Counter Racism Now! Campaigns

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Message to Prince Ray

Well, it appears that "Prince Rey" has responded to my post on my dear friend Colston. Colston is with the Ancestors and is not here to defend himself. One of my Elders stated that when the soul of someone you love leaves this world, don't hold on to any memories of their unfinished business, because they are liable to come back  and try to fix them. Let their spirits rest and be happy in the other world.

 Because of that information, I don't wish Colston were here to defend himself. However, I will address the post by "Prince Rey", which I wouldn't have discovered if it weren't for my self "googling". I have to say that the more refined version of COINTELPRO is actively at work.

After looking at all of the mis-information on the internet that is associated with the name "Khalif Muhammad"I am like wow.

I strongly urge you to think critically about what you've read on the internet regarding the name "Khalif Muhammad". I guess that is the casualty of revealing the truth about my name, instead of remaining anonymous as Sym-Q. I no longer have the "cloak of invisibility" that allows people to draw attention to themselves anonymously under usernames. In 2005, when I first started my "internet activism" there was only one other "Khalif Muhammad" on the net.

Now there's a whole lot. I found a "Linked-in" Khalif Muhammad, listed as working for "Homeland Security" in Los Angeles, CA? The thing about Linked-in, is you can go on and create a profile under any name that you want, and type in whoever you want to work for, without verification. See?

Wow. COINTELPRO or it's new version is on my trail. I am happy that they are. You know why? because it means that I am behaving in a manner that these Racist Subversives, don't like. Which is what I want to do.

Deception is the primary tool of the Racists (White Supremacists). COINTELPRO is all about that.

Moving back to "Prince Rey". Whom I suspect is a "Non-white" person and more specific a "Black" one like me. So because of that I am going to put some things out here, before I respond to his response. What I suspect that he and I have in common (based on the info that he has presented).

1) We are both "Black" males who've been victimized by Racism (White Supremacy)
2)We are both "Black" males who spend most of our time and energy in the Bay Area
3) We are both "Black" males who were a part of the "Black Power Movement" in the Bay Area.

Because of those three things, I have respect for "Prince Rey" in what I suspect that he is attempting to do. OCCUPY HIS TIME AND ENERGY DOING WHAT IS CONSTRUCTIVE FOR HIMSELF.

"Prince Rey" could easily be out there doing things that could get him killed or get him in Greater Confinement, like the millions of other "Black" males, that are practicing such destructive behaviors (and "Prince Rey" could be too, but not while at the same time that he does his work of presenting us with information). The point is that he is doing something at that moment that keeps him safe from murder and / or jail.

What we don't have in common is our age. Prince Rey is probably old enough for me to be his offspring. I am basing this on the time periods that he gives for when and where he has done what he has done. Doing such moments, I was either not born, or a small child. I am 44 years old. Because my folks (Colston included) helped raise me up to be respectful to my Elders, I respect Prince Rey for that as well. My objective is to reveal the truth about Colston, and show how he'd been victimized by Racism. Prince Ray is merely a Victim of Racism who has fallen for Racist Propaganda that had been launched against Colston, by the Racist Suspects who didn't like the fact that he attempted to help the people who needed the most help.......which were "Black" convicts.

I apologize to you Prince Rey, if you felt like I was belittling you. That was not and still is not my intention. I am still learning how to reveal truth, in a manner that promotes Justice, and help the person who needs the most help, get the most help that they need. Which for me is by trial and error. if I mistreated you in that process then it was an error on my part. This not an attack on you. It is not my intention to discredit your work. It is not my intention to lead you or anyone else to believe that I am supporting the CIA, the FBI, or any of the Racist subversives within those organizations who CHOOSE to misuse and abuse the powers given to them in an unjust manner.

What you said about Colston is incorrect information and requires no amount of physical harm against you. In other words, I would have to be a damn fool to want to do harm against you for the words that you've used, when they aren't even your words. You are only repeating what the Racists have said about Colston. I don't blame you, I blame them. and I said that here. It would be hypocritical of me to talk about promoting Justice, and yet violate the very just law of "Freedom of speech". To kill a person because of the words that they use is TERRORISM. I am not a TERRORIST.

Though I used deception and violence, in my youth. I no longer use those methods to get things done. I've since learned that those methods will cause me more problems than solve them. The only ones who can use deception and violence to solve their problems and get away with it, are the Racists (White Supremacists). They are the Masters of Deception and Violence.

I hope that was enough to deflect your accusations.

On  Al-Colistran:

I am not defending them in know way. I really didn't know much about this group. All I can say is that the first time that I met it's members was in 1990. I was in the Nation Of Islam at that time, and had an interest in everything related to Islam. They wore white turbans and all white clothes. They sold herbs and spices all around Richmond. I used to see a lot of them.One of them (whose name I cannot remember) told me that they all lived on a farm in Mexico, where they grew their products, then bringing them back to the Bay to sell. Seeing "Black" males doing something as constructive as that, really impressed me. The brotha told me that it was started by a brother, named "Iman" who used to follow the Hon.Elijah Muhammad, prior to 1975. There were many [and continue to be] such groups that were started by people who left the 1st dispensation of the Nation Of Islam (NOI). I just chalked it up as another one.

Fast forward to 1999. The "Your Black Muslim Bakery"(YBMB) another off-shoot from the NOI, led by Dr. Yusef Bey, and headquartered in Oakland, had opened an outlet in Richmond. Though, there was some conflict between YBMB, and the NOI under the leadership of Min. Farrakhan, which I was still active in at that time, me and the members of the Bakery that I knew, took special care to avoid the politics. We got along. I liked supporting their business. These brothas made the best donuts! They were healthy donuts too! The were made from whole wheat and had chocolate chips in them. Anyway, I was eating them and drinking coffee when, a tall, light skinned brotha dressed in all white, wearing a turban came inside. I immediately knew he was with Al-Colistran.  We all gave each other the greetings of As-Salaam-Alaikum. I said to him "Al-Colistran, right?" He said "Yes, sir". He introduced himself as Iman. This was the first time that I met him. I had leave after that. Don't remember where I went.

I saw him again one day. I was walking down the street. He drove up in a white Cadillac, and introduced me to his daughter.About a few months later I saw him at the Bakery again. There were other brothers in there from the Bakery, myself, and two brother with me from the NOI. I don't remember what we exactly what we were discussing, but it was the teaching of the Hon.Elijah Muhammad. Bro. Iman challenged me into a debate about them. I've never backed down from a debate. I was all in.

Anyway at some point Iman said something like "Yeah brother your the only one in here that believes that." It was something that was very basic in the teachings that anyone who studied them would know right off. I looked around at all of the brothers, because they were watching us. I asked each one if they believed what he said. They all said no and agreed with me. He was shocked to see that we were in unity on our beliefs, even though we had different teachers, both students of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. I don't know why that did it, but after that, the next time I saw Iman, he told me everything about Al-Colistran, and asked me to marry his daughter.

He told me that sometime in the seventies, he went to one NOI meeting at the Mosque in Oakland, got into a debate with the minister of that meeting, and was escorted out by the Fruit Of Islam (FOI). The FOI is the security of the NOI. Anyway, from that one meeting he got the idea that he could start is own group. He let me know that it was his hustle. He told me that he made up the name Al-Colistran. I thought it was Arabic at first, but he only made it sound Arabic, by putting the "Al" in front of it. I think he said it meant. He told me that he got  people to follow him, because he had charisma. He got them to put the money together to move down to Mexico. He walked around with a Quran, but never read from it. He said that his followers never asked him about it. He had more than one wife. He said two of them "Mexicans". He told me that he lost his followers. And that his name slave name was Billy.

