Counter Racism Now! Campaigns

Sunday, November 29, 2009

C'mon. Would this have happened if he were a "white" person?

By now you should have heard about the "White House state dinner party crashers." I suspect that the thought would not have even crossed her mind to enter the White House, when Clinton and Bush were presidents. But, many of you are going to say "SynQ, you're really reaching on this one." And as far as security goes? Whom ever was in charge of security that night and the agents who let them in , would have been fired by now, under dubya and his daddy. Look how close she got to him. Could you image a much darker skinned person ( whose not on the guest list) getting this close to Bush or Clinton? Think about it. She is shaking his hand!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jack Johnson: "Obscuring what happened along the way does him no justice."

"Jack Johnson's life was a constant fight against the attitudes of the day, and he won most of them by knockout. Obscuring what happened along the way does him no justice." - Glenn Hauman, Assistant Editor For The Original Johnson Comic Book Series. I can only imagine the chuckles that came from Mr. Hauman as he wrote those words, addressed to me about my critical view of his ghost written work. His last ten words, reveal a truth, that demonstrates that his team emphatically did Jack Johnson "no justice". Mr. Hauman either purposely obscured the truth or is totally unaware of what the truth is. I suspect the former because I can't see how someone with his writing skill could not have read the truth of what Jack Johnson wrote about his own experiences. Mr. Johnson's autobiography is a true inspiration and nothing close to the toilet paper that is referred to as the "Original Johnson Comic Book Series". My hunch was correct about the comic book being a deceptive work that "obscures" the truth. I read his autobiography from cover to cover looking for many of the situations that appear in the comic book series and I have to say that this comic book can serve no other constructive purpose than to serve as flooring for the bottom of a hamster's cage or I maybe I could crumple it up to make it real soft for wiping my ass with. I just don't know. It might not even be worth wiping my ass with. And here I will prove it. I will show you in the order that it was revealed to me. First, the truth mixed with falsehood: These are the pages in the toilet paper.....I mean.....the "Comic Book", that details Johnson's experience, as a "hobo", riding as a stowaway on the railroad to New York to find Steve Broadie. According to the comic book a "white" man attempted to sodomize Johnson on the train, but he was saved by a "black" male who kicks the "white" man off of the train just in the nick of time. Once again, as I pointed out in earlier posts on this crap, Johnson is pictured being sodomized by a "white" man. Whats interesting though is that these pages tell three lies about Johnson. One is that Johnson never road the rails to New York. Two is that he never was sodomized on the train and there is no evidence that he was ever sodomized for that matter. Three, the few times that he rode the rails, he does not mention meeting or riding with anyone, other than the railroad employees who kicked him off of the train. In Chapter Two pages 20 to 21, of Johnson's Autobiography, entitled "The Stowaway". Mr. Johnson reveals the truth: I have uploaded here what I call part one of the only page (page 21) that describes "travels" on the "rails" and it was brief. I made the page large enough for you to read with your own eyes, the very truth that smacks the falsehood outta toilet paper. And it appears that all of his "rail riding" never got him outside of Galveston, Texas. Read it. Notice how he mentions his "father"? If you read The Original Johnson #2, you will remember that it portrayed him as having an abusive "mother" and implied that he was an only child growing up in a single "parent" household. LIES! It was actually his sister who urged him on (with words and not violence) to go and fight, not a gang of "white" boys calling him a nigger, as implied in this snot rag called a "comic book", but one "non-white" male who was bigger than him. I am suspecting that this individual was a "non-white" male because, throughout the book, Johnson states when a person is a "white" person and because it was in the Jim Crow era, when it was not very common for "white" teenagers and "non-white" teenagers to interact with each other. Here's the other part of page 21. Notice how Johnson says that he stowed away on a boat that he believed was bound for New York? After a very interesting adventure as a sponge fisherman and battling a 23 foot long shark, he stowed away on another ship that was actually bound for New York. I suspect that Jack Johnson's "story" was purposely put in comic book form to deceive people, especially, Victims of Racism away from learning about the true Jack Johnson. I was amazed to know that he wrote his own biography. The system had me convinced that he was a big black dumb ass nigger who chased "white" women (his first "wife" was a "non-white" female), that did absolutely nothing constructive. That is far from the truth. He was a business owner (he owned numerous businesses), a traveler, an actor, a bullfighter, a race car driver, a writer, and there are other interesting things to learn about him. I had always thought that he died young, but he was 68 years old when he was killed in a car crash in Raleigh, N.C. If you have read the full comic book series, but have not read "Jack Johnson is a Dandy"(Jack Johnson in his own words), and then you go around speaking about Mr. Johnson as though what you read about him in these comic books were true, you will be in support of "Obscuring what happened along the way" Which is exactly what these comic books are doing.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Regarding Barack Obama

