Counter Racism Now! Campaigns

Showing posts with label Black Supremacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Supremacy. Show all posts

Sunday, March 04, 2012

"Attention All Black Revolutionaries You Need Justice Not a "Black Revolution"......

                           Counter Racist Compensatory Logic Will Bring You Justice

Justice is balance between people. A system of Justice guarantees that no person is mistreated for any reason. That means that every person who needs help gets the most constructive help that they need guaranteed.

Dear Comrades,

    This an appeal for you to learn THE UNITED INDEPENDENT COMPENSATORY CODE / SYSTEM / CONCEPT By Neely Fuller Jr. My name is Khalif Muhammad. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. I was born in Oakland, CA, the birthplace of the Black Panther Party For Self-Defense. My father was a Vietnam Vet, who joined them, shortly after he got out of the military. He was heavily involved in the Black Power Movement. We did a lot of para-military training in those days. He introduced me to Huey Newton and Angela Davis, on many occasions. I've spoken to David Hillard when we used to attend Wo'se Church together. I sought advice from Ericka Huggins, when myself and a few others wanted to resurrect the Black Panthers at Contra Costa College, when I attended there. I was apart of the Kemetic Association of Students, during my time there. I was a brief member of the New Black Panther Party. I held various positions in the C.O.C. (National Level) of the National Alliance of Black Panthers.  My Great-Aunt was Malcolm X's secretary when he first set up a Mosque #25, in Newark, N.J.

From 1990 to 1992, I was apart of Khalid Abdul Muhammad's security detail whenever he came to the Bay Area. Many of my relatives worked closely with Khalid (his name was Rashadeem at the time) when he was the N.O.I. Minister of Mosque #27 in Los Angeles. I also was  a security lieutenant, and an asst. Minister in the Nation of Islam. I hope that I have not bored you with this information. I just wanted you to know that I am qualified to say what I am about to say to you.

Many of Today's so-called "Black" Power groups are only copying what they've seen the original "Black" power groups do in the sixties and seventies. Many of those groups were the same as most of  today's groups; full a lot of loud mouths, cussing, and hollering, at the "White" man (usually when there were no "White" people around). A lot of "Leaders" ego tripping, with nothing on their minds, but trying to get in some sista's pants. Pushing you to bring in members, sell the groups products (usually a newspaper), asking you to donate your last dollar, and having you waste your time and energy sitting in a meeting for two to three hours, listening to them tell you the same thing they told you in the last meeting, but only in a different way. Their constant message is "Get more people to join, bring in more money." To top it all off many of these groups are infested with Agents and Agent Provocateurs.

History has already shown us what the Racists (White Supremacists) have the power to do to "Black" Revolutionary organizations. And destroyed them real good in the seventies.

Yes, we outnumber "White" people on this planet, 9/10th's to their 1/10th. But, here in the so-called United States of America, we do not. It's 300 Million of them to our 40 million. On top of that, they make most of the advanced weapons and also control the "Non-white" people that make the few that they don't make.

 What do you think is going to be different about today from how it all went down in the 60's and 70's?

If we continue to do what we've always done, we'll get what we've always gotten. We've got to change our behavior. What the older "Revolutionaries" did, didn't work.  The Racist Power Structure is still here and its worldwide.

THE UNITED INDEPENDENT COMPENSATORY CODE / SYSTEM / CONCEPT (U.I.C.C.S.C.) by Neely Fuller Jr says that there are TWO Basic Methods For Resisting Racism White Supremacy-

The Four-Wall Method and The Open Air Method

The Four-Wall Method

From pages 41 to 43 of the U.I.C.C.S.C. it says:

