Counter Racism Now! Campaigns

Showing posts with label effective numbers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label effective numbers. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Syn-Q’s Effective Numbers Theory


Syn- means “together” /“Unified”/ “United”/ “Mass”/ “Two or more people”

Q- means “electric charge” /“Energy”/ “Power”/ “abundant amount”/ “vigorous”/ “intense action”

Massive Intense Action

That’s what it takes to get an Effective Number of people to Replace White Supremacy With Justice

Syn-Q’s Effective Numbers Theory

The term Effective Numbers comes from The United Independent Compensatory Code (Textbook / Workbook) by Neely Fuller Jr.

It represents the amount of “Non-white” people that it will take to start the process of eliminating the system of White Supremacy.

I want to detail it to specific areas on the planet that are inhabited by enough “Non-white” people that I suspect it would take to get the job done.

I suspect that 8,000,000 “Black” people within the so-called United States, is what it will take to start the process of eliminating the system of White Supremacy in this part of so-called North America.

I made this determination by using the 80/ 20 rule, which comes from the area of Economics. It is a principle that basically says that 20% of a whole is responsible for the results of the remaining 80% of that same whole. There are approximately 40,000,000 “Black” people here in these so-called United States.

For those of you who don't know, you get the answer by placing a period in front of the 20 and multiply it by the whole

40,000,000 X .20 = 8,000,000

That is our target market in the so-called USA. So-called Canada has 800,000 so our target market for it would be 160,000 “Black” people there.

My second objective is to rally up 8,000,000 “Black” people.

How do we reach the people in order to make them Effective in Replacing White Supremacy With Justice?

  One advantage that we have is that the majority of the so-called countries on this planet are filled with Victims of White Supremacy who speak the English language.

I have detailed the Effective Number for each population in each area where the people are both English speakers and classified as "Black". 


These places should be hit with counter-racist information first.




Antigua and Barbuda


The Bahamas










British Virgin Islands




Cayman Islands










































Puerto Rico




Saint Barthelemy


Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha


Saint Kitts and Nevis


Saint Lucia


Saint Martin


Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


Sierra Leone


Saint Marten




South Africa


South Sudan










Trinidad and Tobago


Turks and Caicos Islands










Virgin Islands






Tuesday, April 12, 2011

To Change "Public Policy".

I was listening to Dick Gregory on the C.O.W.S. radio show:

