State government. He discovered that they knew practically nothing in this sphere. It was difficult to find any who knew who was president of the United States. One meets teachers, physicians, and ministers who do not know the ordinary operations of courts, the functions of the counsel, jury or judge, unless such knowledge has come by the bitter experience of having been imposed upon by some tribunal of injustice. Some of the "educated" Negroes do not pay attention to such important matters as "the assessment of property and the collection of taxes, and they do not inform themselves as to how these things are worked out. An influential Negro in the South, then, is one who has nothing to do or say about politics and advises others to follow the same course.

    The elimination of the Negro from politics, then, has been most unfortunate. The whites may have profited thereby temporarily, but they showed very little foresight. How the whites can expect to make of the Negroes better citizens by leading them to think that they should have no part in the government of this country is a mystery. To keep a man above vagabondage and crime he needs among other things the stimulus of patriotism, but how can a man be patriotic when the effect of his education is to the contrary?

    What little chance the Negro has to learn by participation in politics in most parts of the South is unfortunately restricted now to corruption. The usual stir about electing delegates to the National Republican Convention from the Southern States and the customary combat the Negroes have with Lily-white corruptionists are about all the political matters which claim their attention in the Lower South. Neither the white nor the black faction, as a rule, makes any effort to restore suffrage to Negroes. The objective is merely the control of delegates and Federal patronage for the financial considerations involved. To do this they resort to numerous contests culminating in closing hotels and bolting doors for secret meetings.                                                                                                                                                                  

    Since this is the only activity in which Negroes can participate they have learned to look upon it as honorable. Large numbers of Negroes become excited over the contest and give much publicity to it on the rostrum and in the press as a matter of great importance. The methods of these corruptionists of both races, however, should be condemned as a disgrace to the state and nation.

    Instead of doing something to get rid of this ilk, however, we find the "highly educated" Negroes trying to plunge also into the mire. One of the most discouraging aspects in Negro life recently observed was that of a presidential campaign. Prominent Negroes connected with three of our leading institutions of learning temporarily abandoned their work to round up Negro votes for one of the candidates. The objective, of course, was to control the few ordinary jobs which are allotted to Negro politicians for their campaign services. When the successful candidate had been inaugurated, however, he carefully ignored them in the make-up of the personnel of his administration and treated Negroes in general with contempt. When you think of the fact that the Negroes who are being thus used are supposedly the most reputable Negro leaders and our most highly educated men you have to wonder whether the Negro has made any progress since Emancipation. The only consolation one can get out of it is that they may not represent the whole race.

    In the North the Negroes have a better chance to acquire knowledge of political matters of the simple kind, but the bosses do not think it is advisable to enlighten them thoroughly. Negroes in parts are employed in campaigns, but they are not supposed to discuss such issues of the day as free trade, tariff for protection, the World Court, and the League of Nations [currently called the United Nations]. These Negro workers are supposed to tell their people how one politician seeking office has appointed more Negro messengers or charwomen in the service than the other or how the grandfather of the candidate stood with Lincoln and Grant through their ordeal and thus brought the race into its own. Another important task of these Negroes thus employed is also to abuse the opposing party, showing how hostile it has been to the Negro while the highly favorable party was doing so much for the race.

    The course of these bosses has been interesting. At first the white man used the Negro leader by giving him a drink occasionally. The next step was to give him sufficient money to set up drinks in the name of the white candidate. When drinking at the expense of the candidate became too common the politicians fell back on the distribution of funds in small amounts. When this finally proved to be insufficient, however, the politicians had to go a bit further and provide Jim Crow jobs in certain backrooms with the understanding that the functions of the so-called office would be merely nominal and the incumbents would have no close contact with white people. In this stage the Negroes find themselves today.

    The undesirable aspect of the affair is that the Negro in spite of the changes from one method of approach to that of another is never brought into the inner circle of the party with which he is affiliated. He is always kept on the outside and is used as a means to an end. To obtain the meager consideration which he receives the Negro must work clandestinely through the back door. It has been unnecessary for the white man to change this procedure, for until recent years he has generally found it possible to satisfy the majority of Negroes with the few political positions earmarked as "Negro jobs" and to crush those who clamor for more recognition.