Colston Westbrook

Colston was a dear friend to me. I was around his family, I was around his friends. I was his friend. I witnessed him do a lot of constructive things for our people. He was heavily involved in the "Black" collective in Richmond. His work outshines the Racist Propaganda that you are promoting. If you ask anyone with a "conscious mind" in Richmond about him they will have nothing but great things to say, just by hearing his name.

Here is a statement made by Colston's wife:

"As a graduate student at UC Berkeley in the 1970-80s he and a group of Black Students started a project to teach black prisoners literacy skills in the California Prison System, so that when black and other minority prisoners were released from these institutions, they would have the skills necessary to adjust to the larger community, thereby increasing their chances to succeed in the larger society.  He was alarmed at the disproportionate amount of Black men in the Prison System in America. 

At first the project was very successful, later on some hippies became interested in the project.  The reasons for the hippies going to visit prisoners was different what Colston and his colleagues wanted to achieve for the prisoners.  The hippies started a clandestine movement to undermind the efforts of Colston and his colleagues of the Black Culture Association.

The hippy movment split to form the conflict that led to the Symbionese Liberation Army.  These hippie movement targeted Colston, Markus Foster and other Black [intellectuals] and labelled them as Black bourgeois,  they announced in the media a death warrant against black men who were considered not (militant enough).  These hippies questioned, how [could] a black man  be so intelligent, know so many languages, and speak so eloquently, [they figured that] he has to be a CIA Agent.

 Although, there are many intelligent black men who come from Pennsylvania and other eastern states who received an excellent education, since Colston did not speak like a street ganster, he did not fit into the stereo type image that many hippies had of black men., many of these infiltrators could not fathom how Colston Westbrook could be such an intelligent man, have access to so many resources, they concluded that he had to be a CIA agent do do such things.  Colston was never in the CIA he was a scholar,  and he enjoyed teaching,  collaborating with other community workers to make life better for blacks and others who wanted to lift the standards of their lives out of misery and poverty, which is so prevalent in many urban communities in the East Bay Area of California."

Click here to learn factual information about THE REAL COLSTON WESTBROOK

Be sure to read the about section on Colston. Believe what you want to believe about Colston. I knew him and obviously you didn't. I'm done with this.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Counter Racist Movie Review: Django Unchained Part 1

 Counter Racist Movie Review: Django Unchained Part 1

"The seeds of the destruction of Racism (White Supremacy) are implanted in the very existence of Racism itself"- Neely Fuller Jr (1978)

Why does the system of Racism (White Supremacy) exist?

I suspect that it is because it helps sophisticated (smart and powerful) people classified as "White", solve most of their problems.

Who is keeping it in existence?

I suspect that it is some Highly Sophisticated people classified as "White".
Please read "Three Types of People In The Known Universe" on page 20 of the U.I.C.C./ S./C.

Why are they keeping it in existence?

 I suspect that they keep it in existence, because they believe that it solves their problems.

Does the system of Racism (White Supremacy) help to solve problems?

Yes, it helps solve many problems, but, it does not help to solve the greatest problem of injustice. Because it does not solve the problem of injustice, it causes more problems than it can solve. Therefore it is the greatest problem.

Does it solve problems for everyone?

No. It only solves the problems of the smart and powerful "White" people on the planet.

For this movie review my sources of information are what I observed from watching the movie, and (most important) the script. Using the script allows me to SEE the words that were used. Observing the use of words is important in our fight against White Supremacy.

This movie is an excellent example of how a sophisticated Racist Suspect and a Victim of Racism can work together to solve one or more problems in a system of Racism (White Supremacy). In other words, we are going to need help from "White" people, to eliminate the biggest problem in the known universe, IE, Racism (White Supremacy).

Logically speaking, that is the only way that it is going to happen. I'm only going to stick to the specifics of Racism (White Supremacy) and their relation to how the system works, so that you can learn something constructive.

Django Unchained, is set in the 1860's, two or three years before the so-called Civil War (What's "civil" about war? I suspect nothing is.), that shows us a less refined system of Racism / White Supremacy. It was practiced in the open, especially in the deep south, the "color line" was drawn so clear, that a five year old could "see" it.

The movie starts off with a sophisticated Racist Suspect (a dentist turned bounty hunter named Dr. King Schultz), finding a Victim of Racism (Django), that he's been looking for.

Schultz demonstrates the characteristics of his sophistication in the first scene. They easily stand out when compared to the Speck Brothers (Ace and Dickey) and other unsophisticated Racist Suspects that are littered throughout the movie. These characteristics should be used as a start in qualifying the level of sophistication of any Racist Suspects that you have to deal with. Please stay focused on the signs of sophistication. Try not to allow your emotions to interfere. It can help you save time and energy, because they are the type that you should be discussing the "Race issue" with. I could be incorrect.

Dr.King Schultz
Schultz' Characteristics of Sophistication:

1)Use of words is the best indication:

Schultz is "German" and yet speaks English so properly that in the first scene, the unsophisticated Speck Brothers tell him to "speak English" when he uses "English" words that they do not understand. He has a "German" accent which indicates he speaks both "German" and "English". Which means that he knows more words than they do. Later in the movie, Tarantino indicates that Schultz speaks "French", as well. The Speck Brothers speak a slang "English".

Schultz (to Speck brothers): "I wish to parley with you."

Ace Speck: "Speak English!"


Schultz is a Doctor, which means that he graduated from a University. According to the script The Speck Brothers are referred to as "White Hillbillies" who are Slave Traders.

3)Style of Dress:

Schultz wears a grey three piece business suit. The Speck Brothers are in "Cowboy" clothes.


Schultz demonstrates his mastery of deception by mixing it with his knowledge of four major areas of people activity, Economics, Politics, Law, and War.


  • Schultz asked Dickey Speck to offer a price for Django. Dickey tried to deceive him with a high price. Schultz saw through his deception, because he had a brochure from the slave auction that stated a lower price.
  • After paying for Django, Schultz asks Dickey Speck for the bill of sale, which Speck does not have. So, Schultz pulls out a blank one.

Unsophisticated Racist Suspects represent the type who act as though they're prison guards keeping us in lessor confinement. They're the sailors on the slave ship. The overseers on the plantation. The more modern version of this type of "White" person spends a great deal of time and energy trying to make you believe that a system of White Supremacy does not exist, and /or whatever mistreatment (on the basis of color) that you experience is your on fault. They try to get a lot of mileage out of terms like "The Race Card" and "Reverse Racism". They are the type that most Victims of Racism encounter within the system of Racism [White Supremacy]. Sophisticated Racist Suspects usually recruit them to do the "hands on" violence, because they are less educated and lacking in resources.

The Whites (last name) of West Virginia
Some Sophisticated Racist Suspects, sometimes refer to them as "White hillbillies"(used in Tarantino's script), "White trash", "Crackers", "Rednecks", and / or "Pecker woods". Don't get it twisted these folks are still doing better than the "Richest" Victim of Racism.

In most circumstances a Sophisticated Racist Suspect wouldn't deal with a Victim of Racism (because we usually don't give them any reason to). If they need to, they usually get an Unsophisticated Racist Suspect to do the dealing for them. Unless, they get satisfaction from doing the "Hands-on" work, themselves. Which is what brings us to Schultz.

Schultz is hands-on (I suspect because he enjoys using the law to kill people and get away with it), and therefore FORCED to deal with a Victim of Racism, because it affects his situation. He needs to find three Racist Suspects (The Brittle Brothers). They have a large bounty on their heads. Django is the only one who knows what they look like.

Schultz wants to solve his problem with precision. After they hook up, he hits Django, with a plethora of questions.

Afterwards he says to Django:

"I'm trying to get a clear idea on what you can do, and what you can't do, and if you can't do it, why can't you do it?...."

He was qualifying Django. Similar to a job interview. This is what you must do when you encounter a person. Qualify them. Quickly. Can they help you solve your problems? or Will they help you make more problems?