"The four wall method of fighting white supremacy is the general title given to the concept of having a special meeting place for those persons who seek to resist white supremacy. For the most part, this is also includes the following:
  • Regular meetings by two or more persons.
  • The renting and/or buying of meeting halls and/or buildings.
  •  Repeated fund –raising 
  •  Centralized and/or closed –in activities.
  •  Formal acquisition and storage of supplies to be distributed and/or sold for support of organizational activities. 
  • Mandatory and a regular payment of dues.  
  •  Payment of salaries, and/or giving of awards to organizational personnel. 
  • Regular accumulation of funds for legal fees, etc.  
  •  Designated leadership: persons who regularly give orders or directives. 
  • Designated followship: persons who regularly follow the orders and/or directives all the persons who are designated as leaders. 
  •  Promoting the practice of thinking, speaking, and/or acting as if a particular number of people, situated in a certain place, at a certain time, and calling themselves a particular name or title, constitutes an organization. 
  •  Promoting the practice of calling an area of land by a specific name or title, and/or referring to it as the country, nation, state, etc.
  •  Promoting the practice of calling persons by a specific name and/or title, and then associating that name and/or title with a particular area of land. 
  •  Promoting the practice of associating a person with a thing by speaking, and/or acting as if the person and the thing are one and the same, and/or that the person and the thing represent each other.  Examples: buildings, flags, maps, pictures, statues, words, etc.
The four–wall method is the standard and/or traditional procedure used by the Victims of White Supremacy in their Resistance to White Supremacy. It is called the four –wall method because the "Non–white" people who use the method, plan, talk, and generally tried to inspire each other by meeting each other regularly in a building that usually as for a more walls. The walls may be a stone, wood, wire, or some other structure that is erected by people. The effectiveness of their meetings in the accomplishment of their purposes are ofttimes judged on the basis of the numbers of people that appear within a walled area at the same time. If the same people assemble often enough, they are usually asked or expected to assemble regularly. They may be awarded a name and/or title and told that they are members of an organization of people.The structure, building, etc. In which the members meet is usually considered to be a headquarters and forced us or central meeting place.The power of the people attending a meeting at his headquarters as ofttimes measured by the total number of people who appear regularly at that particular place.  Those persons who appear regularly are usually expected to contribute money, socialize, and use names and/or titles that are associated with that particular assembly of people at that particular place of assembly."

The Four-Wall Method, is the most common method, and so far it has proven to cause you more problems than you can shake a stick at:

From pages 43 to 45 of the U.I.C.C.S.C. it says

In a world socio –material system dominated by white supremacists (racists), the four wall method of resisting white supremacy has the following weaknesses:

• Ofttimes, many of the most effective people who attend “counter racist meetings” do not intend to help eliminate Racism but are sent by, and/or are financially assisted by White Supremacists to work to defeat the purposes of the meetings.

• When money is collected much of it is stolen and / or used for purposes other than the elimination of Racism.

• Most of the time, too much time/energy/money, etc. is spent trying to obtain and/or maintain the four –walls and/or the regular structure, or place, where the people assemble to talk about what they should or should not be doing to accomplish their goal.

• “Power” is too often judged on the basis of a number of people who attend a particular meeting, and/or on the basis of how crowded with people a particular walled structure was at a particular time.

• Squabbling is usually increased as the number of people attending meetings increases, usually because of the development of personality clashes.

• Those who are lax in attending meetings, and/or those who are not considered to be members of the organization, are generally treated as unimportant, uncooperative, and/or as outsiders.

• Promoting the appearance of being substantially effective against White Supremacy (Racism) without being substantially effective against White Supremacy.

We have countless examples of the Four-Wall Method starting with the first movement (Garvey's UNIA) on down to the current "Organizations" that we have today.

When, I spoke to Ericka Huggins about resurrecting the Black Panthers (this was in 1987), she said to me "Do everything that we did, except the guns and the rhetoric (together). Because that's what drew them down on us."

I think that we need to have guns. You have the right to defend yourself. But, you don't need to be showing them off to the cameras.  Our cause is more serious than that.

At 2:53 in the above video:

 "So the concept is this, basically. The whole black nation has to be put together as a BLACK ARMY. And we gon' walk on this nation, we gon' walk on this racist power structure, and we gon' say to the whole damn government - STICK 'EM UP MOTHERFUCKER! THIS IS A HOLD UP! We come for what's ours."-Bobby Seale

The rhetoric doesn't go too well, when it's combined with guns, and on top of that your group gets big like the original Panthers, did. The Racists didn't care until the Panther's became a threat. Do you think that they are going to sit around and let another group come up the same way the Panther's did?