    It is unfortunate, too, that such a large number of Negroes do not know any better than to stake their whole fortune on politics. History does not show that any race, especially a minority group, has ever solved an important problem by relying altogether on one thing, certainly not by parking its political strength on one side of the fence because of empty promises. There are Negroes who know better, but such thinkers are kept in the background by the traducers of the race to prevent the enlightenment of the masses. The misleading politicians are the only persons through whom the traducers act with respect to the Negro, and there are always a sufficient number of mentally undeveloped voters who will supply them a large following.

    Even the few Negroes who are elected to office are often similarly uninformed and show a lack of vision. They have given little attention to the weighty problems of the nation; and in the legislative bodies to which they are elected, they restrict themselves as a rule to matters of special concern to the Negroes themselves, such as lynching, segregation and disfranchisement, which they have well learned by experience. This indicates a step backwards, for the Negroes who sat in Congress and in the State Legislatures during the Reconstruction worked for the enactment of measures of concern to all elements of the population regardless of color. Historians have not yet forgot what those Negro statesmen did in advocating public education, internal improvements, labor arbitration, the tariff, and the merchant marine.

    Tuesday, July 09, 2013

    How To Deal With White People. PART 2

     (Click here to read part 1)


    Today, we're going to talk about dealing with White people in the area of politics.  I'm confused, so please bare with me, while I attempt to undo that confusion (and help you undo yours), while being less confused (than you are) at the same time.

    In order to get a full idea of what this article is intended to convey, you must pretend that race and / or being apart of a race is not a biological truth, but rather a concept. It only appears to be one because huge populations of people believe in it. You have to pretend that you, (and most people connected to you) were brainwashed into believing that race was proven science. In addition to that you'll have to believe that white skin does not exist, unless it's been painted with white paint. Even then you'll have to believe that it's not real white skin.

    Does this photo help with your imagination?

    Presumed "White" person with white paint on her face
    See the white paint in contrast to her skin?

    Does it blend in?

    Remember, we're only pretending that it doesn't. You can go back to believing that white people actually have white skin in a short time. Now since we're pretending that white people do not have white skin, we're also going to have to pretend that we can't see them. We're pretending that no white person has skin that's the same color as white paint. So how could you see them as a white person?

    So here's where I'm asking you to do something real scary.  As far as I know, very few "Non-white" people (including me) have had "the balls", to ask it. It's called the critical question. Are you ready?

    Here it is..... "Are you a White person?"   click here for more info.

    To eliminate the confusion even more, when referring to white people, let's put the word white in quotes because they aren't really white, are they?

    You'll also have to visualize race as being more like a membership in a highly exclusive club, that has top level members in good standing, low level members in bad standing, and other members that fluctuate between the two. The most important thing that you have to pretend when it comes to race, is that the only race that functions as an exclusive club with wealth and vast knowledge, is the "White" race. Any other so-called race, attempts to be a race based on the standards set by the "White" race. In other words when "Non-white" people say "this is how we should be as a race" their conclusion is based on their observations of the operations of the "White" race.

    You must use the Counter Racist Compensatory premise that there is only three types of people in the known universe:

                                                                     "White" people
                                                                  "Non-White" people
                                                             Racists (White Supremacists)

    You have to read page 20 of The United Independent Compensatory Code (textbook / workbook) by Neely Fuller Jr, at least three times, out loud, in order to get a full understanding of this premise. Don't have it? please call Mr.Fuller at 202.484.5461 to order (Tell him Khalif sent you).

    So for the purpose of this article, here's the new definition of "White" people-

    Play the above video over and over again until your pretending sinks in as though it were true (just for the purpose of reading this article. You can go back to being the mindless drone that the Status Quo would like for you to be, soon enough).

    Add to this pretended belief that the world that you live in is ruled by approximately 10% of its population. It is composed of extremely smart and powerful "White" people. Not just any "White" people, but highly organized, intelligent groups of "White" people. All such groups have Racist Men and Racist Women amongst them who posses highly specialized knowledge in all fields of industry and business. Such intelligent groups are made up of scientists, educators, chemists, inventors, business analysts, public relations specialists, transportation experts, economists, lawyers, judges, accountants, doctors, labor leaders, political leaders, entertainment leaders, religious leaders, military leaders, etc. They constantly plan ways and means of using White Supremacy efficiently and effectively for the benefit of "White" people and make it profitable for themselves at the same time.  They pioneer, experiment, and blaze trails in new fields of endeavor on a daily basis at all times, in all places, and in all areas of people activity. They support colleges, hospitals, public and private schools, they build roads, bridges, buildings, railways, planes, trains, automobiles, satellites, space stations, weapons, many forms of technology, publish information, and most important of all they pay most of the costs of governments. They control every single government on this planet. It's really one government and an incorrect one at that.