The following information was published in the LA Times on the day that Jack Johnson became the first "black" heavyweight champian, it was presented to me by another VOR, who has his own blog as well. and seems to fit yesterday's occasion. This is what many are thinking today but would only say behind closed doors. As one admitted Racist (White Suremacist) told me, every "non-white" person becomes a nigger as soon as they leave the room. "Message to White people" from the July 6, 1910 issue of the LA Times(revised by me a little bit) "The White man's mental supremacy is fully established, and for the present cannot be taken from him. He has arithmetic and algebra, chemistry and electricity; he has Moses, David, Homer, Shakespeare, Milton, Byron and Burns; he has Herschel, Tyndall, Darwin and Edison, to fall back upon. His superiority does not rest on any huge bulk of muscle, but on brain development that has weighed worlds and charmed the most subtle secrets from the heart of nature. The members of the White race who are not a disgrace to it will bear no resentment toward the black [people] because of this single victory in the [presidency]. That would be to manifest lamentable weakness, not strength; stupid foolishness, not wisdom; a cowardly disposition not manliness. Let the White man who is worthy of the great inheritance won for him by his race and handed down to him by his ancestors "take his medicine" like a man. If he put his hope and the hope of his race in the White man who [ran for the 2008 presidential election], let him recognize his foolishness, and in his disappointed hope let him take up this new "White man's burden" and bear it like a man, not collapse under it like a weakling." "A Word To The Black Man" from the July 6, 1910 issue of the LA Times (with a little revision by me) "Do not point your nose too high. Do not swell your chest too much. Do not boast to loudly. Do not be puffed up. Let not your ambition be inordinate or take a wrong direction. Let no treasured resentment rise up and spill over. Remember, you have done nothing at all. You are just the same member of society you were last week. You will be treated on your personal merits. Your place in the world is just what it was. You are on no higher plane, deserve no new consideration and will get none. No man will think a bit higher of you because your complexion is the same as that of the [president]. Remember that if it did establish the fact that man for man all through the two [peoples], yours was capable of being wrought into the best pugilist (which is not the case,) even then there would be no room for becoming swollen with pride. That would not justify your jumping at the very illogical conclusion that you are "on top". You are no nearer that mark than you were before the [inaugaration] took place. You must depend on other influences to put your race on higher ground, and you must depend on personal achievement to put yourself on higher ground. Never forget that in human affairs brains count more than muscle. If you have ambition for yourself or your [people], you must try for something better in development than that of the [nigger]."

Interesting video added on 11/4/12:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am not Surprised at the Murder of Oscar Grant.

Late breaking news from me about the murder of Oscar Grant III. Everyone's asking SynQ "what do you think about what happened?" Well, I think the same damn thing that I thought when Sean Bell, Gus Rugly, Amadou Diallo, and the thousands of other VORs who were killed by the Enforcement Officials of the system of Racism (White Supremacy) though out history. Which is that it will not stop until effective numbers of "non-white" people start thinking, speaking, and acting to counter Racism (White Supremacy) at all times, in all places, and in all areas of people activity including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War. We should no longer be surprised at this kind of mistreatment. We should expect it until we get Justice for all of us! The pressure is on. The marching and behind the scenes hell raising done by some "non-white" and "white" people who wanted justice for Oscar Grant, spoke to a smart and powerful "white" person named Jerry Brown (California's top enforcement official) , who in turn motivated another smart and powerful "white" person, Tom Orloff to get involved enough to arrest (for the first time that I know of) an enforcement official for the murder of a VOR! Now that is what surprised me! The San Francisco Chronicle states that "The conclusion by Oakland police, contained in a legal filing made public Wednesday, contributed to Alameda County prosecutors' decision to charge Mehserle, 27, with murdering 22-year-old Oscar Grant of Hayward. It was an extraordinary decision. Several legal experts said they could recall no instance of a police officer in California being charged with murder for an on-duty incident, and Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff said he had never brought such a case in his 14 years on the job." But, I am still skeptical, because when they put those Enforcement Officials on trial for what they did to Rodney King, I thought that King would get justice. But they were found not guilty. So we'll see.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The "Original Johnson" Comic book review part three