They're not.

The evidence shows that when it comes to WAR the Racists (White Supremacists) don't usually make the same mistakes.They have things working right now to make sure that THE PANTHERS ( or any groups like them), never happen again. The same can be said for the Nation Of Islam, and others that were huge back in the day.

Just like in those days,  today's organization's are filled with Agents and Agent Provocateurs.

What does an Agent do?

They watch what you say and do, then they report it.

What does an Agent Provocateur do?

They attempt to get you to say and / or do things that will have you violate the below listed laws.

18 U.S.C. § 2383 : US Code - Section 2383: Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

18 USC § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

Once they've convinced you to break one or both of the laws above, or any other law for that matter its all over for you. 

I remember a time when I was in the Nation of Islam and a "brother capt" pulled up in front of a gas station and told me to go inside and rob it! I looked at him like he was crazy. "No, sir, No, sir!" I told him. 

The Agents and Agent Provocateurs aren't going to be the regular "foot soldiers" aka the "rank and file" most of the time. If they are it will be for a very short time. Their job is to earn your trust fast. So, they're going to be making the most donations and in large amounts too! They're going to be the most outspoken, and will appear to be the most loyal in order to get that position of "authority" as soon as possible. Why? because in that position they can do the most damage. They can access records, steal money, give orders that will harm your group, and most of all pressure the real members (like you) to leave or get caught up in the web of Greater Confinement (Jail or Prison). Be on the look out for my report Learn Something About: Agents and Agent Provocateurs coming soon.

The Open Air Method

From pages 44 and 45 of the U.I.C.C.S.C.

The Open Air method of Resisting White Supremacy (Racism) is practically the functional opposite of the Four Wall method.   

The open air method is generally characterized by: 
  •  Informal communication and/or association.    
  • No regular meetings.
  •  No renting or buying of meeting halls and/or buildings.
  • No repeated fund –raising activities.
  • No formal acquisition and storage of supplies to be distributed and/or sold for support of organizational activities.
  • No payment of organizational dues.
  • No payment of salaries, and/or giving of awards to organizational personnel
  • No regular accumulation of funds for legal fees, etc
  • No designated “leadership”: every person speaks and/or acts as his or her own “leader” according to the individual selections from a code of thought, speech, and action.
  • No designated “followship”: every person speaks and/or acts as his or her own “follower” according to individual selections from a code of thought, speech, and action.
  • No thought, speech, and action that is dictated by one person and/or by a special designated group of persons.

In a world socio –material system dominated by white supremacists racists, the open air method of resisting white supremacy racism has the following basic weakness:
  • · It is initially difficult to communicate the idea of a counter racist code to all of the victims of racism nonwhite people, in a manner that effectively motivates all, or most of them to think, speak, and act according to the suggestions all that code.
    The United Independent Compensatory Code is an Open Air method. No one is a "Follower" of Neely Fuller Jr and he isn't anyone's "leader".

Being United together in that we practice the code in our attempts to Replace White Supremacy With Justice, and yet Independent of each other so that we're minimizing the conflict that is caused from trying to control each others thoughts, speech, and actions, is the most constructive way to go, in my opinion. Staying with the Four Wall Method is okay too. But, it didn't work for me.

Stay Strong In The Struggle To Replace White Supremacy With Justice.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

White Supremacy Revealed?

The 9/1/11 episode of "The Ultimate Merger" that aired on TVONE, had a brief revelation of truth the other night. I usually don't watch these "reality" shows which are everything but reality, but, my attempted wife (see UICCSC Word Guide pages 426-427) who watches them daily, was watching this one particular show, when I happened to hear something about the "White" men on the show communicating in a silent code. You know that caught my attention.

The show is about 14 males (11 "non-white" and 3 "white") competing against each other for the affection of a "black" female named Toccara. The female version of "Flava flave"( only she looks way better).

Apparently, the "white" men on the show "developed" a "white" alliance in where they agreed not to compete against each other, until all of the "non-white" males were eliminated. Whenever it came time for one of them to spend "some alone time" with Toccara, they'd show three fingers up (W) and two fingers down (A) to each other as a reminder of their alliance to not "throw each other under the bus". I could be incorrect, but, it would not be Racist to have such an alliance, unless they are allied on throwing all of the "non-white" people under the bus. Racism / White Supremacy is mistreatment on the basis of skin color.