    Now to make it even less confusing we'll call the "White" people mentioned in the above words the Sophisticated Racists (White Supremacists). Not all "White" people are Racists, but all Racists are "White" people.

    You might say where do the Nazi Skinhead Ku Kluckers come in at? We got a category for them too!

    Let's call them the UN-Sophisticated Racists (White Supremacists), because anyone with the intelligence of a mouse can see them coming! They're actually easier to deal with because they are honest about not liking you. You know where they stand. Most "Non-white" people know how to deal with these kind right off the bat. They are placed in the unsophisticated category by the Sophisticated Racists (White Supremacists), because they have very little to offer the club. Many of them are considered in bad standing for some reason like lack of education, substance abuse, poverty, laziness, petty crime, etc. These are the ones that the Sophisticated Racists want you to be thinking about when your thinking about which "White" people are Racists. They tend to serve as "foot soldiers" for the sophisticated members.

    The only ones that do not have the ability to practice Racism (White Supremacy), are infants and the senile.

    Racist= The 4th definition of a Racist in The United Independent Compensatory Code [textbook / workbook] by Neely Fuller Jr, listed on page 306 states that a Racist is "Any white person, who is mentally or physically able to speak, and/or act, to eliminate White Supremacy, but who does not do so."

    Okay, you still with me? I'm not done yet.  By now that subconscious defense mechanism should be kicking in. It might be saying "this is that same old we hate whitey stuff." Or something like that. You might be feeling nervous that your "White" friends, co-workers, and / or family members are going to catch you reading this material (how do you think I feel? Hell, I'm typing it! Oh, I just had some coffee, so it might be that). Anyway, if you've gotten this far. You're already in the rabbit hole. So don't leave now, I need readers.

    Okay, three more three more things and then on to the dealing. I promise.

    Essentially all of this narrows down to people relations aka politics. When it comes to believing in politics we must think about the two sides, and one middle, of the political spectrum.

    The Political Spectrum that I suspect eliminates the most confusion about "White" people and politics
    In the area of politics you always hear a lot about "liberals" and "conservatives". Sometimes you hear about "moderates". What do these terms mean? I've gotten many different answers from many people, but have summed it up to be:

    It's been said that "White Liberals" like to help "Non-white" people and "White Conservatives" don't.

    It's also been said that "White Conservatives" like to help "Non-white" people and "White Liberals" don't.

    From my observations most "Non-white" people appear to favor "White liberals"over "White Conservatives" simply because they've been told that "Non-white" people favor "White Liberals" over "White Conservatives". "Politics" is boring to most of us and we lack knowledge in this area, so it's easier to follow the crowd and say "Non-white" people are with the democrats.

    Such terms can be confusing when helping you deal with "White" people, so I'm asking you to pretend that both "White liberals" and  "White Conservatives" can not be trusted. 

    When you hear these terms being thrown around in a political discussion on CNN ("Liberal" news) and FOX ("Conservative" news) or anywhere else, remember the below terms and their definitions.

    Racist Liberal is a "White" person who speaks and/or acts to maintain, expand, and/or refine the practice of White Supremacy (Racism) by very skillfully pretending not to do so.

    Racist Conservative is a "White" person who says or does anything to establish, maintain, expand, and/ or refine White supremacy (Racism).

    Racist Moderate is a "White" person who sometimes speaks and/or acts to maintain, expand, and/or refine the practice of White Supremacy (Racism) by very skillfully pretending not to do so, and at other times says or does anything to establish, maintain, expand, and/ or refine White supremacy (Racism).

    These terms are not intended for use in name calling against "White" people. They are for you to learn more about what Racism (White Supremacy) is and How it works. Name Calling makes you feel good. But, feeling good isn't constructive because it is only temporary. You don't want temporary. You want permanent. Therefore your objective is to solve the problem. You must fight this with logic.

    Anyway, lets say that you have to believe all of the above in order to deal with "White" people, when it comes to the area of Politics.