At first he only wanted Django to help him solve one problem. In a conversation with Django he says:

".....I must admit I'm at a bit of a quandary when it comes to you. On one hand, I despise slavery. On the other hand, I need your help, and if you're not in a position to refuse, all the better. So for the time being, I'm going to make this slave malarkey work to my benefit. Still....having said that, ... I feel guilty. So... I'd like the two of us to enter into an agreement."

Many people classified as "White" express guilt when they CHOOSE TO reveal the truth to a "Non-white" person, that they benefit from the system of Racism (White Supremacy) at the cost of victimizing "Non-white" people, . Just like the fictional Django. The real you currently has no choice, but to be a Victim to their benefit. Practicing code is all about de-victimizing yourself.

This is equivalent to you (the child), blind folded, bound, standing in the middle of a dark labyrinth, with no one to lead you out except an adult that you do not know, who has revealed to you, that he or she has benefited from watching, and selling child pornography of you and other children being molested and then telling you, that he or she feels guilty about it.


There is no time for shedding tears and singing "Kum-ba-ya". That guilt should be used constructively to help compensate the person who needs the most help, by getting them the help that they need (you are one of those persons).

Schultz continues:

".....when we find them, you point them out, and I kill them. You do that, I agree to give you your freedom....twenty-five dollars per Brittle brother - that's seventy-five dollars....[and] your horse," "I'll buy you a new saddle, and a new suit of clothes, handsome cowboy hat included."

These days it is common practice for a sophisticated Racist Suspect to offer payment in exchange for your helping them solve their problem. To the best of my knowledge in this situation, the Racism would be if after you provided the service, they didn't honor that offer. If they see some value (recognizing your potential in helping them solve more problems) they will most likely honor it, and if the service you are providing is uncommon, and you are aware of that, you can make a lot of money. They'll keep coming back to you. The key is to asses whether your helping them is in co-operation with Racism (White Supremacy) or not. Unfortunately, for you and me, it most likely is. I agree with page 87 of the U.I.C.C./ S./C. Textbook/Workbook by Neely Fuller Jr. Please read it when you get the chance.

Having to depend on the system to get money so that we can survive, makes us all what?

SELL OUTS! (I know that some of you disagree)

Your objective should be to provide that service while Replacing White Supremacy With Justice at the same time. If anyone of us succeeded at doing that, Mr. Fuller would be growing cucumbers. Yeah, that's what he said that he'd be doing after the system was replaced with justice.

The relationship that develops between Django and Schultz is an example of how "White" people should help "Non-white" people in a system of Racism (White Supremacy). Because we ain't going to do it all by ourselves. I know it's tragic to accept that truth, because of all that "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" Racist (White Supremacist) propaganda, they've been pumping into our minds since the 60's with. But, not one of them have done it. They all got help from somebody to do something.
Hell, AIG, one of the largest companies on the planet needed a few billion dollars worth of help and got it.

Name one thing that you've learned to do without someone else's help? walk? talk? stand? what?

To be continued......

Stay Strong In The Struggle to Replace White Supremacy With Justice.


Sunday, January 06, 2013

A History Of Racism (White Supremacy)

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Is Malcolm X talking about Racism (White Supremacy)?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Kwanzaa The Other Days

My apologies I tried to post the meaning of each day on each day, but I've been too busy to do that. Obviously, I've missed a few, so I am posting a document here to cover all of them.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

Kwanza: Kujichagulia (self-determination)

This second day of Kwanza is about self-determination. It is about learning how to focus yourself on doing constructive things for yourself and the "Black" collective. That means pushing yourself to meet and overcome all obstacles in your path towards Replacing White Supremacy With Justice.


Oh wow this was supposed to post on on 12-26-12, but I didn't publish it.

Today is the first day of Kwanzaa. I'm not going into the history or meaning of Kwanzaa here, because you can find that at What I am asking you to do today is to practice the code and MINIMIZE THE CONFLICT with other Victims Of Racism, because UMOJA means UNITY. Today we are to think of ways that we can be UNITED and INDEPENDENT of each other while we work to Replace White Supremacy With Justice.

Stay Strong In the Struggle to Replace White Supremacy With Justice.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The Black Code Files

The Black Code Files-

A Site Dedicated to Replacing White Supremacy with a System of Justice.

Please check this site out! This is the kind of site that I suspect will help produce an Effective Number of Victims of Racism to Counter White Supremacy. Tell everyone you know about this site. It presents Counter Racist and Production of Justice Studies (see page 77 of the U.I.C.C./S./C. Word Guide by Neely Fuller Jr.) in an organized manner that is constructive for you and me.

Stay strong in the struggle to Replace White Supremacy With Justice.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Racism (White Suprmeacy) is still lurking (codified)

A codified / decodified version of this article, from a West Virginia newspaper is presented below.

A "nationwide" Associated Press poll found that Racism (White Supremacy) remains in the minds of most "white" people in so-called America. 
79 percent of the White Conservatives and 32 percent of the White Liberals "openly expressed negativity toward black [people] in answers to questions. A follow-up test for subconscious racism found a similar gap, but narrower."
"Immediately after last week's election, a flood of vulgar, crude, racist "tweets" about President Obama swept the Internet, The Atlantic reports. It says West Virginia ranked among the top 10 states where the [Racist] sneers originated."

It's actually 11 and all Victims Of Racism should KNOW them. I mean you always want to be prepared to defend yourself no matter where you are, but these places need extra attention if you travel to, travel through, or at worst, reside in them.

  1. Utah (state founded by Mormons. Their "holy" book mentions "black" skin as being a curse from God.)
  2. North Dakota
  3. Minnesota
  4. Kansas
  5. Missouri
  6. Tennessee (all kinds of Racist actions from here and its the state were MLKjr was murdered)
  7. Louisiana (all kinds of Racist actions from this state)
  8. Georgia (all kinds of Racist actions from this state)
  9. Alabama (all kinds of Racist actions from this state)
  10. Mississippi (all kinds of Racist actions from here, and its the state were Emmitt Till, and Metger Evers was murdered)
  11. West Virginia (all kinds of Racist actions from this state, and it had a democrat congressman from 1953 to 2010, Robert Byrd, who was a member of the KKK)  source (check out the yellow states as well)

"At the University of Mississippi, some white students staged a late-night "riot" yelling racial slurs and burning Obama campaign posters as election returns favored the first black president."

"Non-white" people that reside in "Mississippi" beware these protestors. They are the Racist Suspects who'll become Judges, Lawyers, Doctors, City Councilpersons, Mayors, etc one day. They are the people who will make decisions that affect you're existence one day. Don't get emotional, just keep your eyes on them.

"The Southern Poverty Law Center says America's number of race-hate fringe groups soared after Obama's election in 2008." View their so-called "Hate" map, for the purpose of learning some information regarding the location of any groups that have been associated with using direct violence to maintain Racism (White Supremacy). Many Racist Suspects want us to confuse Racism (White Supremacy) with "hate". Racism (White Supremacy) is not "Hate".   It runs deeper than "Hate". Hate is an emotion. Racism (White Supremacy) can motivate some to hate. But most "White" people practice it, because they think it's what they're supposed to do. Following the logic Racism (White Supremacy) is a business.

"One thing is clear: All Americans must learn to accept racial diversity, because the nation's lily-white majority is shrinking, destined to become a minority within the next generation."

These words "lily-white majority is shrinking, destined to become a minority within the next generation." are Racist (White Supremacist) code for what Dr. Francis Cress Welsing refers to as "White" Genetic Annihilation. Something that huge numbers of people classified as "White" are preparing to......if not prepared defend themselves against. They've taken this oath:

              "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children."

 "Repeatedly, projections by the U.S. Census Bureau have shown that traditional European whites will be less than half of America's populace before 2040." "["Non-white" people] will total "50 percent by then. Already, a historic landmark occurred this year when the number of white babies fell below half."