Anyway, one, or some of, the "black" males noticed the hand gestures and asked about them. The "white" men did not say anything. The show goes to break. After the commercial, some how the "black" males find out what it meant. Instead of approaching the matter logically, they get angry with the "white" men and get absolutely no where. No one learns anything. Everyone in the room is shouting and no one is listening.

Unfortunately for us, there appeared to be so much emotion (and not enough logic) and confusion in the room, that everyone involved missed out on the perfect opportunity to discuss out in the open, what huge numbers of people discuss behind closed doors. Racism (White Supremacy) is the elephant in the room that everyone (when I say everyone I mean "white" and "non-white" people) in the room, spend a great deal of time and energy, pretending is not there.

If it were a show that demonstrated an actual reality (like a major reality called Racism) going on, it would not have been a complete waste of time and energy. However, it was one, because they got no where constructive with it. We ("white" and "non-white" people) need to have a courteous open dialog, about White Supremacy, without being so-called politically correct and without emotion.

As it stands right now, on most occasions, when Racism is discussed in the same room, "white" people get angry and "non-white" people get embarrassed.

In my opinion the actual purpose for this episode of "The Ultimate Merger"as a "reality" show was to program its "non-white" viewers to react in the same manner as the "non-white" actors did in this episode, when they were confronted with Racist Action.

Okay, right now, the "race" issue has been indirectly touched upon, everyday, since the selection of Obama for president. This has been more so, than any other time in the history of the so-called USA. His selection has made the evidence of Racism White Supremacy more visible to its victims, and at the same time made many people take more actions toward ignoring that existence.

This includes influencing others to not have a constructive dialog about it. Because as long as no one discusses it logically, it continues to be that huge elephant.

What influences others to not have dialog? Emotions like anger, embarrassment, guilt, disappointment, can lead to conflict. In this case the "non-white" people appeared to get angry, and were discourteous, which in turn made the "white" people appear to feel embarrassed and shut their mouths about how they were practicing Racism White Supremacy.

Dialog is what was needed. An all out no holds barred courteous discussion on White Supremacy and how it affects people.

It's not shown in the below clip, because it was edited out, but in the full episode (which is always edited), one of the "white" males started his sentence "with it all started with a war that has been going on since 1870."

He was immediately interrupted by a "non-white" male , who said something like "Oh, no you're not about to give us a [implied "black"] history lesson!" I am paraphrasing him.

Anyone that wasn't paying close attention could have thought that the "white" person was speaking about slavery or the so-called "civil war" (what is civil, about war?). The minute someone mentions the 1800's, those are the first things that come to mind. Both ended in 1865. I suspect that the "white" male was talking about the period known as Reconstruction, because it is at that time that groups like the Ku Klux Klan came about. These groups used the tools (deception and violence) of White Supremacy to the fullest, and thus terrorized "non-white" people out of resources and political positions that would have evened the playing field. Such groups are often admired by the unsophisticated Racist suspects who what to bring back the "good ol' days".

I suspect that "Reality shows" are scripted, just like movies and other t.v. programs are. The producers do not allow us to see anything that they don't want us to see. The two "white" men are even dressed similar during the confrontation in front of Toccara. They are both wearing the stereotypical clothing (pendalton shirts and holey blue jeans) that would be seen on the kind of "white" people that the smart and powerful White Supremacists want us to think are the only kind of "white" people that can be Racists. You know the kind that drive pick-up trucks and chew tobacco? See below.