Glenn Hauman, the "assistant editor" of "The Original Johnson" Comic book left this comment attached to part one of my review, which has now become an investigation: "There's no ghost writer. Trevor has been working on this project for years, writing and pencilling. We're just happy to, shall we say, expose The Original Johnson. That said, I didn't notice the coloring mistake rendering the stick transparent and suggestive in your second example. I'll make sure it gets fixed. Your third example-- you skip over that in the very next panel, a black man punches the potential rapist in the mouth and throws him off the train. I'm going to be very interested in how you react to Trevor's depiction of some of Johnson's later acts, including marrying white women at a time when that was illegal, and Johnson's prosecution under the White Slavery act of 1910. Jack Johnson's life was a constant fight against the attitudes of the day, and he won most of them by knockout. Obscuring what happened along the way does him no justice." Now, read what I wrote in my first post about this book. Did he deny most of what I said? Does his comment about "exposing the 'original Johnson" go with what I said about the mockery of Jack Johnson being compared to a penis? Instead of being the "Original Man" (as "black" people are sometimes referred to being.) Its the "Original Penis". It is one big inside joke. In my opinion. Anyway, I ordered Jack Johnson's biography and I am going to go through it with a "fine tooth" comb. I am not denying that some of what is said in this comic book is the truth, but there are too many details in this comic book, that to me would be impossible to know about 89 years after his death. I could be incorrect, but it doesn't appear that there are a lot of sources of accurate information about him. Anyway something is up if my blog got the attention of a Racist Suspect writer associated with this comic book. Can you imagine having your story being "edited" by a Racist Suspect? Glenn Hauman apparently is a sci-fi writer, and has written many books for the "Star Trek" series. I suspect this makes him qualified to be THE ghost writer for this comic book. To back up my point, I am listing sources that demonstrate Glenn Hauman writing ability: The other interesting thing is that I can't find one thing that has been written by Trevor Von Eeden (the VOR who they say is writing this comic book). (Here is some evidence that shows that I maybe incorrect about his writing ability, but notice that all of these books have been co-authored by him, which I suspect could mean that he did the art work.) The net has plenty of information on Mr.Von Eeden, but its all about his artwork. There are more links about him than the Racist Suspect named Glenn Hauman. So far none of the sites list a single work written by Trevor Von Eeden by himself. There are at least a hundred links so I could be incorrect. Now if you are running a comic book business, would you have the artist who has not written anything, start writing the content for your comic book? If you had someone who works for you who has written books and won awards for the books that they've written, wouldn't you want them to write your comic books? Weigh the scales. Artist with no writing skills or Award winning writer? Would a Racist Liberal(one who chooses to make Racism/White Supremacy more comfortable for its victims) know that their content may be called "Racist" if it were known to be written by a "white" person? Would that same Racist Liberal have a "black" person appear to be the writer? Could the content be called Racist against "black" people if ti was written by a "black" person? I shall return! Stay strong in the fight to eliminate Racism (White Supremacy).

Friday, January 02, 2009

The "Original Johnson" Comic Review Continues....

This is the continuation of my observations of the Racist Sublimimal Messages that I can see within this comic book series. In my last blog I pointed out its Anti-Sexual images. But, I didn't completely show how they are Racist images. So lets begin. Note that all of the images that I presented in my last blog were of a "non-white" male being sodomized by a "white" male. I observed that one of the characters in what I call the "Race War" image changed in his appearance. In one scene he is a "white" male when he sodomizes JJ and in the other scene his face appears to be a "non-white" male being sodomized by a "white" male. This might be another one of those "SynQ, your pulling this one outta your ass!", kind of moments. I'll let you decide. Here is the "Race War" image which is on page three of volume three: See in the image above how the "white" male is holding the stick? Doesn't he appear to be sodomizing a "non-white" male? Here is his face up close: Notice here how he has thicker lips, and his skin tone is darker? On the next page of this same volume, the character's face changes when he appears to be sodomizing JJ. See below that his face is lighter and he does not have any thick lips? I do not know. You decide.