"Some scholars worry that white supremacy will remain in a different form -- that affluent whites will continue wielding most wealth and power in America, even after they shrink below half of the population. That's an ugly picture, somewhat akin to South Africa."

The scholars need to wake up! That refined form of White Supremacy is already here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Supreme Court ruled that "black" people could never be citizens.


Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) Ruled that "black" people could never be citizens.

"In March of 1857, the United States Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, declared that all blacks -- slaves as well as free -- were not and could never become citizens of the United States. The court also declared the 1820 Missouri Compromise unconstitutional, thus permiting slavery in all of the country's territories.

The case before the court was that of Dred Scott v. Sanford. Dred Scott, a slave who had lived in the free state of Illinois and the free territory of Wisconsin before moving back to the slave state of Missouri, had appealed to the Supreme Court in hopes of being granted his freedom.

Taney -- a staunch supporter of slavery and intent on protecting southerners from northern aggression -- wrote in the Court's majority opinion that, because Scott was black, he was not a citizen and therefore had no right to sue. The framers of the Constitution, he wrote, believed that blacks 'had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit. He was bought and sold and treated as an ordinary article of merchandise and traffic, whenever profit could be made by it.'

Referring to the language in the Declaration of Independence that includes the phrase, 'all men are created equal,' Taney reasoned that 'it is too clear for dispute, that the enslaved African race were not intended to be included, and formed no part of the people who framed and adopted this declaration. . . .' " from

see that actual wording of that decision here

"The question before us is, whether the class of persons described in the plea in abatement [people of African ancestry] compose a portion of this people, and are constituent members of this sovereignty? We think they are not, and that they are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word "citizens" in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States." -
Chief Justice Roger B. Taney

The NEW questions before us are,-

How many people classified as "White", who are breathing air at this time, secretly agree with this decision?

Following the 80 / 20 rule, I'd say about 20% of them agree with this decision. 223,553,265 (the total population of "White" people, considered to be "White alone" and reside in the so-called United States.), multiplied by .20, equals 44,710,653 people. My theory is that this 44,710,653 is the exact amount of smart and powerful "White" people who are practicing White Supremacy in the so-called United States.

Would not today's "White Privilege" represent "the rights and privileges which that instrument provides for and secures to citizens of the United States." ?

Why would such people still exist? 

Because their ancestors set the foundation for this kind of belief to continue on, behind the scenes.

Supreme Court decisions had a profound effect on the whole so-called United States. The mass media of that time had a profound influence on "White" people (and it still does). It made sure that they stayed informed on what was going on.

When did the Supreme Court over turn this ruling?

If you know when, please post a comment or call 510.984.2472.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

The Institute For Counter Racism Science

Here's where we'll be conducting Counter Racist Experiments

We'll hold workshops where we can learn how to practice Counter Racist Compensatory Code

We'll study The UNITED INDEPENDENT COMPENSATORY CODE/SYSTEM/CONCEPT textbook /workbook and the Word Guide as well.
Here's a kitchen where we can cook food and feed those who need the most help
The local Racist Suspects have been trying to get their hands on it for 20 years! Chunky Harrigan one of our brothers from the islands asked me to take it over so that they couldn't get it. He was using it to teach Afro-Cuban dance to our youth. I gave him my word that I would keep it, but that is becoming more and more difficult. I thought this place was a blessing to us, because a week before Chunky told me about it, I had prayed to our ancestors (this includes the first ancestor The Creator, for you narrow minded folks out there) for such a place. The thing is that sometimes what I've thought was a blessing was actually a detriment, and the blessing came from what I learned out of experiencing it.

We haven't been able to get started on this like we want to because the landlord had stifled our program by saying that we needed to obtain insurance to cover anyone getting hurt walking up the stairs (which is two long flights). I've had the place since August 2012 and have spent $200.00 a month on it, until March 2013, when they told me that we had to move out. During that period they apparently saw that this place has constructive value. They've asked me to go from paying $200.00 a month to $1200.00 a month. I've been able to negotiate them down to $850.00.  My attempted wife ( also Victim Of Racism, because apparently some of you think that she's a "White" person?) says let the place go. Then again she doesn't care that a system of Racism (White Supremacy) exists.

I know that it is apart of my destiny to use this place as a catalyst in making Effective Numbers.

But, time keeps moving and change occurs to help me learn from my decisions. At this point I need your advice on this.

So I am asking you what do you think I should do?

Should we keep it? Or should we let them rent it to someone else?

Please participate in the Poll on the right side, under The Institute For Counter Racism Science link, to let me know.

Also. if you'd like to help me keep it, please donate a little something by clicking on donate button in the same area.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Constructive Information from Dick Gregory

Paul Mooney, Khalif Muhammad, and Dick Gregory

Friday, October 19, 2012

Being Apart Of A "RACE", Keeps You In The RACE, That You Can't Win. STOP RACING

Keeping it simple, what the GLOBAL system of White Supremacy boils down to is that EVERYONE (some people will still think that I am only talking about "Black" people, when I am not) on this planet, is apart of a "RACE" to be "successful". Most of us have been indirectly convinced (aka BRAINWASHED) to believe that the only way to get ahead in that RACE, is to get our own "RACE" to WIN THE RACE. Let's say that each "RACE" is represented by a car. If we look at the stats to "see" whose car is ahead in the RACE, we "see" this:

WHITE race cars are in the lead
YELLOW race cars are in second place
BROWN race cars are in third place
RED race cars are in fourth place
BLACK race cars are always in last place

This RACE has been a long one. The records show that it's been going on for centuries.

As in all long RACES , this one has checkpoints that are used to determine each cars position in the RACE.

Checkpoint one is SURVIVAL ( we are taught to get to this position "by any means necessary")aka "LOWER CLASS"



Checkpoint four is the FINISH LINE, aka SUCCESSFUL aka FILTHY RICH.

Each car is supposed to have a driver (the male) and a navigator (the female). Both positions are equally important. Neither position is better than the other. And it doesn't matter whose driving or navigating as long as the team members have agreed on whose going to do what and when.

However, the males in each RACE under most circumstances are expected to be the drivers, and the females are the navigators, because that's what the rules say.

Another rule is that no one in this RACE should be cheating to get ahead. But, everybody has been told that the only way to win is to cheat, behind the scenes.

So far the WHITE RACE car has been in the lead, and because it has been in the lead, all of the other RACE cars still believe that they have a chance to win, because they've been told that the WHITE RACE car got to its position FAIR and SQUARE. They want you to believe that the WHITE RACE car team followed all of the rules.

Following the logic, the other RACE cars, say "Well, the WHITE RACE car is ahead, so we need to do whatever they're doing to either pass them up or at least be tied up with them." So they attempt to copy what the WHITE RACE car does. This is the SQUARE part.The RACE officials tell us that the only way to win is to be "Fair and Square", but we're not really listening. All of the other RACE cars can be "Square", but they can never be "Fair"(meaning classified as "White").

THE TRUTH-  THE WHOLE RACE IS RIGGED. None of the other RACE cars will ever make it to the finish line, because the RACE officials (the referees, the judges, and the commentators), are working behind the scenes to help the WHITE RACE car stay ahead. They change the rules, whenever they choose, so that the WHITE RACE car can ALWAYS stay ahead of the other RACE cars. There is no FAIR and SQUARE. We'll there is, but it doesn't mean what the other RACE cars have been taught that it means. Only cheating. The people running the RACE do everything they can to keep the other RACE cars behind the WHITE RACE car. They've got the other RACE cars competing against each other for a spot in the RACE. The other teams are not realizing that the decision makers of the RACE always decide who goes in what position. It's a RACE that cannot be won.

If (and when) the other RACE cars finally find out that the RACE cannot be won, what will they do?