    Finally. Now how do you deal with "White" people?

    Very carefully and cautiously.  You have to decide at a time and place of your own choosing, based on whatever history or other evidence that you may have, whether a "White" person will harm you mentally or physically...and then act accordingly (You already do this with "Non-white" people). Ask questions with precision and say what you mean with truth, and to the best of your ability. I may or may not have done that here. I am still learning.

    Stay Strong In The Struggle To Replace White Supremacy With Justice.

    Monday, July 08, 2013

    Racism / White Supremacy is a Business

    What constitutes a business?


    "BUSY"-NESS- The White Supremacists are busy working to keep it going in all places, at all times, and in all areas of people activity, but especially the nine major areas, which are Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, and War.

    A business is a serious activity requiring time and energy, combined with the avoidance of any distractions.

    All efficient business operations have an ultimate objective. That ultimate objective is to compensate for what is lacking (or perceived to be lacking) amongst the people by providing a Product or Service to end what is lacking and also profit (get a benefit in return) from it. In order to do that, the people behind the business either discover the need for the product or service, or they make the perceived need (through the power of suggestion), for a product or service. I've been told that a business term used to describe a group of people who want or need a product or service is called a Target Market.

    The Target Market for Racism (White Supremacy) is "White" people. The system of Racism (White Supremacy),  provides "White" people with a perceived need to be "White".

    Mistreating huge numbers of "Non-white" people on the basis of skin color, in all places, and at all times, increases that perceived need. Huge numbers of "Non-white" people also have the perceived need to be "White", because they want to be protected from that same mistreatment.

    I am only talking about the "White" people who practice Racism (White Supremacy) with such precision, that it affects "Non-white" people for generations. They are the ones who influence us to co-operate with Racism (White Supremacy) on levels that are way beyond our current level of thinking about what Racism (White Supremacy) is and how it works. The system is a large scale business that produces White Supremacy at an extremely fast rate. The culture of White Supremacy is broadcasted to the masses through the screens (TV, Internet, cell phone, tablet, movies, etc) at what I suspect is the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). I could be incorrect.

    When "White" people observe this mistreatment, it makes them glad to be classified as "White".  This gladness motivates "White" people to be productive in doing more things that make them glad to be "White". Being glad to be classified as "White" in a system that makes being  "White" supreme encourages them to promote, establish, maintain, and refine Racism (White Supremacy). White Supremacy eliminates low self-esteem and increase confidence in a "White" person, when they see that the majority of the ("Non-white") people on this planet are suffering because they aren't "White". It makes being "White" appear to be a blessing.

    In other words there is no other reason for needing to be "White", other than protection from the mistreatment that "White" people have witnessed "Non-white" people go through, because they are classified as "Non-white".

    Two important factors that are considered when producing a product or service that will be wanted / needed are its quantity and its quality. Every business that functions with efficiency, must consider them.

    Syn-Q's Compensatory Functional Definitions for the words Quality and Quantity.

    Quality- how well a product or service helps to solve a problem and / or a perceived problem.

    Does this product or service help solve the problem permanently? or temporarily? the closer to permanently solving the problem that it can get, plus the speed at which it can solve it, the better the quality. Many times problems and / or perceived problems reoccur because a permanent solution has not been produced. This circumstance increases the value of the temporary problem solver. If there are more than one kind of temporary problem solvers for the same solution, then the rate of speed at which the problem can be solved determines the quality.

    If a business wants to continue to exist, it must maintain and refine its product or service for its buyers. By producing the product called White Supremacy, the Racists (White Supremacists), have solved many of the problems and perceived problems for most people classified as "White". This makes "White" people and (unfortunately "Non-white" people ) buyers into the production of White Supremacy. But, it's not the best problem solver because it isn't Justice. It protects "White" people from being mistreated on the basis of color, but, it doesn't protect them from other forms of mistreatment. Being mistreated on the basis of skin color is the root cause of all of the other forms.

    If there are no buyers for the product, it becomes useless and discontinued.  Justice is better than Racism. The replacement product is justice. Its quality will be to guarantee that no person is mistreated for any reason. You can't get any better than that. Justice will be accepted faster than a rate of 186,000 miles per second (the speed of light). Why? Because everybody needs justice.

    Quantity- the amount of product or service needed to help solve a problem or perceived problem.