The "Original Johnson" comic book series.

Art work for this comic is fantastic and the writing style is good, but the message that it sends sucks. I suspect that it is no coincidence between the title of this comic book and the Racist Code word for penis, which is "Johnson".

This comic is filled with what I call Racist Subliminal Art Messages, and they can't be called Racist, because a VOR is showcased as the writer and artist of it. I further suspect that there is a ghost writer behind it all. I have no way to prove that so I am not going to try to.

I can say from my own experience of being a VOR, that doing what a Racist Suspect tells you to do, as your employer, is what pays the bills and puts food on the table. So Trevor Von Eeden. I ain't madatcha bruh.

However, I will attempt to point out what I see in the art work and in the words of this new comic book, that "white" folks are ecstatic about. First, I want to say that I was a Fine Arts major at the University Of Alaska Anchorage, I did not have the funding to continue my education, but I learned alot about the subject of Art, as well as my acting parent who was a very constructive visual artist. He could have been one of the best, I suspect if he weren't victimized by the system of Racism (White Supremacy). I have learned a little about the concepts of Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional art design, drawing, and photography, as well as Art History and some other art subjects.

One powerful thing about Art is that it can send your brain-computer multible messages, that you consciously will not pick up on unless you know what to look for. And only if that art is created by a skilled artist will those messages send a complete message. This skill is the foundation for creating propaganda. Before I studied Art, I thought it was a gift bestowed upon a person by the All-power that a person could only be "blessed" with. And if someone created a great piece of art, it was by chance. I have observed that many VORs think the same way that I once did about art. The truth is that it is a skill just like anything else that you learn and it gets better with practice.

Anyway, on to the subject of today's post.

I see Degradation:

In the following pictures I will show you what appears to be images of sodomy.

Here's the first image that I saw:

I know, some of you are probably saying
"SynQ, you pulled this one right out of your ass.!" (No pun intended.) I saw this and had to do a double take.

Remember, what I said, Art is a skill. Nothing just happens. When this kind of work is professionaly done. They have a team of editors who take a look at everything before its published. "Yeah, SynQ, but people STILL make mistakes."

Ok, so what about this one:

See how the stick is placed in front of young JJ's crouch? and then it leads to the butt of the other character? You even get a transparent view! Hey we are talking about "Johnsons" here. That is the theme. Is it just me? or what? It is just me? ok then. Let's move on. Now this next one is overt sodomy. When it comes to Art the Racists have been able to communicate to us with the skillful use of colors who is and who is not a "white" person. It's just when I look at real people that I have this issue. I have already learned that I can't tell if someone is a "white" person or not anyway. Check it.

I am writing about this because the character doing the raping is presumably a Racist Suspect to me, but another VOR says that he thinks this Racist Rapist is a VOR. That could be true. What do you think?

Images of "black" males being sodomized by "white" men equate to images of domination and subjugation of the victim, by the victimizer, which is Racism (White Supremacy) in my book. The Victimizer says "I can do whatever I want to do to you nigger, and there ain't nothing you can do about it!" Such anti-sexual behavior has been said to be traced back to the "Romans" and the "Greeks". Anyway, there is much more to be said about the images that I have seen in this comic book series and I will come back to it later. Stay strong in your fight to eliminate Racism / White Supremacy!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Black is not just a skin color; it’s a quality of voice. Sarah Jones, the Tony Award-winning performer, talks with linguist John McWhorter about what it means to sound black today. They look at how Barack Obama has used “blaccent” to drive audiences wild. Produced by Studio 360's Derek John.
Sarah Jones and John McWhorter

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Josh Wickett: On Santa Claus