They'll STOP RACING and work to end this RACE. The whole point for the RACE officials is that all of the cars are in the RACE. They profit from everyone being in the RACE.

The WHITE RACE car is always ahead, but the RACE officials don't tell them that they are, because it is necessary for them to appear like they're racing hard, for the sake of the other cars in the RACE. If the WHITE RACE car team knew that they had the RACE already won, they wouldn't do much in the RACE. If the other cars knew that the WHITE RACE car was winning without any effort, they'd know they aren't going to win, and give up. (Careful don't confuse the WHITE RACE car drivers with the RACE Officials! Their uniforms might be the same color, but they are different. One is for driving and the other is for rule breaking... I'm mean rule making.) Many people that appear to be driving the WHITE RACE cars these days, are only driving a WHITE RACE car, because some of the RACE Officials have given them a license (aka a pass) to drive a WHITE RACE car. But, that pass can be revoked at anytime. The driver with the pass and the RACE Officials know this.

In the YELLOW RACE car, they are thinking that they're real close to first place, not realizing that their position will never change, and are only there because of the RACE officials. The RACE officials have them convinced that they put in some hard work to get where they are, because they believe that they've passed the BLACK RACE car, which was an easy task. The RACE officials helped them do it. But, they still remain in the second place.

In the BROWN RACE car, they are thinking that they're catching up to the WHITE RACE car as well, because the RACE officials have given them a boost, as well. They too think that they've EARNED their position on their own merits, taking pride in themselves for passing up that BLACK RACE car as well. But they still remain in the third place.

The RED RACE car team, has finally been given a boost as well. They too like the other teams, believe that they have earned their position, comparing themselves to the BLACK RACE car, and patting themselves on the back, because hey "At least we're not in last place."

None of the teams want to see  the BLACK RACE car win, because they've been taught by the RACE Officials to believe that if the BLACK RACE car wins, they'll keep all of the winnings for themselves. They've been told that the BLACK RACE car team will make sure that no one wins the RACE, by cheating all of the other teams out of their positions. The other teams accept this belief, because the RACE Officials appear (to them) to know how this whole RACE works out. And the RACE Officials do know how it works out. But, how it works out only benefits the WHITE RACE car team. No one else.

In the BLACK RACE car the male and female are constantly fighting over who should drive and who should navigate. The RACE Officials are telling the "Black" female that if she lets the "Black" male drive that he's going to throw her out of the car, get him a "White" woman navigator from the WHITE RACE car, and not share the reward, once he crosses the finish line. The RACE Officials have told the "Black" male that he can't trust the taking directions from the "Black" female as a navigator, because she really wants to drive, and thinks that if she proves that the "Black" male can't follow directions, that he will let her drive, instead of navigate. So they stay in last place blaming each other for not getting anywhere, all the while, not realizing that the RACE Officials are keeping them in last place.

If you didn't realize it yet, there really is no race. It's only a scheme to help "White" people. The  RACE Officials are the Racists (White Supremacists). The rest of us are "Non-white" people chasing a dream called "success", that will never really happen, because our whole motivation for being successful is to be free of mistreatment.  How many "successful" Victims of Racism are free from Racism? We will not be free of mistreatment on the basis of color until we eliminate the RACE issue.

I hope that this was constructive.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Have you ever tried to fight your Shadow?

 My raw unedited thoughts.

Any "Non-white" person fighting another "Non-white" person for any reason other than to establish Justice, is cooperating with White Supremacy and is equivalent to fighting your own shadow. Have you ever tried to fight your own Shadow?