    The quantity of "White" Supremacy is equal to the amount of "White" people who have the ability to practice it.

    Its been said that the current population of people on this planet is 7 Billion. If this amount is correct, then the quantity of Justice needed is 7 Billion.

    In business, studying the use of these two terms and putting the results into action, will produce the bottom line for what a product or service should have in order for it to be accepted by the people.

    Justice is better than Racism.

    Sunday, July 07, 2013

    "Crisis of Black Intellectuals and the Drs. Julia and Nathan Hare Archives" by Marvin X

    One would think the sale of the Hare archives would be a small matter, especially when we consider that Dr. Nathan Hare is the father of Black Studies with a PhD in sociology and psychology. How many professors of Black Studies, aka Pan African Studies, Africana Studies, Diaspora Studies, Negro Studies, have benefited from the ground breaking work and sacrifice of Dr. Hare who was thrown out of Howard University (he was preceded by the removal of the great sociologist Dr. E. Franklin Frazier, author of the classic Black Bourgeoisie, Hare's writing continued the tradition of lambasting the Black bourgeoise with his now classic The Black Anglo-Saxons).

    Dr. Hare was then invited to be the first chair of a Black Studies program on a major white university campus at San Francisco State College, now University. The longest strike in American academic history ensued with violence and imprisonment of protesters. In the end, Dr. Hare was removed from his chair and what followed can only be described as a watered down, Miller Lite version of Black Studies that has persisted ever since, although hundreds of "tenured nigguhs" benefited from the struggle of students and radical professors like Dr. Hare who were purged from white and negro

    Dr. Hare bemoaned recently that is was pitiful that of the hundreds of Black Studies departments in America, not one was able to hire him, as though his blackness was simply unforgivable. We wonder will his archives suffer the same fate. Black academics have shown little desire to help us with the project to have his archives placed in a secure institution. A few have given contacts with curators at various institutions, but their interest in aiding has been Miller Lite, some of these intellectuals simply disappeared from the radar screen after professing they would be helpful with the organization and acquisition of the archives.

    It has been suggested the price is too high, but after a life of de facto house arrest and black or rather white listing, why should the Hare archives go for peanuts, especially when the collection is substantial, over 200 cartons of letters, manuscripts, notes attached to news clippings, margin notes in books, records of his clinical psychology practice, photos, notebooks, speech notes and drafts, published articles in magazines, newspapers and books, including his collection of Black Scholar Magazine, of which he was the founding publisher, awards and honors, audio and video tapes, hundreds of floppy disks, etc.

    And let us not leave out the public career of his wife, Dr. Julia Hare, known as the female Malcolm X. One need only view her performance on Tavis Smiley's State of the Black World. Both are living legends of the movement toward better male/female relations. They founded Black Male/female Relations magazine, Kupenda or Black Love groups. The subject of Nathan Hare's psychology dissertation was Black Male/female relations. Their 57 year marriage is testament they know how to have successful male/female relations and should be honored for demonstrating Black Love Lives (Nisa Ra film).

    We call upon Black academics to use their resources and contacts to assist with the sale of these important archives of two of the most important intellectuals North American Africans have produced.
    In short, the price is negotiable so make us an offer we can't refuse. Dr. Hare has asked me to consummate this project at the earliest possible date. We call upon you for your immediate assistance.
    Let me hear from you ASAP.

    Marvin X, M.A.
    Agent, the Drs. Nathan and Julia Hare Archives

    P.S. At the very least, intellectuals and academics are urged to write letters of support, calling upon academic institutions and/or private institutions take a serious look at acquiring the archives. They are now available for viewing. Call me for an appointment. MX

    Notes from the Master Teacher of Black Studies

    Dr. M,

    Also folded in the book with the birthday greeting card to me from Max Stanford, aka Dr. Muhammad Ahmed (most feared black militant by FBI in the late 1960s) is a note from a boy named Cadence, saying “I love Dr. Julia Hare.”