Bottom line is that the true Racist Action was not the "white alliance" that the "non-white" males "discovered" in this show. The true Racist Action was the indirect promotion (subliminally) of the idea that White Supremacy does not need to be discussed between "white" and "non-white" people, because if you do, you're going to get no where with it. Another more subtle idea was one related to the Racist Propaganda term known as "reverse racism", which implies that "white" people are being victimized by "Black" people on the basis of skin color. This is a term that has been picked up and used often amongst the less sophisticated Racist suspects. The kind who dress in an appearance similar to how the two "white" men were dressed in the above video. I suspect that they were instructed to dress this way in order to relate The message sent to them was "black people won't let white people have a white alliance, but it's okay that they have a show with mostly black people on it?, they have black unity, black nationalism, they have BET, they have TVONE, Obama is president, it's not fair! so keep your white alliances a secret because revealing the truth about it will get you know where." Stay strong in the struggle to Replace White Supremacy With Justice

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Are "White" people racially Oppressed?: HELL NO!

This is my response to a CNN article (rated #1 on their "most popular stories right now" list on 3/5/11 @9:01am) that asks the question "Are whites racially oppressed?"

I am baffled at the fact that some "White" people are saying that they are "racially oppressed" these days, because I've been a Victim of White Supremacy (racially oppressed) for 42.5 years. My father-less (see page 120 of the U.I.C.C.S.C: Word Guide) was a Victim of White Supremacy (racially oppressed) for 68 years, and my mother-less, currently has been a Victim of White Supremacy (racially oppressed) for 68 years. 

I have so much knowledge and experience in being a Victim of White Supremacy, that I earned a PH.D( ) in it. I thought for sure that by now I knew what it meant to be "Racially Oppressed", but, since these “White” people are saying that they are, maybe it’s true and I just don't know what I’m talking about.
So for purposes of getting to the bottom line let’s assume that it is true that “White” people are “Racially Oppressed”.

This means that I will offer these “Racially Oppressed White People” the benefit of the doubt and investigate their claim. Never mind the fact that on most occasions when I’ve stated that I am "Racially Oppressed", I barely get this same kind of consideration. No news broadcasters have called me to get my story.

Upon hearing my claim to be a Victim of Racism, most of the "White" people, that I have spoken to make comments like:

"Get a job nigger; you have too much time on your hands."

“Slavery was a long time ago, so get over it.”

 “You have Affirmative Action.”

“You have a black president now, so stop whining.”


“Are Whites Racially Oppressed?”

Many questions came to my mind when contemplating the answer to this grandest question of all questions

1. What does "Racially" mean? 

"Racially" is an adverb of the adjective "Racial", therefore,
The Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary Tenth Edition states:

Racial- 1. of, relating to or based on a race.2. existing or occurring between races.

2. What does "oppressed" mean? 

"Oppressed" is the word "oppress" in its past tense, therefore,
 the Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language College Edition states:

Oppress- 1. To weigh heavily on the mind, spirits, or senses of; 2. to keep down by the cruel or unjust use of power or authority; burden with harsh, rigorous impositions; tyrannize over. 3. a) To crush; trample down. b) To overpower; subdue.

Okay following the logic:

If “White” people are Racially Oppressed because they are classified as “White”,

Then they are kept “down by the cruel or unjust use of power or authority” from “non-white” people dominating and subjugating them in all places, at all times, and in all areas of people activity including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, and War.

Correct? (I know, I know, I’m shaking my head too, but let’s play along.)

Before we look at some of the evidence, 

We'll start with the main reason (I suspect) that these people ( not all "white" people) are saying that they are "oppressed".
Most Powerful Victim of Racism (White Supremacy) in the known universe
Was he selected by "White" people to be President?


Evidence marked exhibit #1 The President's Cabinet
Look at all of those "Racially Oppressed" "White" people.
If Obama is keeping "White" people down by being cruel and making unjust use of his power or authority, why is not his cabinet filled with "non-white" people?

If he had the kind of power that the smart and powerful Racists had, backing him, he could surround himself with "Wesley Snipes" complexioned people and there would not be a damn thing that anyone could do about it. Now, that would be cruelty.

I've admitted that I am confused about knowing how a "White" person looks. There are many times where I am incorrect about it. I've never seen anyone that was the color of a white piece of paper or a white crayon.

Maybe most of the people in the above pic are all classified as "non-white" people? I don't know. What do you think? I think I need a "White" person to tell me. But since I don't have one available, I'll presume that they are "White" people, because many of the people who've told me that they were "White" have the same skin tone as those they want us to presume are classified as "White". I could be incorrect.