At this point. If you understand Racism (White Supremacy) what it is and how it works, what you see in the above video should not surprise you. "Black" males and "Black" females have been disrespecting each other and fighting one another for whatever reason and for no reason, for as long as the system has been in existence. To the extent that the Racists (White Supremacists) have had anything to do with it, THEY ARE TO BLAME. When I was 12 years old, new years day 1982, I witnessed a "Black" male kill a "Black" female. We were inside eating Gumbo for new years. "Moms" ( a close friend of my family) had just served us all with her delicious "Louisiana gumbo". I was focused on cracking open a crab leg, and smelling the spices from the hot links, when "Moms" told us a story of how on the day before, this "Black" female shot at her boyfriend, who was standing in front of the liqueur store on the corner of Ohio and Harbour Way. "Moms" house was on Ohio st, at the time. The boyfriend resided in the house next door to "Moms". Anyway, while "Moms" was telling us the story, we heard some yelling outside in front. It was a nice day outside, so the door was open, but she had a screen door. Well we looked through the screen door, and the same "Black" female that had shot at her boyfriend the day before was outside hollering for him to come outside of the house next door. I saw something with a "Black" handle in the waistband of her pants, and told my dad, that she had a gun. All of the commotion that she made, drew what seemed like the whole neighborhood outside. Everyone (all of them "Black") was watching her every move, listening to her every word, as she kept yelling "bring yo ass outside here, nigga!" He finally opened the door and came outside. I remember saying in my head how could this skinny dude, who looked to be about 140 pounds be her boyfriend? He looked like a "nerd" or a "square". He looked like he had a job, and wasn't a "thug" or a "roughneck" type. She was about 300 pounds,and had a rag wrapped around her head, and looked like the type of person that you know you're going to have problems with if she doesn't get her way. He said in a calm voice "Baby, let's talk about this at another time. It's people out here watching us." She said "Nigga, i don't care whose watching us, we gon' do this right now!" She reached into her waistband and pulled out a knife and sliced him on the side of his face. He felt his face and saw the blood on his hand. He ran back in the house and came out with his own knife. They wrestled each other to the ground, rolling all over his lawn. Then he got up. She laid there on her back, looking up into the sky with her own knife sticking out of her chest. It was a horrific scene and the second time that I witnessed someone being the victim of violence in my youth. She died later that day in the ambulance on her way to the hospital. The "Black" male went to Greater Confinement. He didn't stay long, you know why? Because in a court of law, it was ruled that he acted in self-defense. His girlfriend shot at him the day before, then came to his house and attacked him with a knife. Now, we have to be real truthful here and admit to ourselves that because of White Supremacy and how it makes the"Black" males, that aren't into appearing to be "thugs" appear to EVERYONE else. The system tells us (especially a whole lot of "Black" females who are very much attracted to that "roughneck" ideal) that any "Black" male that does not fit into that, is weak, docile, and to be disrespected at all costs. That particular type, like the one who received the uppercut in the above video, have huge egos, that are supported by that "I'm a female and he ain't gon' hit me." or "I dare him to hit me." kind of attitude and they push the "Black" male to the point where he is no longer thinking clearly. You just shouldn't keep on running your mouth to someone, insulting them. Everyone has a limit.  I am not saying that it is her fault. It is the fault of the White Supremacists. I am not saying that any "Black" person is justified in committing violence, against another "Black" person. You should defend yourself against anyone, no matter who they are. No one gets special treatment. MALE or FEMALE. The objective should be that no one is mistreated for ANY REASON. Oftentimes people expect a "Black" male not to break under pressure, so they hurl all kinds of insults at him. The problem is that the system has made him a ticking bomb, when it comes to dealing with other "Black" people. That's why we have so much violence amongst us. WORDS hurt, and just because those words are directed to a "Black" male, by a "Black" female doesn't change anything. When they (the White Supremacists) said "never hit a woman.", they weren't talking about the "Black" female. The "Black" female has got to get that "I should be treated special because I am a female" idea out of her head. It does not apply to her. So, don't expect that a "Black" male ( a product of  White Supremacy) is going to treat you any better. I have witnessed plenty of "Black" females cut a "Black" male down with words. He'll I've been cut down, by them. I've been hit by them too. I've been spit on too. All the while doing whatever I can to hold back a blow, that I would have easily delivered if they were a "Black" male. But, why? Is it just for a "Black" female to think that she is better than the "Black" male, because she's female? I do not blame her for thinking this way. Hell, even "Black" males think that she should be treated better than themselves. I'm not going to lie. I've done this before. I have two daughters, a wife, and a Momma. All four of them love to use their mouths. You can't tell them anything. Especially if you are a "Black" male. You all know exactly what I am talking about. But, we always want to act as though, there aren't huge numbers of "Black" females attempting to dominate "Black" males, before the "Black" males try to dominate them. They try to compete with the "Black" male when there is no need to do so. They treat us as though we've done to them what the "White" man who mistreats "White" woman, has done. "Black" males collectively have never taken away or kept the "Black" female in her place. In fact, for as long as White Supremacy has existed she's had a place that was slightly higher than the "Black" males place. The Racists treat her slightly better and then teaches her to use that to her benefit, against the "Black" male. The slave master had to do an extra job on her, because she is the first teacher of the children. Our children can't grow up to be soldiers who seek to be free from White Supremacy, unless their "mothers" put that into their minds. Many "Black" females are into controlling the "Black" male, trying to tell him "How to be a man", when the only role model of a man that they can go by is the "White" man. Under the system of White Supremacy that is the only REAL MAN that they know. A real man has the power to protect those that he loves from anyone or anything. The "Black" male can't even protect himself. We are in a pitiful state of being. Monsters and Monstrosities. Just think of the image of the "Black" female that is put before us by the Racists. Then ask yourself how many "Black" females fit that image? LETS BE REAL ABOUT THIS. Let's look at the messages that Racists  have convinced  many "Black" females to say: "Don't wait on no [Black] man." "Don't trust no [Black] man". "A good[Black] man is hard to find." "[Black] men don't take care of business" "All [Black] men are cheaters." "All [ Black] men are liars," "[Black] men are stupid." See Chapter 14 "Attitudes", pages 137 to 145, in The Blackman's Guide To Understanding The Black Woman by Sharzad Ali. See Chapter 17 "Arguments", pages 165 to 176, in The Blackman's Guide To Understanding The Black Woman by Shahrazad Ali. See the whole damn book called The Blackman's Guide To Understanding The Black Woman by Shahrazad Ali. Tyler Perry made all of that money from those "Black" male bashing plays and movies, because his work appealed to the thoughts of huge numbers of "Black" females who have mouths like the one in the above video. This is not an attempt to bash "Black" females. But, it isn't attempt at condoning their behavior either. Everyone should keep their hands to themselves and shouldn't think that something about themselves gives them the upper hand over the other either. The truth is that the "Black" female tried to bully and old "Black" male and he went off on her. Did she deserve it? No. But, he didn't deserve his mistreatment as well. Over all the Racists (White Supremacists) are to blame for this "willie lynch" style behavior, that the code refers to as Shadowboxing. Any "Non-white" person fighting another "Non-white" person for any reason other than to establish Justice, is cooperating with White Supremacy and is equivalent to fighting your own shadow. Have you ever tried to fight your Shadow? ___________________________________________________________________________________ More thoughts on this added on 10/18/12. The cause of the "Black" female and "Black" male fighting each other is FEAR. That FEAR was put into us when we were babies. It is the root of our domination and subjugation. Huge numbers of "Black" females act in the way that the female in the video acted, because they have been trained by the Racists to FEAR, the myth of "Black" male domination. The myth of "Black" male domination and subjugation, comes from the RACIST (White Supremacists) Propaganda tactic of FEARING A "BLACK" PLANET. In other words there is a subliminal message that has been and continues to be broadcasted to EVERYONE on this planet to FEAR, the smart and powerful "Black" male (there aren't any in reality), but EVERYONE is on the look out for him. As soon as they "see" what they think are the signs of him, they scramble to take him down, mentally. That is what they've been trained to do. What are the signs? What was the "Black" male bus driver trying to do? DRIVE the bus, in order to take care of himself and possibly others. He was in charge of driving the bus. Did anyone notice that the bus was in motion when the "Black" female attacked him? He was in a position of authority (because he met the standard requirements that THE RACISTS set, for putting a "Black" male in such a position). Most of all he was attempting to do what the whole world FEARS, that the "Black" male is trying to do. GET AHEAD IN LIFE. Neither he or she have learned how to handle conflict with another "Non-white" person. If they followed the logic they'd have used three words MINIMIZE THE CONFLICT. Or the other four words NO CONTACT NO CONFLICT. If these two people were aware of the 10 BASIC STOPS on pages 49-56 of the U.I.C.C /S. /C., maybe it wouldn't have turned out the way that it did. The book Verbal Judo by George Thompson comes to my mind here. We've got to take it upon ourselves to set up MINIMIZE THE CONFLICT workshops within the collective, so that our people don't end up in these kinds of situations. They were both hurting each other verbally, its always bound to get physical no matter who it is Male or Female, if they don't eliminate their contact. If she was a "White" woman he would not have hit her. If he was a "White" man she wouldn't have spit on him or hit him. I have been in verbal confrontations with "Black" males and females. If the confrontation lasted long someone would usually end up hitting someone else. No one has the right to hit another person. Male or female. No one has the right to verbally or physically attack anyone for any reason other than to defend themselves or others. Neither one of the individual in conflict in this video used their brains and followed the logic. They acted on pure emotion, which is nothing new for niggers. We must de-niggerize. Set up a MINIMIZE THE CONFLICT workshop in your area as soon as possible. The "Black" male's FEAR is that EVERYONE will try to subjugate and dominate him. His FEAR is a real one, because the system teaches everyone to do this. When he uses his most powerful weapon (his brain), the "Black" male is unstoppable in whatever he puts his mind to. All he has to do is FOLLOW THE LOGIC.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Notes on CREE's posts

My new response to CREE. Please check out her blog by clicking on the link Black People: Do Not Comply with The Protocols for our Suffocation and Starvation.

My Comments on the above article: Interesting article CREE. I can't say that it is constructive in unifying all "Non-white" people against their common oppressor i.e. The Racists (White Supremacists) but, it does mention some good points. Up here in Northern California, I've seen two "Black" people working at the "Mexican" chain store up here called "Mi Pueblo Food Market and one working at the "Asian" chain store called Seafood City.  The is also one who works at the sushi place across the street from the Seafood City. I suspect that many "Black" people think that they won't get hired at these places and that is the reason. As for "Black" businesses hiring "Black" employees. I am a business owner and out of the 50 plus employees that we have, approximately 30 are "Black" and most of them have given me the most problems. I am serious about that. They act as though I am the slave master, and only want me to be their "brother" after they've jeopardized my business and I have to fire them.   The "conscious" ones are fine, I don't have any problems out of those two.  I know another "Black" business owner who once had all "Black" employees and would not hire anyone else. One day I walked inside her bakery and all of her "Black" employees were gone.  She had all Spanish speakers working in there. I asked her what happened. She said that she got tired of arguing with the "Black" ones, about how to run her business. They would call off sick a lot, be late a lot, leave early, and give the least amount of work. She is a "conscious" person and hated to do it, but she had to stay in business.  She said the "Mexicans" came early and left late. They did all of their work plus extra, without any complaints. I'd like to add that these "Mexicans" are not the "Chicanos". "Chicanos" would not be allowed to stand around waiting for day labor, like the "Mexicans" would. They'd also be harassed. Unfortunately most "Blacks" and "Chicanos" would be too proud to do the kind of work that a "Mexican" would do. "Pride" is a detriment not a virtue.  I am in Richmond and Vallejo, most of the time and from my observation many "Non-white" people don't know how to get a job or keep one. I had to learn those things from employment assistance programs. We still practice slave behaviors. I don't blame any of us for that. Racism (White Supremacy) has made us who we are, and we must resist it every chance that we get.  I hope that this is constructive.

