The inspiration for this post comes from the Yahoo Sports Article written by "Eurosport Expert" and "Non-white" person, Paul Parker entitled
According to his article the "British media" revealed a Racial incident that occurred 18 years ago, whereby a "White" person named Stuart Pearce was accused of mistreating, a Mr. Paul Ince on the basis of color.
Mr. Parker starts off with the words "I could not help but find the front pages of some of Friday's newspapers anything other than embarrassing."
His statement reflects the usual emotions that are produced under a system of White Supremacy whenever a "White" person is accused of practicing Racism. Counter Racist Compensatory Logic says that whenever a "White" person is accused of practicing Racism, some "Non-white" people feel embarrassed, and some "White" people get angry. It is Mr. Parker's embarrassment that produced this article, which means that it is based on emotion and not logic. I'm not attempting to be critical of Mr. Parker. I want to point out how dangerous (unknowing to him) his article can be to other "Non-white" people who may value his opinion.
Mr. Parker argues that Pearce is not a Racist because:
- It was 18 years ago
- He knows Pearce and has not been mistreated by him on the basis of color
- Pearce apologized to Ince for the incident
- Pearce defended one of his team mates named Des Walker when "One of the opposition said something to Des Walker, something racist."
It was 18 years ago
"I just cannot understand this attitude of the British media that as soon as someone is elevated to sufficiently high office they are fair game. Even if there is nothing new to smear a person's name with, they will happily trawl through a person's past just to get anything on them.
That is what has happened here
with an alleged incident from 18 years ago involving Pearce and Paul Ince during a game between Manchester United and Nottingham Forest."
It appears to me that Parker is saying that Pearce has not practiced Racism (White Supremacy) in 18 years. In order for the logic to start kicking in we must ask questions.
How does Parker know that Pearce has not practiced Racism in 18 years?
It looks like Parker depends on the media to point out Racist incidents. The media doesn't catch everything. Therefore he cannot know.
Could Pearce be practicing Racism in such a way, that it could go undetected for 18 years?
Yes. The evidence shows that the White Supremacists can use deception to practice Racism (White Supremacy) in a refined way.
When looking at "White" people who are able to practice Racism, is it possible for a Victim of Racism (White Supremacy), to determine who is and who is not a Racist, while under the system of Racism (White Supremacy)?
I don't think so. I could be incorrect. I do not know of any "Non-white" person who has learned how to make this determination. Such a person would have to know everything about Racism (White Supremacy) what it is, and how it works. That means 100% understanding. Trying to determine who is and who isn't is a waste of time in my opinion.
As a Victim of Racism under the Global System of White Supremacy you should always be concerned about who, what, when, where, and how you are being victimized whenever you wake up in the morning. Hell, we may be victims in our own damn sleep!
He knows Pearce and has not been mistreated by him on the basis of color
"I played with Stuart for England many times and got to know him well, and I genuinely believe there is absolutely no way he is racist. If he did make any abusive comments to Paul, as was alleged at the time, I would say they may have come out of ignorance at that point, rather than bigotry. I am sure that as a highly respected member of the football community he would not dream of making any such comments now."
The smart and powerful White Supremacists benefit from the confusion that they've promoted about Racism (White Supremacy) being a form of ignorance. This is not correct. Ignorance is the opposite of intelligence. The truth is that Racism (White Supremacy) is a highly sophisticated business. Most of it's practitioners are highly intelligent and competitive business persons who use it to gain an advantage over their victims, in the same way that a Wal-Mart gains an advantage over a small corner store.
As long as the Global System of Racism (White Supremacy) exists any "White" person that is able to practice Racism, can practice Racism, at any time, and any place, in all areas of people activity including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, and War.
Could it be that Pearce has practiced Racism against Parker without Parker's knowledge?
Could it be that Pearce has practiced Racism against other "Non-white" people without Parker's knowledge?
Could it be that Pearce has practiced Racism (White Supremacy) against other victims and spared Parker?