Long before I met "superman", "spiderman", "Batman", and the "Bionic man"...... I met Santa Claus. I guess you could say Santa Claus "turned me out" (for those unaware, this phrase refers to a pimp getting his victim to turn their first "trick"). The entire concept of a White man that spies on you (he knows when you are sleeping...) and then judges whether you are good or bad. If he deems you "bad", you get a black rock (coal). This is all very powerful symbolism when you are 2 years old. This experience trained me for White Jesus and all the other "super Whiteman bullshit" launched my way over the years including: John Wayne Rambo James Bond Elvis... Like I've said before; my niggardly behavior is no accident. The White supremacist started loading that "nigger software" very early on me. I even remember playing board games as a child where no one wanted to use the black pieces (Risk). Later on when I first heard about Kwanzaa, I automatically thought it was a stupid idea because I thought it had something to do with Black people...I never even bothered to find out what the mechanics were. These are the symptoms of a highly niggerized person. Now, What am I doing about it? Well, the first thing I'm doing is raising questions. I'm also changing my behavior. And it is upsetting alot of people too. Niggers are mad cause I ain't actin like I used to act. (White people are mad too but they are smart enough to hide it from me) I ain't celebrating Christmas. Ain't nothin to celebrate about. And if I catch a White man in a red suit breakin into my house round midnight, I ain't givin him "holiday cheer", I'm givin him lead. Josh PS--please pardon my seizure

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Check out these "twins" and how the VOR get treated

Is it by coincedence that the VOR's name is "Coon"? They spell it differently, but it sounds the same.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Is being Jewish a racial or religious classification ?

I know that Micheal Richards is old news but, I need to bring up a point. Who thought Micheal Richards was a "Jew"? I did. Did you? Be honest. Click here and see what had to say about him. How many non-white people thought well of Micheal Richards before his "racial tirade"?

I did.

I liked him every since I first saw him on the sketch comedy tv show "Fridays", back in the early 80's. I never pictured him as having any Racist thoughts, speech, and / or actions. Because I thought he was a cool dude who made me laugh. 

What used to nag at me was that the first "Jews", that I spent the most time and energy with, had blond hair, blue eyes, and they told me that they were "white". 

Me at 12 years old with the first "Jews" I met.

They also were the first to let me know that I was "black" because of the "Curse of Ham" and they used racist speech and actions against me all of the time, from the age of five until they moved away from our habitat, when I was twelve or thirteen years old. I think that most Victims of Racism (non-white people) have been trained to believe that "Jews" are only non-white people.  

This is because we're told the following repeatedly:

1.Hitler was a Nazi.
2.Nazis believe "White" is superior to "Non-white".
3.Nazis killed "Jews" because they believe "Jews" are inferior.
4."Jews" must be "Non-white"

But when we see people who appear to be "White" who talk to us as if being a "Jew" is apart of a "Race" we assume they are "White".

Hollywood has even trained us to believe that "Jews" have a certain appearance (me too even though the first "Jews" that I met did not match this image see above) as though, they are a "Race" of people. It was not until the 90's that I started to "see" this particular "Jewish look" a lot more, in movies and on television. Micheal Richards has that so-called "Jewish look".

The Racists who dominate the third major area of people activity, called Entertainment, have conditioned our minds to believe in this particular image. They want you and I to associate this image with being "Jewish".

You know the look, don't you? the Adam Sandler, Ben Steller, Jerry Seinfeld, look?

No? let me show you:


I started hearing all of this talk about "Jews" being a "Race" of people. Have you ever investigated the idea of a "Race"? What is exactly a "Race" of people? The RACE-ists want you to believe that it is some kind of genetic thing. Research it.

 Anyway, these quotes are from 

"According to traditional Jewish law, a Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any person who has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism." 

"Liberal streams of Judaism also recognize as Jewish a person born of a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother." from the Michael Richards article are what stood out the most to me, because I have on many occasions spoken to "Jews" who have told me that they were "white", and I have seen them functioning as "white" people. Meaning I have witnessed "white" people treat them better than they treated me. 

I had a high school classmate who told me he is a "white" person until some "white" people find out he is a "Jew" and then, all of a sudden he is treated as a "non-white" person.

He also told me that he functions as a "white" person around "non-white" people. This was confusing to me.

Can both the "traditional Jewish Law" and the "Liberal streams of Judaism" quotes apply to a "white" person as well as a non-white person?

"traditional Jewish Law"

Lets see.......if the mother is a "white" person and she went "through the formal process of conversion to Judaism", she'd be a Jew. If she had offspring with a non-Jew "white" person, their offspring would be both "white" and "Jewish". Correct?

If the mother is a "non-white" person and she went "through the formal process of conversion to Judaism", she'd be a Jew.