CREE's Response to my above comment can be found at the same link above. Listed below are the parts of it that I chose to respond to.

"And, the Latinos who are not “illegal” and speak English fluently have little need to get work as a day laborer. They are employed of Home Depot, banks, with public works contractors, etc.."

They have the need. They need jobs too. They just don't want to be standing out there with the undocumented "Mexicans". They look at it as an insult to be standing there. It's akin to a "Black" person wanting to work as someone's maid or field hand. You're really going to catch too many "Black" people doing that anymore. It's the same for the "Chicano". There's huge numbers of them unemployed. Instead of hanging out in a labor zone. You'll catch them hanging out at the park or in the house.

"I have hired a black employee six times for 3-6 month periods to do document courier work or maintenance work on my residence. I found them to be exceptionally conscientious and hard-working."

We've hired and fired close to two to three hundred people in the seven years that we've been in business. I am not saying that all "Black" people aren't constructive employees. I have some good employees, that come to work on time and perform how they are supposed to perform. They are the exception though. I do whatever I can to help them, because they are valuable. Hell, I was a one when I wanted to be.

BUT, I am saying that there is a huge segment of "Black" people who aren't constructive to have as employees, and where I am at, they are a plenty. I have had one threaten to shoot me. I've had one throw her uniform off, and curse me out in front of customers, I have had another get caught smoking marijuana in front of the client. I fired him, but rehired him, some months later, because he told me that he had a baby on the way. He was placed on a new site. I caught him a few weeks later with a prostitute on that site. We've caught employees watching movies, eating popcorn, while laying down with pillows and a blanket. They've been caught working out of uniform. tell me they're at work, they really weren't. They've ran up the company phone bill with long distance charges. Watching pornography on my client's computer. Watching pornography on our company's computer. Two have come to work drunk on different occasions. I had one today just not show up or call. The "Chicanos" have given me the same problems. I had one "White" one who

 "And, that my contrary experience and observation have led me to a different definition of “non-white” than you are apparently using. Except for a few people called “Afro-Latinos,” it has been my observation that Latinos can and do function as white at times. Many function as white all of the time. I do not view the assignment of a “white” or “non-white classification as a constant or, even, a discreet function but rather one that changes depending on time and context from decade to decade, day to day, or even minute to minute."

 I'd like to say for clarification that I use the Compensatory Functional Definitions of a "Non-white" people and a "White" people that are on page 20, in THE UNITED INDEPENDENT COMPENSATORY CODE by Neely Fuller Jr. The interchangeability of a "Non-White" person that you mention is because of the "White" people who have decided to accept the once "Non-white" person as a "White" person. But that only applies to the "Non-white" people who SEE their selves as "White" and are also accepted as "White" by other "White" people. Many "Non-white" people with pale or close to pale skin have that kind of ability, however if they use it to be "White", it is only because of the confusion that is maintained by the Racists (White Supremacists). A Racist (White Supremacist) can come around and shut the whole party down once they find out that the "White" person is actually a "Non-white" person attempting to pass for a "White" person. Check here for the Critical Question

Sometimes the "Non-white" person has perceived that "White" people treating him or her better is because they think that those "White" people believe that the "Non-white" person is a "White" person, when in actuality that "Non-white" person is being mistreated on the basis of color and has not realized it, because they have not asked enough questions about what Racism is, and how it works.

Also, 39 years of my existence was spent in my habitat (page 246 of U.I.C.C.S.C.), the San Francisco Bay Area, particularly in Richmond, CA. I have made many observations of "Black", "Brown", "Yellow", "White" and "Red" people and our interactions together here. "Black" people are killing "Black" people and "Brown" people are killing "Brown" people, almost everyday here on a much higher level than "White" people are killing "White" people. It's been like that since whenever the Global system of White Supremacy was established. I just lost a "Mexican" friend who was murdered on 10/03/12 . I never got the chance to ask him the critical question of whether he was now a "White" person or not, but, when we were teenagers, in a gang together he was definitely a "Non-white" person. I do have a "Mexican" friend at this time who was a "Non-white" person and now sees himself as a "White" person (he answered yes to the critical question) most of the time, and he says that he is treated like a "White" person by other "White" people, and from my observation he gets better treatment from "White" people than I do, but, they do not treat him like they treat other "White" people. However, whenever he meets a "White" person that  mistreats him on the basis of his skin color and he can't do anything about it. He gets upset, picks up the phone and calls me, because I am attempting to counter Racism (White Supremacy). For as long as the system of White Supremacy has existed, lighter skinned people have always gotten treated better than darker skinned people and the ones that appeared to be against other "Non-white" people for whatever reason have been nothing more than confused. Here's a joke that Fuller told me, he said that it used to be popular amongst "Black" people who made observations of White Supremacy back in the 1950's.

Three "Black" people, one "Mexican", and a "White" person were waiting at the bus stop. The bus arrives. They all get on. The "Black" people go to the back of the bus. The "White" person and the "Mexican" sit in the front of the bus with the other "White" people. The bus driver looks at the "Mexican" and says "Go to the back or get off the bus!". The "Mexican" says "But, I'm a Mexican!" The bus driver yells "I don't care what kind of nigger you are, get back there with the rest of the niggers, or get off my bus!"

 "Also, I do not know how any white guy in a pick-up truck would know how to distinguish between a “Chicano” and a “Mexican.” 

Of course there's always an exception, but I suspect that "Mexicans" age five and under that have spent more time  and energy (20 to 30 years) here in the so-called United States aka "Mexican Americans" or "Chicanos", have a different way of behaving than the "Mexicans" aka "Mexican Nationals" age five and over that have spent more time and energy (20 to 30 years)  in so-called "Mexico". They stand out from each other, to anyone who observes their behavior. For example- Most so-called "Chicanos" will wear the same type of clothing that you and I might wear, because they are more into show-offism (page 41 of UICCSC) than the "Mexican Nationals" . So-called "Mexican Nationals"  are not "American" fashion conscious about the clothes they wear. I've spent a lot of time with them, and go by what I've learned from them. I guarantee that a smart and powerful "White" person can tell the difference between them.  

  "As an experiment, I asked two black male associates to request applications at 4 different taco shops."

Instead of having two "Black" males there should be a combination of  10 "Black" males, that should apply. Have two of them that speak Spanish, Two that speak Chinese, Japanese, or Tagalog, two others in suits, two others that are clean cut and wearing suits, two others with braided hair, baggy pants, and hoodies, two that are a mix of of all of the factors above, and so on. then I suspect that you'd have a more accurate observation. Just a suggestion of course.

I've known six owner's of  small "Mexican" restaurants, including one taco truck ( as far as I know, we don't have any taco shops up here in the bay). But, the owner's that I know didn't follow any application process. They hired people based on who they knew (friends, friends of friends and relatives), which is what most small businesses do. They don't have enough time to look at applications and do interviews.  Most of these people don't learn anything about business. They do what they do from trial and error. One that I know really well owns a restaurant and market in Petaluma, CA. He didn't know anything about running one at all. In fact I gave him the idea to start it. When we were still in the streets, his mother did so good with her credit that Amex gave her a 100,000.00 credit limit. I told him that they should use that to start a business. Five years later they started it. Most of his clients are Spanish speakers. That would be the only reason that he would hire a "Black" person, and I say that for the others too. 

 "All but one request was met with the response “we don’t have any” or “only so-and-so has them and I don;t know when he’ll be here.”

I tell all of my employees, not to tell anyone looking for work, where I am, when I am going to be there, or give them my number. And we started our company to provide jobs, specifically to "Black" males. The problem is that so many people think that I'll give them work if I see that they really want a job. They use up the time that I spend to keep the business running. So, I avoid talking to people who need work, until I am ready to talk. I am not saying that some "Mexicans" aren't doing what you suspect them of doing, because I've met a lot of confused "Mexicans". But, your observation suggests that most of them are that way. They've been affected by White Supremacy too. I'd like to add that, when you understand White Supremacy and how it works, you will agree that there are only three types of people in the known universe. That's my reason for using quotes around "Mexican". 