    From: Nathan Hare []
    Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 6:01 AM
    To: Marvin X Jackmon (
    Subject: Endless Archives and Bottomless Pockets


    I notice you left the birthday card from Max Stanford (Muhammad Ahmed), I guess because it was tucked in one of a stack of books. One of them, “Black Writers of America: A Comprehensive Anthology” (Macmillan, 1972), has me and Tolson in it (pre-Great Debaters, Wiley College, where he practiced and James Farmer was a student before Tolson moved on to Langston and left debating for poetry and drama, aiming at Broadway and hitting Hollywood); indeed the editors discuss Tolson and celebrate him as one of my teachers in the preface to my essay, “The Challenge of a Black Scholar,” I see they gave it a section all by itself, “Essay” under “Part VI: The Present Generation: Since 1945,” though near the tail end of the book, just before Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Eldridge Cleaver, and The Blues, in that order.

    Talk about black studies, which they also mentioned, the article was also reprinted in a number of places, like such other articles as “Black Ecology,” in a number of different languages around the world. In fact I just got a call on Friday from a University of Pennsylvania black female professor of ethics (as you know they worry about what’s right and wrong -- while I worry about what’s right, I know what’s wrong ), wanting to interview me on the article. I told her I’d have to take a look at it and get back to you, because I’ve forgotten what I said in it, especially since I was writing it while I was in jail in San Francisco (they didn’t let me keep anything but a paperback I had with me when arrested, Karl Mannheims “Idelogy and Utopia.” No pencil, so I used my thumbnail to mark off passages I wanted to quote or paraphrase. But I didn’t just use Mannheim, lest black intellectuals say it’s not black enough, not even black studies in the first place. And anyway, how come you didn’t mention Moses.

    I also don’t want you to take the book, “Medicine in the Ghetto” too lightly, not even my essay in it. Its editor, John Norman, was the director of the conference put on by the Harvard Medical School at Wentworth-by-the-Sea in New Hampshire in the late spring of 1969, but he was black, as were most of the participants. On my panel was the now late Charles Sanders, then the managing editor of Ebony magazine, when magazines were magazines and print media was print, The chairman of the panel, I believe, was the president of Meharry Medical College (I know he was the one who invited me). I forget the other person or two.

    Some people think black studies is equivalent only to ancient history (“contributionism” a term I coined in the early 1960s at Howard – I note that white individuals have taken it up but could find no reference before the early 1960s, and certainly I coined it for myself and my students at Howard. Indeed circa 1970 the black sociologist, West Indian, at Harvard, wrote an essay in the” Crimson,” in which he referred to me and “Contributionsm” but added two categories. Jancie Hale Bensin in her book on black children, their cultural roots and learnin styles, summarizes Patterson’s article but gives “contributionism” not to me as Patterson had, but to him. (Patterson may have mentioned me but kept the term for himself, a common ploy of black intellectuals (creatures who think black studies is equivalent only to an account of how the first physician or something was black, Imhotep, and arguments over the proper spelling of his name, Immutef, or the first god was black (wouldn’t you know it?), the first devil, to the first person to make a spool or a piece of thread, etcetera. That’s one reason black studies and black intellectuality in general got bogged down and locked in antiquity from 1969 to 2009; and only came out to wail and bash the first black president for not picking them up and flinging them into the kingdom of snow white liberation.

    As regards the stuff in my storage in the office building, I admit I wasn’t up to the challenge of taking those heavy file cabinets of files packed and crammed in there last Sunday morning. Don’t know whether that’s worth just going one day back again and wrenching the cabinets out and seeing what if anything we need to keep that’s not in current use. If so we would need Ali or some such heavyweight to help, I think, to boost the meager might of two old men and a pretty woman or two; although it was precisely two women of the physical stature to rival Ali who crammed them in there in the first place. The ringleader was a literary enthusiast and skimmed and got away with my big volume of the complete works of Shakespeare and God knows what. We weren’t thinking about archives -- at least I wasn’t. It’s like one continual try in a marathon game of finders keepers.

    It’s good you’re making a movement out of the Archives Project, just don’t make me the sacrificial lamb. I’m trying to work my way out of this quagmire, this nightmare of deprivation, before I wrap my smothering blanket around me and lie down to pleasant dreams.

    Hotep (is that black enough for you?),


    Click here to view "Black Bird Press News & Reviews" a blog by Marvin X

    Thursday, July 04, 2013

    Some Things That You Should Take Notice Of.............