If she had offspring with a non-Jew "non-white" person, their offspring would be both "non-white" and "Jewish". Correct?

"Liberal streams of Judaism"

If a "non-white" father, "has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism", then he is a "Non-white Jew" and his offspring is thus "non-white" and "Jewish". Correct?

 If a "white" father, "has gone through the formal process of conversion to Judaism", then he is a "White Jew" and his offspring is thus "white" and "Jewish". Correct?

Ok, can anyone go through a formal process of conversion to being classified as "non-white"? well as a non-white person I can tell you. No.

Can anyone go through a "formal process of conversion to being classified as "black"? No.

So, why are there "white" people trying to get you and I to believe that being "Jewish" is a Racial Classification?

I suspect that they do it to cause maximum confusion in the minds of Victims of Racism (non-white people) as to what Racism is and what Racism is not.

Such people are either Racists impersonating a "Jew", or they are a "white" person or a non-white person passing on this confusion, indirectly, in my opinion.

To be a part of a religion simply means that you choose to behave in a certain way that distinguishes you from others, who are not behaving in that same way. In other words you say and do the things a "Jew" does and does not do, in order to be a "Jew". It is a choice.

Racists (white supremacists) do a lot of impersonating in every religion on this planet. They impersonate other religious behaviors (Muslim, Christian ,Jew, Hindu, etc.) in order to spread their own religious behavior of Racism / White Supremacy.

Because of them Racism / White Supremacy has become the worlds most powerful religion, and I suspect that many Racists (White Supremacists) have infiltrated and used the Jewish Religion to make this a reality. The next time you meet a person that you suspect is a "white" person who tells you that they are "Jewish", run this experiment, created by Edward Williams of

Observed Phenomenon: People who say they are "Jews" or "Jewish" when asked what race they are.

Hypothesis: This experiment examines the response of a person that says they are a "Jew" or "Jewish" when asked what race they are. This experiment identifies and promotes the practical value of asking a person if they are a white person.

I have observed the following: A person who says they are a "Jew" or "Jewish" are thought by many "non-white" people to be "white" people. A person who says they are a "Jew" or "Jewish" are thought by many "white" people to be "non-white" people.

Upon asking the critical question to two "Jewish" men on different occasions and 13 years apart. They both gave me the exact same answers. I don't know if they know each other or not.

Critical Question:
Are you a "White" person?

They said: "I am a "White" person around "White" people and a "Non-white" person around "Non-white" people. These two individuals are on my racist suspect list, because deception is a major tool for practicing racism. I didn't get to ask them what they are in the presence of a "White" person and a "Non-white" person.

Herein lies the confusion. As a result of the SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism) there are three functional categories of people: "White" people "Non-White" people (black, brown, red, yellow, beige, tan, etc.) White Supremacists (Racists)

Whenever a non-white person deviates from these three functional categories they lose focus. Because there is so much confusion around the terms "Jew" and/or "Jewish" it is best not to deviate from the three basic functional categories of people listed above.

 The current supreme SYSTEM functioning on this planet is about color and it functions in all areas of people activity including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, and War. 

An effect of this experiment legitimizes the necessity for racists (WS) to divide non-white people into categories to further confuse them about what Racism is and how it works. Terms such as black, pacific islander, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Jew, Ethnicity etc. Should become meaningless to the attempted counter racist in a SYSTEM of white supremacy (racism).

Experiment: Questions to ask are as follows:
What is your race? (This question should not be asked because it allows the person responding too much wiggle room. Scratch this question from your list.) 

What is your ethnic background? (This question should not be asked because it allows the person responding too much wiggle room. Scratch this question from your list.) 

Are you from the Middle East? (This question should not be asked because it allows the person responding too much wiggle room. Scratch this question from your list.) 

Are you an American? (This question should not be asked because it allows the person responding too much wiggle room. Scratch this question from your list.) 

Are you a white person? Are you a white "jew" or a non-white "jew"?

Are you a white "jewish" person or a non-white "jewish" person?

Results: Once non-white people stray away from the categories the white people who practice white supremacy (racism) use to run all of the business on this planet it leads to confusion.

There are white and non-white "Jews", white and non-white "Catholics", white and non-white "Christians".