Suggestion: If you want to get paid full-time while working for someone, make getting that kind of work into work.

Reason / Explanation: Getting paid to do work is a number's game. You have to be dedicated. You cannot go out and ask two people for work and expect to get hired. That can happen, but it rarely does. You have to work to get work. You must spend six to eight hours a day, five days a week looking for work. You must have a plan.

"People, all people, will take chances and ask for work when they need it if there is any reasonable chance of getting it. The reason that black people do not apply more to Asian and Mexican restaurants is because experience has taught us that there is virtually NO chance of being hired there."

They should go out thinking that there is a chance, anywhere, at anytime, and in anyplace.That is what makes a chance reasonable. If you think that you don't have a chance, before you even start, then you've lost and really didn't have a chance in the first place. Having a chance starts with giving yourself a chance first.

"Since, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 5% of black owned businesses have even one employee, the fact that you have 50 and that you know another black business owner in the same area who also has more than a few employees would certainly make you a very distinct anomaly/exception."

Wow. I didn't know that the census bureau kept track of businesses. The Small Business Administration should be the one to keep count. All of what I said is true. I didn't know that we were doing that well. I guess we have a story to tell, then. I will call BLACK ENTERPRISE MAGAZINE tomorrow! We aren't known to be a "Black" owned business. Our brand doesn't show it, and we don't boast that we are one. There's no need to lie here. I'd have to say that there must be some Racist Subversives within the census bureau messing around with the numbers (which is highly probable), because both businesses are in Richmond, CA, and there are a few others. Because of her business, which provides pastries all over the Bay Area, I cannot divulge who she is without her permission, and because of my partner's affiliation with our company, I will not say who we are yet. I've been wanting to for quite sometime, but, he is worried that it might affect our company. I disagree. One of the "Black" employees whom was an extreme problem (she came to work whenever she wanted to, not when we needed her to), sent him emails with links to this blog and my YouTube channel, because she thought that it would have gotten me fired. But, I can't be fired. BLACK ENTERPRISE MAGAZINE should be able to give a more accurate number of "Black" businesses, I think.

"That in this exceptional experience, you describe the behaviors of your black employees as would the typical white person is beyond interesting. It is, I regret to say, hard to believe."

The fact that what I am describing is exactly how the typical Racist Suspect would describe it is the whole point that I am making. "White" people aren't making this stuff up, these are actual facts that do exist. And Racism (White Supremacy) is the culprit behind these facts. The problem with most "White" people is that they place the blame for how we behave on us, instead of on the Racists (White Supremacists). Our people behaving in the primitive ways that we behave is the fault of the Racists, bar none.

I don't know what the population of ignorant "Black" people is in San Diego. But, here in the Bay Area, there are huge numbers of them. I am talking about the kind that need to practice the 10 basic stops on pages 49 to 56 in the U.I.C.C./S./C. on a daily basis. They are the pool of people that we have to hire from. The Racists have convinced many of us that being ignorant is our culture and we should embrace it. What I try to do is show them that this kind of "lifestyle" (which is what it is commonly referred to) will lead you to death or Greater Confinement. And I am talking from experience. I witnessed a "Latino" male get murdered was eight years old and I witnessed a "Black" female get murdered, when I was 12 years old. We had two crime scenes on our block that we played in. We used to jump over the chalk outline of the bodies, saying that if you stepped in them, you'd be haunted by that person's ghost.  I've seen pools of blood. I've seen piles of blood, brain, and bone all in pieces meshed together.

Let me show you:

"Finally, the same black guys standing all day in the traffic median selling candy; or hustling hard at a gas station trying to make money washing windows and pumping gas; or at the do-it-your-self car wash offering to take over the duties for a little cash don’t, to me, evidence the detrimental “pride” you speak of."

From my experience these kind of "Black" males (and I am one of them by the way. Smile.) that you are describing actually did and continue to do these things either because they / we like their / our freedom, are trying to make extra money on the side, don't know how to get and keep a job, and / or (the most unfortunate and very real issue) are addicted to drugs and need money to get high. I've sold a lot of things myself, I sold candy all through my existence, umbrellas, pies, fish, sodas, books, clothes, powdered and rock cocaine, marijuana, crystal meth, guns, cars, newspapers, and a lot of other things coming up in Richmond, CA.  I've mowed lawns between 10 and 13 years old, I washed cars, had a yard sale at eight years old. You heard of that kid with the lemon aid stand? That was me. Me and two "Mexican" kids set it up on the corner of 23rd st and Hellings Ave. 

Anyway, for the majority of the "Black" males "in the street" that I know, (myself included) that is the ones that are entrepreneurs like you described above, don't want to work for anybody else. We do those things not only because we have to, but, because we don't want to have anyone telling us what to do eight hours a day, five days a week. Because having someone telling us what to do, day in and day out, while under the system of Racism (White Supremacy) reminds us that we aren't men. We'd rather work for pennies than go through such a humiliating experience.

CREE's With Great Appreciation to El Presidente: Hugo Chavez Post

 There are plenty of "Latinos", "Asians", and "Arabs" who think just like Chavez, the problem is that  the Racists (White Supremacists) do a pretty good job of keeping "Black" people thinking about the ones that don't. The ones that don't are small in number when you check out the "leaders" of the world. One of the earliest presidents (1823 to 1824) of "Mexico", Vicente Guerrero was "Black" and he openly professed it. The White Supremacists try to depict him as a "lighter" skinned person and even have portrayed him as "White" on occasion to keep us confused. There were other "Black" people involved in the politics of that "country", as well. Black and Brown Unity Through The Lense of The "Mexican" Revolution But, history is best qualified to serve those who do the research.
The one on your left is Emilio Zapata
Also, the Racists (White Supremacists) that called themselves "Spaniards", set up a caste system there, just like the one that was mentioned about the "East Indians". In fact the Racists (White Supremacists) amongst the so-called "British", "Spanish", "French", "Portuguese", and others from so-called "Europe", have set up these caste systems, all over the planet. For more on how all of the "Non-white" people on this planet being "Black", check out SEX and Race Vol. 1,2, and 3 by J.A. Rogers. There are many "Non-black" people (I suspect most) on this planet who support us and are waiting for us to wake up. I've had many discussions with them about this. The problem is that many of us "Black" people are so ignorant (not our fault) to what's really going on that they don't know who to approach. There are many of them who are ignorant as well. But, "Divide and Conquer" tactics (the shame idea that we are different "Races" of people) from the Racists is what keeps us apart. Do a survey and ask 10 "Black" people (that you don't know) if they support Hugo Chavez or even know that he thinks the way that he does? The fact that Chavez knows the truth (that he is "Black")  is THE ONLY REASON that they don't like him. The same can be said for Idi Amin of "Uganda", Mugabe of "Zimbabwe", Castro of "Cuba", Aristide of "Haiti" Saddat and Mubarak of "Egypt", Quadafi of "Libya", Mao of "China", Khomani (who freed the "Black American" hostages ) and  Ahmadinejad of "Iran", Noriega of "Panama", Ortega of "Nicaragua", Morales of  "Bolivia", Ho Chi Minh of "Vietnam", Saddam Hussien of "Iraq", and many many others on this planet. Whoever the White Supremacists say is the enemy, should be looked at carefully, most of the time you will find that they see our oppression and are more than willing to help us, but, the Racists keep us in a bubble of deception. Did you know that Quaddifi sent 5 million dollars to the Nation of Islam in May 1989, because he thought that money would be shared with "Black" people?

Even if we disagree VGQ is what we have to keep us united.

CREE thank you for doing what you do. It inspires me to write.