    Recent Supreme Court Decisions That May Affect You If You're A Victim Of Racism:

    Enforcement Officials Can Keep Your DNA In Their Own Databases Without Regulation Or Oversight

    "The Supreme Court’s decision [recently], in Maryland v. King, was its first to squarely address DNA collection and databanking. While that decision said nothing explicit about the authority of local law enforcement to keep DNA databases, it could well encourage local jurisdictions to push ahead, several experts said."- Goldstein, Joseph (2013, June 12). Police Agencies Are Assembling Records of DNA. Retrieved from

    Using DNA to solve crimes is constructive in that it helps to keep unjustly accused people from going to Greater Confinement. Huge numbers of Victims Of Racism with "life" and death sentences have been released because of DNA. I am an advocate for its use. However, it's misuse can lead back to putting innocent people in Greater Confinement. The Supreme Court's decision has allowed the door to remain open for this.

    SUGGESTION: click on the above link and read the NY times article. 

    Then Google search:

    "Law enforcement and DNA" 

    "misuse of DNA" or "Human Rights and DNA"

    or a combination of these terms, in order to gain more information about this. You could always come up with your own combinations.

    Racist Suspects Who Intend To Subvert Your Right To Vote Can Legally Use Deception In Order To Keep You From Voting 

    "The Supreme Court on Tuesday effectively struck down the heart of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by a 5-to-4 vote, freeing nine states, mostly in the South, to change their election laws without advance federal approval."- Liptak, Adam (2013, June 25) Supreme Court Invalidates Key Part of Voting Rights Act. Retrieved from

     "Citizens in a liberal democratic society, at least in theory, can more readily influence their key decision-makers, express their voice and stake in local decision-making, and manifest their pleasure (or displeasure) with their representative government. The basic civic act of voting in a democracy, then, is clearly a simple but crucial tool for changemaking. Yet in far too many democracies, voting can range between a metaphorical “check-in-the-box” that absolves citizens from engaging meaningfully in the issues and the candidates to an outright charade and mockery of representative government."..........." the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the central pillar of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, enacted to preserve.............[the] constitutional right of a [just] and free vote for all citizens irrespective of [racial classification] or any other characteristic. This pillar, fundamentally Sections 4 and 5 of the Act, requires certain states, counties and municipalities with historic, [racist] restrictions on voter registration to “pre-clear” any changes to their election procedures with the U.S. Justice Department.............the law helped win an almost....century-long struggle to honor and enforce the 15th Amendment to the Constitution, which outlawed practices that disenfranchised [Victims Of Racism]....... the Voting Rights Act [was] a milestone, guaranteeing through the Justice Department the equal protection of an essential tool for civic participation.....Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote on page 5 of her dissent (available here) that 'today 'second-generation barriers' to racial and ethnic discrimination like racial gerrymandering and changing the procedures for local municipal elections could crop up more often and slowly chip away at the ability [for Victims Of Racism] to fully exercise their voice, in the same way that literacy tests (the 'first generation') did before. Just two hours after the ruling, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott.....enacted that state’s voter ID law that had been ruled by federal courts last year to impose “strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor.'"- Ashoka (2013, June 27) Why Voting, And The Voting Rights Act, Should Matter To Changemakers. Retrieved from

    My father, Norman G. Doggett Jr (1941-2010), told me that, prior to the Voters Rights Act of 1965, the Racists would use all kind of deception, including so-called literacy tests, to exclude "Black" people from voting. They would present questions like "How many bubbles are in a bar of soap?" If the correct answer could not be produced the Victim of Racism would be barred from voting. What is the correct answer to the number of bubbles in a bar of soap?.........impossible.

    To review some of the Racism that was practiced against Victims Of Racism between 1880 and 1965 click here.

    SUGGESTION: click on the above links and read them thoroughly. 

    Then Google search:

    "Voters Rights Act Of 1965" 

    " Racial Gerrymandering" and "practices that disenfranchised from Voting"

    or a combination of these terms, in order to gain more information about this. You could always come up with your own combinations.
    You No Longer Have The Right To Remain Silent

    "The court ruled that a suspect’s failure to answer a police officer’s questions before an arrest may be used against the suspect at trial. The Supreme Court has long said the Fifth Amendment’s protection against self-incrimination applies after arrest and at trial. But it had never decided, in the words of a 1980 decision, “whether or under what circumstances pre-arrest silence” in the face of questioning by law enforcement personnel is entitled to protection."- Liptak, Adam (2013, June 17) A 5-4 Ruling, One of Three, Limits Silence’s Protection. Retrieved from