These are all ideas. White Supremacy (Racism) is an idea that has been made a reality. The White Supremacists (Racists) decide which "religion" is and is not a valid "religion".

Scientific Theory: A "Jew" is a person that is either white or non-white and the White Supremacists (Racists) decide color classification.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The "Vogue" Cover Controversy

This is a video that was on the "Today Show" about this issue. Pay close attention to how that white man and the correspondant ask ALL of the questions. The person who asks all of the questions controls the conversation. I asked the "dumb white guy", some of my own questions as though I was on the show myself. please watch it BEFORE you read my questions.

I think that recognizing that I am a VOR and that the system of Racism / White Supremacy retards my thinking ("you're a dumb white guy and I am a retarded black male") would have added balance to the conversation.

My first question would be "Why are you saying that you are a dumb white guy?" If I were a black female I would ask "Why did they choose ME to come on and speak about this instead of a black male?" I would also ask him- "What do you mean by taking it up to me being an African-American woman?" What exactly does that mean? Because to me the video appears to send the message that the black female is jealous of the white woman and calling it Racism. It also appears that when he states that she is an African-American woman, he is saying THAT is her only reason for being there.

He then says that he is put into a tough position. I would ask "Why does this conversation put YOU in a tough position?" Then he mentions his background "coming from the world of images and the world of photographers".- I'd say "wait a minute...wait a miNUTE, I am a retarded black person, can you slow down for me, I have some questions about this world of images you are speaking of"

It appears to me that I am in a world of images, also. So that I can understand you better, What do YOU mean by a world of images? He then talks about "Raw white guys" and "Raw black guys" and their emotional personalities coming out for the "energy" of the photo. I know some things about photograpghy, but, not as much as a "dumb white guy", because again I am retarded, but, generally doesn't the photographer instruct their subjects in HOW they want them to pose? Does anyone instruct them as to WHAT kind of clothing they should wear? How about facial expressions? Body language? Are they told when to show emotions and not to show emotions? After, they have taken all of these different photos, is there anyone who determines which photos are best for what they want to communicate on the cover? You agreed that this cover is Art, do you agree that the purpose of art is to communicate a message? What type of message do you think this cover is telling us?

Do you agree that so-called "race" plays an issue in advertising? For example if I wanted black males to by my product, isn't it a "marketing strategy" to create images of black males using that product? Would you say that creating images of black males "being tough" using that product, will send a message to black males to "buy" and use that product?

If I wanted white women to use my product wouldn't I use the same princlple of showing white women "happily" using my product in order for them to get to "buy" what I am selling? What type of message do you think this cover is telling white women? What kind of message do you think this cover is telling black males? Which person on this cover is the "product" and which person is the "buyer"?

Why does it say "A PERFECT FIT" in bold letters on the left side of the cover? Have the words "A PERFECT FIT" ever been applied to suggest that two people are "right" for each other?

At the bottom of the cover it says "Gisele & Lebran", isn't that one of the ways that "lovers" are refered too? Why does it say "YOU ARE (NOT) WHAT YOU EAT" on the right side of the page, at the level of their genitals?

Did you know that psychiatrist, Dr.Francis Cress-Welsing mentions in her book called "The Isis Papers" that "It is of symbolic importance that the large brown basketball is thrown into a circular opening (the basket is usually a white net) that can be viewed as a symbol of the white female vaginal orifice"?

Could the image of Lebron "throwing the basketball down" send the message to black males to give up on the game of putting a brown ball into a symbolic white vagina in exchange for putting his brown balls into a REAL "white" vagina?

See the similarities between the Kong picture and the picture below? Look at the ape's face and then look at Lebran's face. See how they are both holding what is presumably a "white" woman in their arms? Lebran's shoulders are slumped forward, giving him the silhouette of a "Gorilla".  Both Lebran and Kong, have the mouths open, as though they are "roaring" aggressively. The Racists (White Supremacists) have been comparing "Black" people to apes for centuries. Now all of a sudden they don't? why not?That's what I call Racist Propaganda. It propagates Racism (White Supremacy).

Why is the image being presented again? Because it reinforces the thoughts, speech, and / or actions, that are needed to keep the system of Racism (White Supremacy) in place. This Vogue picture is nothing more than a refined image of the old one above. Does how we react to it as Victims cooperate with Racism or does that reaction serve as a resistance to it?