Yes. Practicing Racism (White Supremacy) is a choice. A Racist Suspect could choose to mistreat you on the basis of color, and leave all other "Non-white" people alone or they could choose to not mistreat you, and mistreat all others. Still thirdly, they could choose to not mistreat anybody at all. It is their choice (and the choice that we want them to make).
Could it be that Pearce has not mistreated anyone on the basis of skin color?
Absolutely. It is possible. Racism is a choice.
Can Parker decide that Pearce is not a Racist?
Yes. His article is the evidence that proves he has made that decision. Pearce may or may not have deceived him into believing that. It is unlikely that we would ever know.
Can other "Non-white" people (including you) decide that Pearce is still a Racist?
Yes. It is totally up to you. You can join Parker and decide that he's not one if you'd like.
It is left up to each and every individual "Non-white" person to decide who is and who is not a Racist.
You have what we call Victims Guaranteed Qualifications. We have Mr. Edward Williams to explain below.
Is it logical while under the Global System of White Supremacy for a Victim of Racism to decide who is and who is not a Racist?
NO! Why? because in my opinion it is a complete waste of time. You and I do not have the tools to determine such a thing, other than asking a "White" person who is able to mistreat you, if they are in fact going to mistreat or / are mistreating you. What do you look like asking a suspected burglar if they are going to burglarize your house? He or she could answer yes, but then that would be a stupid ass burglar now wouldn't it? or at the least a sarcastic one.
It's seldom (these days) that a Racist has revealed the truth about what they were going to do or have done to their victims. Many of them claiming that they've "turned over a new leaf" or some who merely have the nerve to tell it like it is. Either way we don't have any measurable way to tell if they are telling us the truth or deceiving us further.
Following Counter Racist Compensatory Logic, as long as the System of Racism (White Supremacy) exists, all "White" people should be viewed as Racist Suspects. The evidence shows that millions of Victims of Racism didn't find out that they had been victimized by the Racists, until long after the fact. In other words it was through trial and error. Which means a lot of mistakes were made, time, and energy wasted.
Deciding that a "White" person is not a Racist, while under the system of White Supremacy is highly dangerous, because the #1 tool for practicing Racism is Deception. This would allow them to mistreat you further, without your knowledge, because you dropped your guard.
Equally, and in balance, which is Justice.
Deciding that a "White" person is a Racist, while under the system of White Supremacy is highly dangerous, because they may not be a Racist and your actions have turned them into one or you could be incorrect for other reasons. The key is for them to take all action necessary to produce Justice (balance between people). It is illogical to form conclusions without evidence. It makes one look foolish. Now, if a "White" person admits that they are a Racist, then okay. I guess that's your evidence.
Pearce apologized to Ince for the incident
Okay, but, Victims of Racism can remain traumatized from Racist Actions for decades. It still does not take Pearce off the suspect list.
Pearce defended one of his team mates named Des Walker when "One of the opposition said something to Des Walker, something racist."
This can be confusing. I have observed a Racist Suspect be polite to a "Non-white" person, but then turn around and mistreat me. Also when I was 15 years old, I witnessed a Racist Suspect talk about it being a good idea to throw a grenade into a movie theater "full of niggers". He forgot that I was present and I said "Hey, wait a minute!". He responded "I didn't mean you, you're cool. A nigger is a black asshole." I fell for that Racist Mind Trick, thinking I'm not an asshole and saying "Oh, okay."
I may have made this point earlier, but, just because a Racist Suspect isn't mistreating you on the basis of color doesn't mean that they aren't mistreating others on that basis.
To eliminate the slow process of trial and error when trying to determine who is and who is not a Racist, it is best to treat them all as Racist Suspects and keep them on the list of suspects until the system of injustice has been eliminated. No need to argue, if you disagree. V.G.Q. Remember?
You (and Parker) can take them off or leave them on. It's all up to you. I'm leaving them on it.
I've repeated this over and over in order to make it stick. I hope this post was constructive.
Stay Strong In The Struggle to Replace White Supremacy With Justice.