    The Court said "Petitioner, without being placed in custody or receiving Miranda warnings, voluntarily answered some of a police officer’s questions about a murder, but fell silent when asked whether ballistics testing would match his shotgun to shell casings found at the scene of the crime. At petitioner’s murder trial in Texas state court, and over his objection, the prosecution used his failure to answer the question as evidence of guilt. He was convicted, and both the State Court of Appeals and Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed, rejecting his claim that the prosecution’s use of his silence in its case in chief violated the Fifth Amendment. [The Court] concluded that petitioner’s Fifth Amendment claim fails because he did not expressly invoke the privilege in response to the officer’s question

    I am by no means a supporter of crimes, let alone murder. I remember Mr. Fuller telling me in a phone conversation (I'm paraphrasing) that huge numbers of "Black" people have committed so much crime, that they've done enough for all of us. Under the system of White Supremacy we are expected to commit crimes. When a crime is committed the first thing that comes to anybody's mind is that one or more "Black" people committed it. There should be an all out campaign for "Black" people to stop committing crimes. All crimes, except "begging".  It should be practiced to the point that everyone would say "A 'Black' person would never commit a crime, except maybe begging. They used to do that stuff along time ago, but not these days." 

    That being said there are many Victims Of Racism who have been incorrectly tried and convicted for crimes that they didn't commit, only because they didn't know how to defend themselves with their constitutional rights, like "White" people do. Now, after this ruling it just got tougher. This ruling basically says that you must actually state your 5th amendment right from the start, instead of choosing which questions to answer and which ones to be silent on when being questioned by the Enforcement Officials. Click here for the best approach to this.

    SUGGESTION: click on the above links and read them thoroughly. Please, Please, Please, study what's in the last one.

    Then Google search:

    "The Bill Of Rights"  

    "The 14th and 15th amendments"

    Stay Strong In The Struggle To Replace White Supremacy With Justice

    Sunday, June 30, 2013

    United Nations recognizes that "Non-white" people are Victims Of Racism without actually saying "Non-white" people.

    The first time that I heard of this was in Sept 2001. It was on the brink of becoming a major story, because the so-called USA and "Israel" withdrew representatives from it. They didn't like the wording that would have made "Western Nations" responsible for reparations and other words which suggested that Zionism (the method of governing used in "Israel") was Racism. Wiki has some constructive information on it here.

     The below words came from the United Nations website.

    "The World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, held in Durban in 2001, adopted the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. This document records a commitment by States to work together to eradicate racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. It is a comprehensive and action-oriented road map, offering a functional common approach to realize the principles of equality and non-discrimination.
    The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action specify that a victim-oriented approach is an important tool to eliminate racial discrimination. Specific reference is made to Africans and people of African descent, Asians and persons of Asian descent, indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees, minorities, the Roma and others.

     Paragraph 7 of the Durban Programme of Action specifically "requests the Commission on Human Rights to consider establishing a working group or other mechanism of the United Nations to study the problems of racial discrimination faced by people of African descent living in the African Diaspora and make proposals for the elimination of racial discrimination against people of African descent".
    The Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent was established by Commission on Human Rights resolution 2002/68 of 25."  click here for more

    "The U.S. and Israel walked out of the 2001 World Conference Against Racism in the South African city of Durban over a draft resolution that criticized Israel and equated Zionism with racism."-

     If you are a "Non-white" person, the below document can be used as evidence that you are a Victim of Racism:

    World Conference Against Racism Declaration

    It's presented with buckets and buckets of words, however, if you know some of their code terms and words used, such as: "Indigenous people", "Minorities", "African descent","Asian", etc, you can somewhat see what they mean. The main thing that is said that you can get a lot of mileage with is "a victim-oriented approach is an important tool to eliminate racial discrimination."

     I think that this words are important. They need to be codified with Counter Racism Code (CRC) so that it reads like:

     A victim-oriented approach is an important tool to eliminate racial discrimination Racism (White Supremacy).

    We got to keep it on that approach, and stay there until we get Justice. It does not mean that you should just "give up", you embrace it like someone who has accepted that they got their ass whupped, stood up, dusted themselves off, studied their loses, developed a strategy, re-trained for the fight, and got back in it to win it. 

    Please study this document, then look for other phrases and terms that you (we) might be able to use. There maybe something in it that can help us gain more ground in this War.