Listen to internet radio with The COWS on Blog Talk Radio
He mentioned that the reason,Victim of Racism, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated was because he could influence public policy. That made me think about, Victim of Racism, Malcolm X announcing his plans to go to the so-called Human Rights (see page 162 of the U.I.C.C.S.C.-word guide for "Human Rights") Commission of the United Nations in an attempt to influence the public policy of the whole planet. Who is the public? The public is the people that matter. Who are the people that matter in a system of Racism (White Supremacy)? Let's spell it, altogether now W-H-I-T-E-P-E-O-P-L-E. But, don't blame them, it isn't their fault. It is the fault of the Racists who hang out amongst them. It has been said (and I agree) that the real reason that Malcolm X was assassinated was to keep him from making his speech to the United Nations. Somehow he found out about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This document is what the Racists (White Supremacists), use against their "puppets"(whenever the "puppets" realize they are "puppets" and / or no longer want to be), to promote Shadow Fighting (see page 361 of the Word Guide or page of the Textbook / Workbook). Research Victims of Racism, like Idi Amin, Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qaddafi, Laurent Gbagbo, etc. I suspect that Malcolm was going to use this document against the Racist Government (see page 263 of the Textbook/ Workbook and page 140 of the Word Guide). See what the new "puppets" get for Shadowfighting in "Cote d'Ivore"? Oops, I digressed. Back to this "Public Policy" thing. Wiki on "Public Policy"- "Public policy as government action is generally the principled guide to action taken by the administrative or executive branches of the state with regard to a class of issues in a manner consistent with law and institutional customs. In general, the foundation is the pertinent national and subnational constitutional law and implementing legislation such as the US Federal code. Further substrates include both judicial interpretations and regulations which are generally authorized by legislation. [1] Other scholars define it as a system of "courses of action, regulatory measures, laws, and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated by a governmental entity or its representatives."[2] Public policy is commonly embodied 'in constitutions, legislative acts, and judicial decisions.'[3]" It continues further on to say: "In the United States, this concept refers not only to the end result of policies, but more broadly to the decision-making and analysis of governmental decisions. As an academic discipline, public policy is studied by professors and students at public policy schools of major universities throughout the country. The U.S. professional association of public policy practitioners, researchers, scholars, and students is the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management." Wikipedia also says that "Shaping public policy is a complex and multifaceted process that involves the interplay of numerous individuals and interest groups competing and collaborating to influence policymakers to act in a particular way. These individuals and groups use a variety of tactics and tools to advance their aims, including advocating their positions publicly, attempting to educate supporters and opponents, and mobilizing allies on a particular issue.[4] In this context, advocacy can be defined as attempting to influence public policy through education, lobbying, or political pressure. Advocacy groups 'often attempt to educate the general public as well as public policy makers about the nature of problems, what legislation is needed to address problems, and the funding required to provide services or conduct research. Although advocacy is viewed as unseemly by some in the professional and research community, it is clear that public policy priorities are influenced by advocacy. Sound research data can be used to educate the public as well as policy makers, thereby improving the public policy process.'[4]" The current public policy is that injustice prevails. What shapes or has influence on public policy? Public Opinion Wiki says "Public opinion is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs held by the adult population (view what the code says about the word "adult" on page two of the Word Guide and page 236 of the Textbook/Workbook). Public opinion can also be defined as the complex collection of opinions of many different people and the sum of all their views." Here's what I say about "Public Opinion"- The only "public" opinion that is valued in a system of Racism (White Supremacy), is the opinions of "white" people. They (collectively) are not concerned about what Victims of Racism, think, do or say, unless it affects them in a major way. The majority of 300 million "White" people, formed an opinion that shaped public policy into making the smart and powerful Racists select Barack Obama to be the next President, because they were tired of "White" people like Bush. Listen carefully (it's part of the same clip that Gus played at the end of the Dick Gregory program above) to what the "White" woman is saying to Mr. Fuller, in the below video. She was basically speaking for the way that huge numbers of "White" people were feeling after they realized they had been deceived by Bush and his crew. The clip is dated June of 2003. According to her "White" people thought "Black" people would be humble. They saw "Black" people as less arrogant. "White" people felt abused from the trauma of the world trade center and terrified by the taking of their "civil rights". Many of them felt "disenfranchised". They felt hey this is how "Black" people have felt all of their lives, now we can relate. The Racists saw what the public opinion was and shaped public policy so that a "non-white" person could be President. If they hadn't of listened, they would have had a rebellion, because huge numbers of "white" people felt mistreated by the actions of Bush. Putting a "Black" person in was supposed to help "White" people deal with the trauma of being mistreated. Huge numbers of them have now forgotten all about Bush, and are now blaming Obama for the results of Bush's actions. At present the public's opinion is easily influenced into blaming the "non-white" person. We all know about the various Racist Suspects whom have blamed crimes committed by either themselves or other "White" people on "Black" people for centuries. I suspect that the smart and powerful Racists knew this. Now, listen to the next part..... If you saw the Obama inauguration, they made sure that "White" people saw huge numbers of "White" women with "Black" males in the crowd. What is the "White" woman in this clip saying about "Black" males? Even though she is married to a "White" man? Okay, I digressed slightly. But, keep thinking about everything around us. In a system of Racism (White Supremacy), most everything around us was created for "White" people to use. Often times they had a thing for a long time before it came our way. Of course, I'm speaking of "White" people collectively. Anything, that you can think of that was created for them to conduct their day to day business, can become a disruption, if you apply your mind to it. "White" people paid attention to the so-called "Civil Rights" movement, only because huge numbers of "non-white" people started affecting the business of White Supremacy. It wasn't the singing and marching, unless that singing and marching was done somewhere it wasn't supposed to be done. Imagine standing in the middle of a store singing and marching about being a Victim of Racism? That's bad for business. Imagine speaking and acting to Counter Racism (White Supremacy) in all places, at all times, and in all areas of people activity? Out of 300 Million "White" people, how many of them are Racists? It should not matter to a "non-white" person, because as long as the system of Racism (White Supremacy) exists, they are all suspects. "White" people should decide amongst themselves who are and who are not the Racists, and then work on getting rid of them, or at the least, work on eliminating their power. See collectively they have the ability to eliminate Racism (White Supremacy) overnight, but, they don't have the will to do it, because it is not affecting their business. Racism is a business. This is why we need Effective Numbers of Victims of Racism to influence public opinion which in turn changes public policy. We need Effective Numbers of individual Victims of Racism, to "use a variety of tactics and tools to advance their aims, including advocating their positions publicly, attempting to educate supporters and opponents, and mobilizing allies on" promoting the idea that Racism (injustice) should be replaced with justice. The idea that justice should be the business of today. What is justice? according to compensatory logic, justice means to guarantee that no person is mistreated and guaranteeing that the person who needs the most help gets the most constructive help they need. How can a "White" person disagree with that? I see how a Racist would disagree, but, not a "White" person. Some "White" people have said that what I really mean by justice is "Black Supremacy". I don't mean that. How does "Black Supremacy" guarantee that no person is mistreated? How does "Black Supremacy" guarantee that the person who needs the most help get the most constructive help that they need? It's all about getting "White" people to have the will to Replace Racism (White Supremacy) With Justice. Individual Victims of Racism, have gotten their attention in the past. The evidence shows that those same individuals have also gotten the attention of the Racists as well. The Racists will say "Hey this person or that person is bad for business. They have to go." They'll try to use deception first, if that doesn't work, violence comes next. But there's more of an advantage in numbers. One million Victims of Racism going to Washington D.C. made a statement, didn't they? But, imagine if it were eight million of us making the same statements where ever we are. Each one saying "Replace White Supremacy With Justice!" in our own way. Eight million Victims of Racism, functioning in a United-Independent Compensatory codified manner-
  • using a variety of tactics and tools to advance their aims of Replacing White Supremacy With Justice,
  • advocating their positions to Replace White Supremacy With Justice publicly, 
  • attempting to educate supporters and opponents on the idea that Justice is better than Racism, and 
  • mobilizing allies to think, speak, and /or act in a manner that guarantees that no person is mistreated and guarantees that the person who needs the most help gets the most constructive help they need.
Can that go unnoticed? Stay Strong In The Struggle To Replace White Supremacy With Justice

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Frederick Jermaine Carter's Death Ruled A Hanging And Not A Suicide

What else is news? We knew all along that it was not a suicide.

Click here for What Happened to Fredrick Jermaine Carter?

Click here for brief info on How To Deal With Lynchings

Listen to internet radio with The COWS on Blog Talk Radio

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

This website is back up and running. Very interesting website. Lots of constructive information. Please go there and practice the experiments, they are very revealing!

I've only tried a few, but the results were constructive in helping me to understand  a little bit more on how Racism (White Supremacy) works and what it is.

Warning: If you do not have the United Independent Compensatory Code Books written by Neely Fuller Jr. (the textbook / workbook and the word guide) many of the words and terms that are used, will confuse you.

Stay Strong in Your Struggle to Replace White Supremacy With Justice